Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Grown Ups

Grown-Ups Playing House

Have you ever felt like adulthood sortof smacked you all at once? I've been feeling all adult-like since we got married and it's weird. I always thought it would be gradual, and I guess it has, but now that we're married it's like "wha-bam" you've arrived. That probably doesn't make sense, but anyway the whole full-time work, marriage, taxes, houses, cars, graduation thing all of sudden makes me feel kindof old. But, I don't mean that in a bad way. It's really fun comparing what I thought life was going to be like to what it actually is. (And I think I'm with the perfect guy because nothing is ever boring lol)
I haven't blogged in a couple weeks because I'm having computer troubles. So this post is like 2 and a half weeks worth. 

So like I said before, I'm thinking of doing a triathalon in August. I still haven't committed, but I'm doing the training and seeing how I like it. So far I think it's fun. Dallin swam in high school, and I can't even put my head under water without plugging my nose, so he gave me a little lesson. Surprisingly, I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be. He gave me a 7 out of 10! However, I'm sure I was a little pathetic to look at and he's just saying that to be nice.

Miss Emma Lou has her Miss PG workshops every Saturday morning, and last Saturday I missed it because I've had a little cold, but the Saturday before I was there. We worked out afterward and this was the craziest machine I've ever seen! lol you get used to seeing the same things, so when I saw this of course I had to try it. It was so weird. You just keep climbing the later and it feels like you're falling the whole time.

And this is her practicing for swimsuit walk. Stunna! Woo! They're pretty hard core making them do that at a workshop, lol we never had to until dress rehearsal! Emma did great!

St. Patty's Day is upon us ladies and gentlemen! I made this wreath last year and never took it apart so I used it again this year.
 The cute fabric at the bottom is the table runner that Shelly made. She's really talented. She could probly make so much money off of those and her quilts that she makes because they're so good.
 The following two pictures are on here because we just miss Hawaii and we saw these recently and reminisced a little.
 This was the main street right in front of the beach. Dallin's phone does cool panoramic pics.

I forgot in the last post that I went to the Miss Orem opening social and saw Amy, Monique, Camille, Kim, and Maddy. Amy is letting me borrow this dress for the clearlink party on the 21st and I'm so excited! It's so pretty on.
Being at the opening social as a spectator was odd but cool. It made me think back to how it was for me 1 year ago. I couldn't believe that it's already been a year, and it really made me miss the experiences and the people.
I'll always be so grateful that I did pageants. Good times and great ppl.

This was the Saturday date 2 Saturdays ago. We went to the Olympic ice oval and went cosmic ice skating! Yes it exists! We love hanging out with Kevin and Britnee, they are so fun. First we got coffees at beans and brews, then we skated around the regular oval, then we did the cosmic skating in the center, and we went to the Pie pizza after. Such a fun experience.
I took a little skating lessons when I was young, and Dallin said he hasn't skated much, so I thought he was going to be worse than me. Apparently, all that has left me because I suck! Britnee and I were falling on each other and it was so funny. And the boys had to wear the same hoodie, lol that was weird.
 Happy birthday to Selena, Sara, and Brian Graff! We went to celebrate for Selena and Sara's birthdays, and lil Rudy here experienced his first obnoxious flash of a camera! lol that face!

Rachael and I had our monthly girl-date. We went to see the Wedding Ringer movie and it was awesome because right before I found some coupons for free tickets and free concessions! It was an okay movie (some cheesey parts) and I got to ride in her brand new Lexus!
 I was on pinterest and I found Dallin's doppelganger! Lol this is what Dallin would look like if he got a bicep tat and gelled his mustache! hahaha
This last Saturday, Britnee and Kevin had the Clearlink Range Rover for the weekend, so we took a drive in it with them. It was really cool. We drove around, went to dinner at El Chihuahua, and then as if we weren't stuffed, went to Leatherby's right after for dessert. It was so fun being in a fancy car and eating enough for 3 days of a healthy calorie intake with gut-busting funny people.
 This is Dallin the day before getting the surprise massage I got him for hitting his bonus at work that he worked so hard for. He loved it. (I'm pretty sure he didn't want me taking his picture though.)
 For those of you who wonder why Josie is overweight...this is why. This is the face she gives me every time I eat. How can I resist but to give her just a little peice? She's so freaking cute!
 We looked at a townhouse in Pleasant Grove, loved it, decided it was a good financial decision, and then made an offer. It was a "For sale by owner" place, so this was Dallin writing the offer. He is really excited about it (although he doesn't look like it in this pic) this was just late at night and he was trying to do it right.
I'm so glad that he is so responsible and thorough with this house thing. We've had to think about what will be smartest in the long run, so it's taken a while, but he's been really smart about the whole thing.

What happened?!?! We were having weather in the 70's just a little while ago and all of a sudden this freak storm hit. It was a total white-out in some places! Ugh. Utah weather is bi-polar.

Last night we played a game together and danced in the kitchen. It sounds stupid, but it's everything I dreamed marriage would be. He's so thoughtful and fun. BFF's foreve's.
 This was a V-day thing that's still on the fridge. I wrote down all of my favorite memories. It's so nice to see that when I'm busy or stressed because it reminds me of what's really important in life.

So this was just a weird thing I noticed...

 It's funny how different we are from who we used to be, but also how many similarities there are as well. (Dallin was a psycho on that 4-wheeler btw. He almost flipped it on himself several times.)

Gotta Go!
Stay Classy Salt Lake City!