Love's Day
This week was a busy one, but a good one.
This is the adoreable Josie Louise snuggled in the huge Love Sac chewing on a bone. She gets into the perfect position and then just looks at you like "you better find another spot cuz I'm not movin."
(And she basically ate that entire bone in one night.)
The end of the couch is Jakey's favorite spot. And he can tell when I'm taking a picture of him so he always looks and holds still. He likes to have his head raised so he's always right there or puts his head up on a pillow.
This is the lovely Miss Emma! She got her pictures back for the pageant and she chose this one for her head shot! Beautiful! She's going to wear my Miss Utah ramp gown for her talent song as well, and she looks so good in it. I went down and helped her with her paperwork, and one thing led to another, and I ended up rapping for her and her dad. Good times. She's going to do great. This is my motto that I'm teaching her for pageant hair. Tease it to Jesus! lol just kidding Emma!! ;)

(Below) My kids are models. They completely follow orders when it comes to picture taking. They hold completely still and let me go at all different angles before they move. (Does this mean I take too many pictures of my dogs?! lol)
This is them decked out in their Valentine's day apparel. You can't see it but Josie's dress has a heart on it.
This is a summary of our Valentine's Day! I had to work all day Saturday, so we celebrated Sunday. Saturday morning I had to wake up at 4am, and Dallin left me a surprise that he ironed my scrubs and completely de-linted them! Sunday we went to Ruth's Chris and used the gift card that Matthew and Shanna gave us for christmas. At the end we both said that was our best date yet. We talked the whole time about deep stuff and it was a good change of pace being in a romantic setting and eating the best-tasting food on the planet. During dinner, we answered questions about each other from the Newlywed game, and we both knew most of them!!
My present to Dallin was this card that's as big as Josie, and chocolate covered strawberries and a paper full of all my favorite memories of him. He took me to Ruth's Chris, and he also said he got a little extra $ at work he wasn't planning on, so I can get things I need for doing a Triathlon in August. (I'm not committing to it yet, but I'm starting the training now and seeing how it goes first. So far, it's really fun and I'm so glad that Dallin is excited for me and supports me in it. He's going to teach me how to swim for it since he swam in high school.)
I got this in an e-mail and I couldn't believe we've already been married for 6 months! Crazy!
We celebrated by doing the usual laid back night with popcorn and the bachelor lol
Wednesday, we babysat for Matthew and Shanna while they went out for Valentine's Day. Kensley & Austin (Dallin's neice and nephew) are freaking adoreable and funny. We had fun laughing at the cute little things they say.
My mom is a stay-at-home grandma for the "kids" and she keeps me updated throughout the day with lovely pics like this. Jake likes to go lay in the yard and think about life.
I was inspired by that quote and took a pic.
Gotta go!