It's Finally April!
Fondue, boxes, food coloring, and dogs.
That pretty much sums it up for this last week's activities. I'm so so beyond happy its officially spring time now! Look how beautiful it's been outside lately! We went on a bike ride and ate outside last sunday cuz ot was so pretty.
Soooo.... I lied.
I was so excited to move i just wanted to get it over with on Sunday, but it turns out that it wasn't completely ready and there were people there cleaning still so all we could do was walk through it and see it again. (Dallin knew we wouldn't the whole time and I was jumping the gun a little bit.) But we got to show our families for the first time!
Here's our first picture in our new house as first-time home owners!!
I will be honest I was really overwhelmed. I thought I would be over-joyed but it kinda hit me all at once. And there was more work to do than I remembered, but the truth is, it's not that much work. We have to put in grass, get the carpet cleaned and paint. So not bad. I've just never owned anything like this so it's crazy.
(We picked the lightest color just because it will match everything.)Yay! It's Easter Time!!
It's weirding me out a little that I've been blogging for a year now. I started this blog when Dallin proposed which was in April of last year. So weird. Anyway, I love putting up the spring decorations because the bright colors are so happy.

The kids got their hair did!!!!
The bows they put in Josie's hair are adorable, and they gave Jakey an Easter themed bandana.
She's Here!
Ryan and Shayle finally had their little Oakley girl. She sure is a cutie!
Clearlink Party Photographer Photos
At the clearlink party a couple weeks ago they had a few photographers and they gave us the pictures they got of us. And here they are!
This is me trying to copy the dancing in the "Uptown Funk" music video. Pretty sure I nailed it.
April Fool's Day!!!
I'm really proud of myself. I got Dallin good this year. Last year was kinda lame because I just shot him with water and then tried to get him to eat something with hot sauce on it and he didn't even eat it. So I was determined this time. I put bubble wrap under the toilet seat, and it scared him when he sat down on it. I put blue food coloring on his tooth brush and in the toothpaste and it turned his whole mouth and teeth blue! And then I put huge globs of Vaseline on the doorknob and trapped him in the room with toilet paper when he woke up. So funny.
....And this is why my self-esteem is so
This is the cute kids.
The Date-Night
On Saturday we had Kim, Rodney, Sarah and Brandon over for dinner and fondue. Everything was sooooo good! I was nervous because we had never done it before but it all turned out really tasty. We had lasagna and salad, and then cheese, milk chocolate, and white chocolate fondue. They brought their dogs Shadow and Paxon and it was so cute to watch the dogs play together. They're all besties now.
I guess that's all for now.
The next couple days are going to be crazy with moving, painting and cleaning everything.