This week has had it's ups and downs as well. But here's the long & the short of it.
Rach & Syd against the world
Our dynamic duo got together to try Cubby's in Lehi. I had heard it was good and I'm glad we went because both the food and company were glorious! Holy crap if you haven't gone there yet, go. So friggin good. And the conversation with Rachael was hilarious and therapeutic as usual. Love u rach!
Another Adventure
We thought it was time to fully assimilate into our new culture by experiencing the famous Strawberry Days. I've never gone before (except to be in the parade... and that doesn't count) and it was fun! It was smaller than Orem summerfest, but we found the shops quaint, the food scrumptious, and the people friendly. You can't say you've had a summer without going to a good fair :) worth the heat & the kids behaved perfectly!
If you notice this shirt that Dallin's wearing, I got it for free from work. He has gotten 2 shirts, 2 car air fresheners, a car phone holder, 2 water bottles, sunglasses, etc. just from my new job. And he's always asking me to bring home more because apparently he loves it!
Speaking of Work...
this is it. Before I was at the chair with the other chair you're seeing in the middle bottom, and then I moved up to having my own desk as you can see in the top left.
Side Project
So I was at work and they asked me to be in a catalog for selling potential clients work out clothing. They are going to photoshop the logos on it so that clients can see it working for them. It was really fun! Here are some of the shots. (I can't figure out how to make them bigger)
So the guy that you can see we shot with helped me out with this photo. (I can't remember his name, but he was really nice and quiet.) Anyway, I told the photographer that I wanted him to photoshop the dude's arms onto my body, so he had the guy stand behind me and flex while I put my arms behind my back. Worked perfect! Haha nice n' manly with hair and everything but it looks like my arms!
A day for fathers
It was fathers day! And yes, we celebrated it for Dallin. This is him and the kids.
This was the card I found that fit perfectly for his "kid" situation lolTo Tribute our Dads
These guys are all amazing in their own ways, and I'm so grateful that we have them. I know we're so lucky because they have helped us with home projects, given us advice, and helped us understand what's really important in life. I wish we could see them more. We love them all.
Unexpected Calamity
Josie has terrible luck. I don't know why all the bad things always happen to her. But when we went on a walk, she got like 10 fox tails stuck in her feet. They worked there way up until her foot swoll up really big and we had to get them removed. We waited around at the coffee shop till she was out of surgery.
So that was our Saturday lol
After we took the bandage off she looked so weird. They had to shave her foot so it looked like a weird rabbit-alien hybrid foot on a fluffy puppy. lol poor kid.
Lazy Date
In honor of Father's day, Dallin got to choose what we did, and it sound simple but it was so fun. We went to a restaurant in Salt Lake and ordered small things spread apart and just stayed and talked for a really long time. We had never been there before and it was delicious. We had mostly all appetizers, and a dessert. Sometimes it can be so good for you to just sit, stop worrying, and talk to each other from the heart.

The Kids got their Hurr Did
We went to a cute little grooming shop in PG. The girls there were so sweet and caring, and they didn't even charge me for teeth brushing!
In case you couldn't see from the picture above, I gave Josie a mani-pedi. I figured if her toes had to show because of the fox-tail incident, they might as well be a cute color. She doesn't seem to care at all.
Clearlink had a party! Shock!
I just say that because I wish I could have parties like this for work. Anyway, they had a party to start the Vegas incentive, and I didn't get the best pictures because I took them early in the night. There was a lot of people by the end. We played water kickball and I sucked, but it was fun! It was catered by wallaby's and that food blew my mind! I took this selfie because I bought a "doo rag" and Dallin made fun of me, so I wore it to the party. It looks weird if you stretch out the fabric, but all bunched up it just looks like a head band. I guess he didn't believe me at first becuase I showed it to him like a doo rag covering most my hair ;) lol
You know what they say about moments...
I think it was Dr. Suess who said, "You never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." Things like this just kind of happen out of the blue. We went on a walk, decided to let the dogs off the leash in a big field, and we ran with them and laid around and talked. That's my kinda night. I think we'll remember simple things like that always because everything about it was peaceful, playful, and perfect.
All the Hairs on my Head
I thought it was cool that I figured this side braid pony thing out. Michelle and Brian came over a grilled cajun turkey burgers with us this night and it was sooo good. Guess I forgot to get a pic of that. It's so nice seeing them more often! (& I need to get that recipe)!
It's a Telco Thing.
We went to Buffalo wild wings with all the coaches and their wives for an incentive. They did well on something and I don't fully understand what but it was a good time nonetheless! I got to meet new people because I didn't know everyone there, and I met little cute Nixon as well!
(Sydney Lester the 4th.)