I. Am. So. Tired.
Holy cow moving is no joke! Moving and Easter wore us out! We had such a fun time yesterday with my Mom's family and Dallin's family celebrating Easter. At my Mom's we took the dogs on a walk, played a game, and played Mario Cart (below is me getting my trash beat). At Dallin's parent's we had an Easter egg hunt and ate dinner. It was so fun!
Jakey and Josie loved being around all the kids. And they all looked so cute in their Easter outfits!
Painting is harder than we thought.
We are so lucky that we had all the help we did with painting and moving because we thought it wasn't going to be that tough and it actually was. BIG THANK YOU to James, Brian, & Sara who helped us. This is me wearing knee pads like a boss and James using an extra strip of carpet like a weirdey.
It's finally over.
We are officially moved. Luckily we got all the help we needed and it went okay on Saturday. We ended up making like 4 trips back and forth in one day! After we moved, James went to Ikea with us and we got desks for our new office! BIG THANK YOU AGAIN to Emma & her family, the 2 Davids, Brian, James, & Tom and my Mom. Couldn't have done it without the help!
Before we painted it was yellowish (ugly color) and we painted it a light beigeish cream. It turned out great! I'll be honest, Dallin did more than me... lolRecovery Time.
Now we just have to un-pack everything and recover from being so tired. The dogs are having a really hard time with it. They can't sleep, they don't eat, and they are really anxious, so I'm hoping that they start warming up to it soon.

I have a ton of articles and that's what I'm supposed to be doing right now....
See ya Later Alligator!