Last Saturday the date I had on the calendar was "Try an Ethnic Restaurant." Well, I hate sushi, Dallin hates Indian, Kevin made fun of us, one thing led to another, and we ended up a mexican restaurant. I don't know if I'd consider that ethnic, but it was a restaurant that we'd never been to before and I ordered something I'd never had before. So it kinda counts. (It was stuffed pepper thing.) And our waiter spoke another language. And it is always so fun with kevin and Britnee. All in all, it was a success.
I promise, I'm not being paid to advertise for this place. But seriously, it's so freaking good. Best thing about PG so far! haha just kidding. We took Kevin and Britnee there on Sunday morning and ate outside and it was sunny wonderful weather and so fun.
Couldn't resist a photo op of the kids in a moving box!
Our first experiences with home buying have been....interesting.
I wouldn't say fun, but then again I wouldn't say awful either. It's been a learning time for both of us... lol (Still haven't put up this new light fixture yet because we have no idea how. And it took Dallin and James 3 hours to put together an ikea desk.)This is Dallin setting up the washer and dryer (I was impressed he knew how), and us shopping for carpet for the first time. And the kids sleeping on a pile of blankets and the pad for the carpet because everything is kindof in shambles....
We live in a pretty cool place...
We have recently started to value living in Utah more. We both kindof took it for granted, but now we're noticing how many cool outdoor things Utah has to offer. Anyways, this cute pond and stream are like right behind our house and the kids love it! It's really pretty and there's ducks and geese out there all the time.
My Travel Buddies
Jakey and Josie do the commute with me every day now. It's been an adjustment for them to be in the car so much, but it's better because they get to go to my mom's and play with Bentley every day while I'm at work. They both have their little beds and seat belts, and they also use their dog quilts in the morning too when it's cold. (BTW, I love having a garage now.)
Josie a little under the weather
She wasn't feeling good for some reason (I think it was her ear infection) and it was so cute how clingey she was and how obviously worried Jake was for her. They're besties.
"So, where are you gonna sleep? We call this bed." -Jake and JoJo
Time Flies!!!
Holy cow I can't believe it's already been a year since this happened! Officially one year ago, Dallin proposed! We were basically engaged in November of 2013 because we set a date and booked some of the vendors already, but it wasn't official because of the Miss Orem thing. I didn't think he was going to ask until after Miss Utah, so he really surprised me when he asked. He did it in such a personal, cute way, it was perfect. It was so beautiful, and I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful guy.
We combined celebrating it with celebrating Dallin's half birthday.
(You only turn 26 1/2 once people!)

To celebrate our engagement anniversary and his 1/2 b-day, we went to olive garden. We were getting carpet installed the next day so he was not looking forward to removing the carpet on his 1/2 birthday, so I surprised him and ripped it out myself before he got home from work. The glue was really hard to get off so the tool thing gave me these callouses and dallin took a picture because those callouses were his "present" hahaha his "indoor hands" probably couldn't have handled it. ;)
This is our new carpet!
You know you're old when you're excited about something like that. But it was really worn down before.
I've pretty much watched all the "Big Bang Theory" there is to see, so I've recently gotten into these two classics. I love the older shows because they already have endings. As I type this I'm realizing what I lazy person I am and how I really need to work out more and watch tv less....
(There's a #sharetherealmovement for you! haha I pretty much haven't moved at all in like 2 months)
Got the hurr did.
Looks the same but Miss Desi does an amazing job. And she told me she's prego! Congrats Desi and Cole!
(I'm so stoked about how long it's getting!)
(I'm so stoked about how long it's getting!)
This is why the title of this post is ironic.
What is up with this freak storm!? First the insane 65 mph winds & dust storm on Tuesday knocked out the power in my work building! Then the complete white-out snow yesterday half way through April! I feel bad that all the 55 acres of tulips at the tulip festival at Thanksgiving point are probably dying!!
This just made my whole day....Is that sad?
I am constantly annoyed with salesmen and ads at work, but this one that came in the mail was so creative and cool! It literally jumps out at you! Whoever thought of that is a genius and I think I'm going to keep it.
I've kinda-sorta started decorating.
This is the only room that I've done anything to because it was the easiest. It's so so cool to have my own guest room!
I have big dreams for the other rooms!!
I'm not sure if all of this is going to happen...(slowly probably) but I want to do a yellow and grey office and I want to re-paint and redo the table and chairs and dresser in my room. So I've been pinning and reading like crazy to learn how to do that, and Miss Kiminy Campa is coming over tonight to help me start painting.
That's it for me! Have an excellent day! :) -Sydney
p.s. I wonder how different these would be if Dallin wrote them. Probably really short but really funny.