Hello everyone!
I can't believe it's already the middle of September!
Just to warn you, Dallin got a new phone this last week and it has that cool slow motion video feature. So we took a lot of videos. Some of them worked and went onto the blog in slow motion, and others changed into normal speed when I put them on here and I have no idea why. But he loves his new phone because it takes such great pictures and has a stylus. I think this is the first time I've ever seen him have a non-iphone!
Computer Troubles
Dallin finally got a paying gig with the video game thing. He's teaching people who are bad, and they pay him! So that's great, but of course once that happens his computer stops working. His friend Kyle came over last night to help him fix it. Luckily the part that needs to be fixed is still under warrantee so we don't have to pay.
I love this nail color!
This year, I beat the Labor Day Sales!
I went to Kohls and had 10$ kohls cash. They were having a labor day sale, and plus I went to the clearance section. All of that added up together, I ended up saving 95 dollars!!! Ya, for everything pictured below, I paid 14 bucks. BOOM. That's how it's done.
It's birthday time!
We have a lot of birthdays with friends and family that have birthdays this time of year (including us) so I broke out the sign.
We got to interview the current MO!
Her name is Jessie, and she is cute as a button. We had her over and practiced interview with her and then talked about Miss Utah and I showed her my dresses so that she can borrow some. Anyway, here and her mom are both so funny and it was great time!
Lazy 3-way Tug of War
He's a good dad. He even plays with them when he just wants to take a nap lol
Dallin's Co-worker's Birthday Lunch at Texas Roadhouse
There he is on the famous birthday saddle!
I finally did it!
I've been working up the courage to chop my hair off and I finally did! I was also starting to hate the color because I felt like a red-head (nothing against red heads, it's just not my color.)
So, I went shorter and darker! I love it so much I'm thinking about cutting it even shorter! Short hair is where it's at. I'm so over the whole long hair/extensions thing.
This was me at Desi's getting it done. Her cute dog has a spot in the salon lol
It was good that we did it when we did because Desi ended up having her baby like 3 days later! 6 weeks early! She's a cutie and all went well.
It's a long a-line right now. I'm thinking of doing a shorter a-line soon.
The creative shots from the yearbook staff.
I asked them to take as creative of pictures as they could, and get stuff like this. lol They're trying. We'll get better.
More from the Field of Dreams!
We've got to soak it up while we can because we won't be able to go much longer.
Date-Night In
Instead of going out, we grilled brats and watched the Alabama football game last week. It was really fun and really tastey!
The Rachael-Sydney Rendezvous
We met up at Kneaders last week and talked for hours as usual. I saw one of my students lol gotta start getting used to that!
It's on like Donkey Kong
The fantasy football tradition has started again. I'm so glad I'm not doing it. But Dallin's all stressed about how his teams are doing lol
This was me learning how hot dogs are made.
lol Dallin thought my reaction to the video was so funny he filmed me watching it. Ya. It's disgusting.
If you don't believe me, here's the video I was watching. Something about watching waterfall-looking mounds of processed meat makes you wanna never eat a hot dog again.
Poor Josie Girl
These chronic ear infections are getting really old. So, we took her in again. They gave us a complicated set of medications, cleaners and ointments with different schedules and then if that doesn't work we'll have to move to prescription food. Hoping for the best this time because it feels like we've tried everything and that special food is expensive!

Graff Get Together
Dallin's parents were in town last week so we all met up in the mountains for a bbq. We played in the river and it was so great to see everyone again!
Dallin's grampa (aka "papa") has severe Alzheimer's, and health problems so he can't do much anymore. I thought this was a sweet moment between him and Selena. He doesn't know me well but he's always been such a charismatic, nice guy. And it hits close to home for me because my Grampa Flanigan had Alzheimer's too before he passed.
Our Date Last Week
Dallin surprised me with tim mcgraw tickets! It was so fun! And again, I saw one of my students there lol
Tim was good live, but also Billy Currington and some other guy (can't remember his name) they were good too.
The amount of people all packed into USANA was insane. I have never seen that many people at a concert there before.
Cross Country Meets!
The official season has started, and we have some really good runners, and some not-so-good runners. In the boys race we had a 3rd place and on the Girls we took 1st and 3rd. They're pretty quick, and they got medals at a school assembly.
I had to host a meet, and that was a lot of work. They run on a path until they get to a turn around point and then go back to the start to finish the race. So when I got there I had to run the race to put up the cones, and I was just so grateful because I was surrounded by so much beauty, I was out and exercising for my job! That's the life.
We were so lucky that the storm didn't hit until after our meet! Look at the difference! I have enjoyed having rain though after a long, hot summer.
Puppy Kisses = True Love
To a dog, you are their entire world. There's nothing better than puppy kisses
I got my first evaluation!
Well, a short informal one. I love working with such a great admin and staff because everyone is so positive. She had nothing but good things to say, gave me candy and left it in my box. It was a nice surprise.
Little family reunion at the school on Friday!
Dallin came in to be a guest speaker for my yearbook class to speak on sales. We had a sales lesson to try and sell yearbooks, and he came in to give them tips. He took the car up to work, and then after school my mom picked me up and I gave her the tour! It was fun to have them where I work every day. I don't think Dallin ever even saw Prodigy lol
I'm stoked for Fall.
Ya I'm the cliche white chick who likes PSL's, leggings, sweaters and boots. I just think it's fun to get into it when the seasons change because it's a change of decor, colors, styles, smells, tastes, etc. So far I'm loving my pumpkin spice candles!
That's not really our wreath pictured above. I pinned that cuz I loved it. Here's our real wreath.
I think it's cute.
Olive Garden
We went to olive garden and that was fun! This is terrible pic of me but oh well. #sharetherealmovement
I better go get ready for our date tonight! I'll include that next week!
Have a great weekend ya'll!