Marching Through March
So again, I've been busy, so this is like 2 weeks worth of our life. We've had so much fun. I like taking the time to do the blog because it makes be realize how much we've accomplished and it makes me remember all the fun times and take time to be grateful. (Yes, I know that was a run-on sentence.)
Two Weekends Ago Date
Our last Saturday was so fun! It has been such great weather, so we spent a lot of time outside. I went on a bike ride most the days after work, and it's so therapeutic! Haha running sucks in comparison!
Anyway, we went to Daybreak Lake and walked around with the dogs. There were a lot of birds and it was funny to see how much Jakey loved watching them. It was so pretty and relaxing out there.
I took the kids to the Jordan River Trail one day when Dallin had to work late and I let em swim in the river. Jakey loved it of course, and Josie went in up to her feet (which is more than she'll usually do). She also went pretty far on her own before she rode in the stroller. She's getting a lot better.
This is another pic from out there. These pictures don't do it justice. It's a really cool trail because there's gazebos out on the water and little benches and sections for the dogs to get in, and play areas for kids and big open fields.
This is Miss Emma Lou at her dress rehearsal.
She looked so pretty in all of her outfits but she got so many compliments on her talent dress. I was taking a picture of the lipstick so I wouldn't forget what color was best. (Being a hostess is secretly kindof scary because you don't want to mess it up for your contestant! lol ) She got a really bad cold/flu and was feeling terrible during the whole rehearsal. She was such a trooper tho, and she toughed it out. She still did great and she looked great doing it!And this is my son. Just chillin like a villain watching tv.
I finished all the Selection books and loved them! Now I'm waiting for the Heir to come out in May so I can read that too! I'm always so sad when I'm done with a series. Now I need something good to read again.
This is my new swimming get-up. For some reason it makes me feel like a frog when I wear it.
Josie's cute piggy tails!!! :)
Dallin is such an MVP husband. He surprised me by cleaning and getting flowers :) and then we played with the kids in the teepee and watched the Big Bang Theory with the apple tv. (Its great that way because there's no commercials!)Last Sunday we went with Britnee and Kevin to this amazing sports bar and grill place and I had the best burger I've had in my entire life. It was huge! The waiter and Britnee both laughed at me when I ordered it. Dallin kept saying he's never seen me eat so much meat, and I never get hamburgers. Soooo good.
Dallin and Da Boyzzz
Dallin, Kevin, Brian, and a bunch of other clearlinkers got to go to the Jazz game with free dinner under the court before the game for their work incentive that they won. They had fun.
Sooooo..... graduation is coming up.
The graduation ceremony is April 30th and I've been thinking about what I should put on the top of my cap thing. There are some really funny ones.

If you have any ideas of what I should do tell me! I like the "Look at me now, I'm gettin paper!" lol and the Hogwarts ones and the "Hope this B.S. pays off!"
I guess I get to wear a medal because I'm "cum laude" so that is pretty cool.
You probly already know because Dal Fbooked it. We bought a house! It's in Pleasant Grove and we're stoked!! We went out to dinner to celebrate and of course I'm randomly holding a lobster in our beloved picture with the key for our first house. lol Gotta be different right?
I'll be honest, it freaked me out a lot to hold that thing, but I couldn't resist!
Twenen, Callie, and Juli you wanted pics! I know it's kindof dark on the one of the outside and they're small, but we don't want to have the address online.
This is our official report for the inspection! I was surprised by how fast the process went by, but now it's going to go by slow because we can't move in for another 3 weeks! AHHH! Lol we love it and we can't wait.
This is my, "Holy Cow We Have A House Now!" face.
The Miss Pleasant Grove Pageant!
It was such a fun experience to be on the other side of pageants. These pics are of the rehearsals and pageant night. Miss Emma Lou did so good!!! She's absolutely gorgeous and talented and funny and smart and we had a blast.
(p.s. it was also cool to see Jessica, Madi, Donna, and Sean. Small world!)
The Gutke Family is just such a sweet, good family. They gave me those pretty flowers, a popcorn maker, lots of different types of popcorn and toppings, candy, and movie tickets! Spoiled! And they know just the way to my heart :) popcorn and movies. Yesssssss!! Can't wait to try that bad boy out and see Insurgent when it comes out! They're the best and I loved being hostess to such a sweet girl.
Julie, imagine me saying "Thank you" in a British accent. lol
Rollin' in da Rover.
We had the company range rover this weekend and it was fun to mess with my dad and send him a picture and say we bought a new car. He freaked out so it worked :)
Oh, and there's me and Larry the Lobster again.
My dad will be happy to know that the 4 leaf clover that I always wore for tests and pageants and sports games was with Emma during Miss PG! Jakey being cuddly and cute. And Pictures at my work. All of a sudden I've had a ton of articles and it was busy today at work. Outside the window tho, I spotted that someone was being patriotic with their writing on that truck lolWhat a Sunrise!!!
Me and my mom walked out of the gym and drove home, and literally within that 5 minutes all these intense colors were already gone. It came and went quick but man it was pretty.
Look how cool Dallin's eyes are!
haha I know it's weird, but I think its cool how they look brown from far away but when you look closer they almost look yellow or green in some spots.
So anyway, that's it for my ramblings. Hope you're all livin' the dream, after all, "You only YOLO once."
-Sydney Lester Graff