Friday, April 24, 2015

Roller Coaster Week.

Wow, what a week. It had it's ups, and it's downs.

We give the kids peanut butter containers when it's all gone and there's just a little on the sides and bottom. Jake can unscrew the lid by himself, it's amazing. Anyway, even after all the peanut butter is gone, they still play with the containers like they're toys. And I caught Josie asleep still holding one :)
The calendar said video game night for the date and I arranged to borrow all the stuff from chris and crystal but we were both so tired that we didn't end up doing it. This is what we were tired from. (That and we both worked Saturday.) We have to break up the concrete in the back and it's very difficult. This is how much we've done so far. (and by "we" I mean mostly dallin and Tom)

It has been really hard to drive to work and drop the kids off at my mom's every day because of Jake's sudden anxiety of riding in the car. (He used to love it, no clue what happened.) So we finally left them home and dallin went home at lunch to let them out and stacked boxes and chairs to keep them in the kitchen just in case. Lol it was quite the obstacle course to try and get in and out of there for breakfast. But poor Bentley was distraught. He waited by the door for hours all depressed-like. 

My sweet baby girl had her birthday on monday!

I love her so so much! She has such a sweet personality and she's such a good sister to Jakey and I love every fat inch of her. She got a lot of treats and a lot of cuddles on her b-day, which exactly what she loves lol
This is our song with Josie :) sounds dumb but we dance with her and sing it and she seems to like it lol so in honor of her b-day here it is.

Big thank you to David for coming and helping dallin put this up! It looks and works great! And it was good to see you and Sarah and Selena!

This week we had Miss Kiminy, James, and Bethany over. 

James and Dallin finally finished putting my desk together and me, kim and bethany painted chairs. I think the table and chairs are going to turn out great! It is so fun to see them all. We ate pizza, talked, and painted. They're the best. I feel so lucky to have such good friends. (Jakey LOVES Bethany lol)

I got to do Miss Emma's makeup for prom on Saturday!!! 

She looked so beautiful. I hope she had so so much fun. She's the absolute greatest.
Last weekend I had to wake up at 4am on Saturday to go to Roosevelt for work. So that gives you an idea of how fun last weekend was.

To be honest, I haven't had the best few days. 

This week I've had some tough experiences with people and I'm reminding myself that the approval of others shouldn't impact me and I need to be proud of myself and everything I've accomplished. And feeling this way just reminds me of the impact that everyone has on each other. Even small comments or what might seem like a meaningless interaction can actually make a difference. Sometimes it's hard to get what you're supposed be learning out of a hard life experience, but I think that this is it. You only learn to be kind to others when you know what it's like to feel like someone wasn't kind to you, right? And I am absolutely not perfect on this either, so I'm not saying that I've never made anyone feel bad. I just want everyone to try harder to be nice, including me.

Have I mentioned that Dallin is awesome? 

He went grocery shopping, got my car registered, and fixed the tires and got the oil changed for me all while I was at work. Little things like that really add up and I appreciated it so much. He is naturally a giver, and he's so thoughtful. 
So Administrative Professionals day was Wednesday. I didn't win the radio contest I tried calling in for. It was also earth day, and I celebrated by taking the dumb google quiz where it tells you what your "spirit animal" is. Apparently I'm a bee.

If you know me, you know how sad my cooking skills are. 

I'm assigned to bring a casserole to a bbq on sunday, and it may or may not be store bought and put into a dish to look like I made it.
On wednesday I fell asleep at 6:30pm and woke up to get ready for work at 7am. I'm not sure if dallin roofied me but I felt great the next day! haha it was probably sleep deprivation from the last few days and the roosevelt thing.

Sunday we went to celebrate Chris and Crystal's birthdays because they're within a couple weeks of each other. She was turning 30 and he was turning 33, so the candles on the cake said 63 haha It was really fun. We watched Big Hero 6 and Jakey was a cutie cuddling with Dallin.

Dallin and the other managers wore super hero costumes for a recruiting bbq at work, and his department got new t-shirts. 

I used to not like the company because I'm never invited to the fun things they get to do, but now that I'm over that I'm really grateful that Dallin is happy at work, doing so well at it, and clearlink has really been very good to him. I'm glad he works there and made so many friends and gone so far with it. They also got to go see cirque du soliel last night for their monthly incentive! (He said it was weird.)

Josie had her last postop appointment from her knee surgery. 

Haha the terror in her eyes in pics in the right column are hilarious. She doesn't like it at first because she doesn't know what's going to happen, but after a little bit she calms down.
Well, I'm so glad it's finally Friday. Long week to say the least. I'm just going to pump out a ton of articles today so that I can finally be done with it and watch a disgusting amount of tv until I feel better. 
This quote made me feel better about my indecisiveness with life decisions lol I think it's good to try lots of different's all an experiment!


