Wow, what a week. It had it's ups, and it's downs.
We give the kids peanut butter containers when it's all gone and there's just a little on the sides and bottom. Jake can unscrew the lid by himself, it's amazing. Anyway, even after all the peanut butter is gone, they still play with the containers like they're toys. And I caught Josie asleep still holding one :)
The calendar said video game night for the date and I arranged to borrow all the stuff from chris and crystal but we were both so tired that we didn't end up doing it. This is what we were tired from. (That and we both worked Saturday.) We have to break up the concrete in the back and it's very difficult. This is how much we've done so far. (and by "we" I mean mostly dallin and Tom)
It has been really hard to drive to work and drop the kids off at my mom's every day because of Jake's sudden anxiety of riding in the car. (He used to love it, no clue what happened.) So we finally left them home and dallin went home at lunch to let them out and stacked boxes and chairs to keep them in the kitchen just in case. Lol it was quite the obstacle course to try and get in and out of there for breakfast. But poor Bentley was distraught. He waited by the door for hours all depressed-like.
My sweet baby girl had her birthday on monday!
I love her so so much! She has such a sweet personality and she's such a good sister to Jakey and I love every fat inch of her. She got a lot of treats and a lot of cuddles on her b-day, which exactly what she loves lol
This is our song with Josie :) sounds dumb but we dance with her and sing it and she seems to like it lol so in honor of her b-day here it is.
Big thank you to David for coming and helping dallin put this up! It looks and works great! And it was good to see you and Sarah and Selena!
This week we had Miss Kiminy, James, and Bethany over.
James and Dallin finally finished putting my desk together and me, kim and bethany painted chairs. I think the table and chairs are going to turn out great! It is so fun to see them all. We ate pizza, talked, and painted. They're the best. I feel so lucky to have such good friends. (Jakey LOVES Bethany lol)I got to do Miss Emma's makeup for prom on Saturday!!!
She looked so beautiful. I hope she had so so much fun. She's the absolute greatest.
Last weekend I had to wake up at 4am on Saturday to go to Roosevelt for work. So that gives you an idea of how fun last weekend was.
To be honest, I haven't had the best few days.
This week I've had some tough experiences with people and I'm reminding myself that the approval of others shouldn't impact me and I need to be proud of myself and everything I've accomplished. And feeling this way just reminds me of the impact that everyone has on each other. Even small comments or what might seem like a meaningless interaction can actually make a difference. Sometimes it's hard to get what you're supposed be learning out of a hard life experience, but I think that this is it. You only learn to be kind to others when you know what it's like to feel like someone wasn't kind to you, right? And I am absolutely not perfect on this either, so I'm not saying that I've never made anyone feel bad. I just want everyone to try harder to be nice, including me.
Have I mentioned that Dallin is awesome?
He went grocery shopping, got my car registered, and fixed the tires and got the oil changed for me all while I was at work. Little things like that really add up and I appreciated it so much. He is naturally a giver, and he's so thoughtful.
So Administrative Professionals day was Wednesday. I didn't win the radio contest I tried calling in for. It was also earth day, and I celebrated by taking the dumb google quiz where it tells you what your "spirit animal" is. Apparently I'm a bee.If you know me, you know how sad my cooking skills are.
I'm assigned to bring a casserole to a bbq on sunday, and it may or may not be store bought and put into a dish to look like I made it.On wednesday I fell asleep at 6:30pm and woke up to get ready for work at 7am. I'm not sure if dallin roofied me but I felt great the next day! haha it was probably sleep deprivation from the last few days and the roosevelt thing.
Dallin and the other managers wore super hero costumes for a recruiting bbq at work, and his department got new t-shirts.
I used to not like the company because I'm never invited to the fun things they get to do, but now that I'm over that I'm really grateful that Dallin is happy at work, doing so well at it, and clearlink has really been very good to him. I'm glad he works there and made so many friends and gone so far with it. They also got to go see cirque du soliel last night for their monthly incentive! (He said it was weird.)Josie had her last postop appointment from her knee surgery.
Haha the terror in her eyes in pics in the right column are hilarious. She doesn't like it at first because she doesn't know what's going to happen, but after a little bit she calms down.
Well, I'm so glad it's finally Friday. Long week to say the least. I'm just going to pump out a ton of articles today so that I can finally be done with it and watch a disgusting amount of tv until I feel better.
This quote made me feel better about my indecisiveness with life decisions lol I think it's good to try lots of different's all an experiment!