If you don't get the metaphor all together, I'm basically saying that we're in that crazy part before moving where there is a ton to do and we're both stressed. It's also a weird transition because everything feels sortof like a "goodbye," but we're not all the way at that point yet. We're both preparing for AZ while still giving our all at our current jobs, and that's difficult to do. Much like cell division.
The way my body seems to be coping with this is by being tired all the time. Pretty much at every moment of the last 2 weeks I've felt like taking a nap, and I've almost fallen asleep in very inopportune times.
The Trouble with PE Teaching
I tried racing a few of the students without warming up and pulled my quad muscles. So that was fun. This picture was probably taken during one of my many Harry Potter watching sessions.
Another troublesome thing is that you get embarass yourself at the school talent show by attempting to lip sync with the faculty. (You may want to skip ahead to 3:56 in the video because we kept messing up on starting and the guy introducing us took a year.)
I've had about 4 major injuries, several broken pairs of glasses, and even an ambulance call while teaching PE at Summit. We had icecream sundaes at our last faculty meeting and gave each teacher funny awards.... and this was mine. I was pretty embarrassed to say the least. lol

It's not just the students getting injured though, lol this was my neck after I took a basketball to the head during brain boost. Yeah. I'm surprised I'm not paralyzed.
The yearbook finally came! They were all so excited I had to guard those boxes with my life to keep it a surprise. It turned out really good (thankfully). And I'm so glad I got to be the one to put it together because it will be so good to be able to look back on this year and all the memories we made.
Scottsdale's a Comin'
Dallin went down to check out their new site for Clearlink, and he came home really excited about it. I can tell this is going to be a really fun challenge for him. Anyway this is the cool building they've got for the call floor!
J Dawgs
Health Conference by USOE
I got to go to a health conference up in Layton and I learned sooooo much! There were speakers on e-cigs, porn, zero fatalities, alcohol, sex ed, and shaken baby syndrome. Every speaker shared their expertise on the affects of whatever it was, lesson plan ideas, and resources for statistics, guest speakers, etc. It was really interesting, informative, and fun! I got to get to know some colleagues better and it reinvigorated my passion for what I do. Health is so cool.
Although I was mad that I had to drive an hour each way, the Davis conference center was really nice and we had a really great catered lunch!
Out with the Girlies
I love these girls and I'm so sad that I won't be able to see them anymore after we move. I like people who are unfiltered, accepting, and funny. Lexi and Tara and I had a conversation filled with 100% real stuff, and none of us had to worry about offending anyone or trying to keep up appearances of anything. I've found that people like that are hard to come by. In my experience, people discount your opinion if it isn't their own. Or you find that there's nothing to say because your differences are so glaringly obvious. Not the case with them, and I've never done that ugly belly laugh more with girls. (Usually girls aren't as funny as guys.) You two better visit me! serious.
Another girly outing! We went to Eddie the Eagle and got some mexican food with michelle and shanna to celebrate Michelle's birthday! Woo hoo for being 28!! :) They sang even though she didn't want them to sing heheheThe Adventures of Last Night
Our double date started out at Texas Roadhouse, then evolved into making a fire and eating s'mores. We also had a heated debate over which redbox to get, and then watched San Andres Fault. Whitney and Shad are the most easy-going peeps in the world and it was so fun just chattin' it up. Topics of discussion included: "Who would win in a fight Arnold Schwarzenegger, Vin Diesel, or Dwayne Johnson?", How you define love, Weird things we've all done or said on accident, and reciting all of the words to the "never say never" rap by Jaden Smith. lol good times.
Benjamin is ENGAGED!
There they are- the new love birds. We are both very happy for Ben. The wedding is November 19th and I'm stoked! I love weddings.
The House Sitch.
The house is under contract and it's been quite annoying getting kicked out for random things all the time and having to clean all the time. Anyway, that's me being complainey because I know it's a good thing and we're lucky that it went so quickly. Now we're just hoping that it doesn't fall through and everything goes to plan.

Pinterest experiment
This is here because I forgot to take a picture when me and Michelle were babysitting Shanna's kids on Friday. It was actually really fun and they were so easy and cute. I think my favorite are babies Gavin's age because they're so freakin' cute.
This was at a family dinner that we had to celebrate Mother's day I think. Cute, right?
The Graffs Get Together
This was last Saturday or Sunday and we met Jamie for the first time, and ate barbecue. It was really good to see everyone again.
Last Saturday
This was before we went over there. We were in Provo and went to our old favorite (from 2011) Nicolotalia! OMG their Scapa's are sooooooo good.We also went on a drive up the canyon and it was sooooo green and beautiful.
We got kicked out of our house again and had no where to go, so after driving around aimlessly and getting a car wash, we ended up at Brian's. We played with the dogs and Rudy on the swing set. He was doing the "CHEESE!" thing. lol
Green, Graff, Bingham, Davis, Clark Reunion ish thing
Lots of people at this one. This was our going-away dinner with my mom and tom at their house. It was good to have so much extended family there that we don't see very often. It was really fun. And we got to pick what we ate so we had a "seafood fest" !!! :)
Jake and Josie definitely enjoyed all the attention they got :) I liked that too. And I love that when we get together there isn't much of that social weirdness.
Part of the stress is that I am busy reading this and studying to take this test for my license to transfer over. It is really a ton of information crammed into a small book and it's really dry. Sooooo let's hope I pass lol
I believe the following statement with all my heart.