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spring has Sprung

That title sucks, but I'm officially out of creative post titles.
Last Saturday the date I had on the calendar was "Try an Ethnic Restaurant." Well, I hate sushi, Dallin hates Indian, Kevin made fun of us, one thing led to another, and we ended up a mexican restaurant. I don't know if I'd consider that ethnic, but it was a restaurant that we'd never been to before and I ordered something I'd never had before. So it kinda counts. (It was stuffed pepper thing.) And our waiter spoke another language. And it is always so fun with kevin and Britnee. All in all, it was a success.

I promise, I'm not being paid to advertise for this place. But seriously, it's so freaking good. Best thing about PG so far! haha just kidding. We took Kevin and Britnee there on Sunday morning and ate outside and it was sunny wonderful weather and so fun.

Couldn't resist a photo op of the kids in a moving box!

Our first experiences with home buying have been....interesting. 

I wouldn't say fun, but then again I wouldn't say awful either. It's been a learning time for both of us... lol (Still haven't put up this new light fixture yet because we have no idea how. And it took Dallin and James 3 hours to put together an ikea desk.)

This is Dallin setting up the washer and dryer (I was impressed he knew how), and us shopping for carpet for the first time. And the kids sleeping on a pile of blankets and the pad for the carpet because everything is kindof in shambles....

We live in a pretty cool place...

We have recently started to value living in Utah more. We both kindof took it for granted, but now we're noticing how many cool outdoor things Utah has to offer. Anyways, this cute pond and stream are like right behind our house and the kids love it! It's really pretty and there's ducks and geese out there all the time.

My Travel Buddies

Jakey and Josie do the commute with me every day now. It's been an adjustment for them to be in the car so much, but it's better because they get to go to my mom's and play with Bentley every day while I'm at work. They both have their little beds and seat belts, and they also use their dog quilts in the morning too when it's cold. (BTW, I love having a garage now.)

Josie a little under the weather

She wasn't feeling good for some reason (I think it was her ear infection) and it was so cute how clingey she was and how obviously worried Jake was for her. They're besties.

"So, where are you gonna sleep? We call this bed." -Jake and JoJo

Time Flies!!!

Holy cow I can't believe it's already been a year since this happened! Officially one year ago, Dallin proposed! We were basically engaged in November of 2013 because we set a date and booked some of the vendors already, but it wasn't official because of the Miss Orem thing. I didn't think he was going to ask until after Miss Utah, so he really surprised me when he asked. He did it in such a personal, cute way, it was perfect. It was so beautiful, and I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful guy. 
We combined celebrating it with celebrating Dallin's half birthday. 
(You only turn 26 1/2 once people!)
To celebrate our engagement anniversary and his 1/2 b-day, we went to olive garden. We were getting carpet installed the next day so he was not looking forward to removing the carpet on his 1/2 birthday, so I surprised him and ripped it out myself before he got home from work. The glue was really hard to get off so the tool thing gave me these callouses and dallin took a picture because those callouses were his "present" hahaha his "indoor hands" probably couldn't have handled it. ;)

This is our new carpet!

You know you're old when you're excited about something like that. But it was really worn down before.
I've pretty much watched all the "Big Bang Theory" there is to see, so I've recently gotten into these two classics. I love the older shows because they already have endings. As I type this I'm realizing what I lazy person I am and how I really need to work out more and watch tv less....
(There's a #sharetherealmovement for you! haha I pretty much haven't moved at all in like 2 months)

Got the hurr did.

Looks the same but Miss Desi does an amazing job. And she told me she's prego! Congrats Desi and Cole!
(I'm so stoked about how long it's getting!)

This is why the title of this post is ironic.

What is up with this freak storm!? First the insane 65 mph winds & dust storm on Tuesday knocked out the power in my work building! Then the complete white-out snow yesterday half way through April! I feel bad that all the 55 acres of tulips at the tulip festival at Thanksgiving point are probably dying!!

This just made my whole day....Is that sad?

I am constantly annoyed with salesmen and ads at work, but this one that came in the mail was so creative and cool! It literally jumps out at you! Whoever thought of that is a genius and I think I'm going to keep it.

I've kinda-sorta started decorating.

This is the only room that I've done anything to because it was the easiest. It's so so cool to have my own guest room! 

I have big dreams for the other rooms!!

I'm not sure if all of this is going to happen...(slowly probably) but I want to do a yellow and grey office and I want to re-paint and redo the table and chairs and dresser in my room. So I've been pinning and reading like crazy to learn how to do that, and Miss Kiminy Campa is coming over tonight to help me start painting. 


                           That's it for me!  Have an excellent day! :)  -Sydney

p.s. I wonder how different these would be if Dallin wrote them. Probably really short but really funny. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Moving & Easter

I. Am. So. Tired.

Holy cow moving is no joke! Moving and Easter wore us out! We had such a fun time yesterday with my Mom's family and Dallin's family celebrating Easter. At my Mom's we took the dogs on a walk, played a game, and played Mario Cart (below is me getting my trash beat). At Dallin's parent's we had an Easter egg hunt and ate dinner. It was so fun!

Jakey and Josie loved being around all the kids. And they all looked so cute in their Easter outfits!

Painting is harder than we thought.

We are so lucky that we had all the help we did with painting and moving because we thought it wasn't going to be that tough and it actually was. BIG THANK YOU to James, Brian, & Sara who helped us. This is me wearing knee pads like a boss and James using an extra strip of carpet like a weirdey. 

It's finally over.

We are officially moved. Luckily we got all the help we needed and it went okay on Saturday. We ended up making like 4 trips back and forth in one day! After we moved, James went to Ikea with us and we got desks for our new office! BIG THANK YOU AGAIN to Emma & her family, the 2 Davids, Brian, James, & Tom and my Mom. Couldn't have done it without the help!
Before we painted it was yellowish (ugly color) and we painted it a light beigeish cream. It turned out great! I'll be honest, Dallin did more than me... lol

Recovery Time.

Now we just have to un-pack everything and recover from being so tired. The dogs are having a really hard time with it. They can't sleep, they don't eat, and they are really anxious, so I'm hoping that they start warming up to it soon. 

I have a ton of articles and that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now....
See ya Later Alligator!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's Finally April!

It's Finally April!

Fondue, boxes, food coloring, and dogs.

That pretty much sums it up for this last week's activities. I'm so so beyond happy its officially spring time now! Look how beautiful it's been outside lately! We went on a bike ride and ate outside last sunday cuz ot was so pretty. 

Soooo.... I lied.

I was so excited to move i just wanted to get it over with on Sunday, but it turns out that it wasn't completely ready and there were people there cleaning still so all we could do was walk through it and see it again. (Dallin knew we wouldn't the whole time and I was jumping the gun a little bit.) But we got to show our families for the first time!

Here's our first picture in our new house as first-time home owners!!

I will be honest I was really overwhelmed. I thought I would be over-joyed but it kinda hit me all at once. And there was more work to do than I remembered, but the truth is, it's not that much work. We have to put in grass, get the carpet cleaned and paint. So not bad. I've just never owned anything like this so it's crazy.
(We picked the lightest color just because it will match everything.)

Yay! It's Easter Time!! 

It's weirding me out a little that I've been blogging for a year now. I started this blog when Dallin proposed which was in April of last year. So weird. Anyway, I love putting up the spring decorations because the bright colors are so happy.


The kids got their hair did!!!!

The bows they put in Josie's hair are adorable, and they gave Jakey an Easter themed bandana.

She's Here!

Ryan and Shayle finally had their little Oakley girl. She sure is a cutie!

Clearlink Party Photographer Photos

At the clearlink party a couple weeks ago they had a few photographers and they gave us the pictures they got of us. And here they are!

This is me trying to copy the dancing in the "Uptown Funk" music video. Pretty sure I nailed it.

April Fool's Day!!!

I'm really proud of myself. I got Dallin good this year. Last year was kinda lame because I just shot him with water and then tried to get him to eat something with hot sauce on it and he didn't even eat it. So I was determined this time. I put bubble wrap under the toilet seat, and it scared him when he sat down on it. I put blue food coloring on his tooth brush and in the toothpaste and it turned his whole mouth and teeth blue! And then I put huge globs of Vaseline on the doorknob and trapped him in the room with toilet paper when he woke up. So funny. 

Dallin sucks at April Fool's day. This text is the best he's ever done. (And I don't even think that counts as an April Fool's Joke!) He tries, and fails. I, however, am a master prankster.

....And this is why my self-esteem is so 

This is the cute kids.

The Date-Night

On Saturday we had Kim, Rodney, Sarah and Brandon over for dinner and fondue. Everything was sooooo good! I was nervous because we had never done it before but it all turned out really tasty. We had lasagna and salad, and then cheese, milk chocolate, and white chocolate fondue. They brought their dogs Shadow and Paxon and it was so cute to watch the dogs play together. They're all besties now. 

Kim also made us fruit smoothies. After we ate donuts and watched Troy and all the puppies fell asleep. It was so fun.

I guess that's all for now.

The next couple days are going to be crazy with moving, painting and cleaning everything.

Next time I write on here I will be officially moved! Hope you all have a great week!

-Syd the Kid