Well, time's passing.
Slowly, but it is indeed passing. (Warning: I'm not in the best mood. Might have something to do with friend issues, a random nosebleed, working out sucks & it's swimsuit season, plus I'm hangry.)
I've always liked oatmeal, but this stuff is better. It has nuts in it! It's so good. I can't wait for it to be morning just so I can eat it.
Dallin Aced his Business Test!
Dallin is a really smart guy. He studied a little, and then aced a test that the majority of the class failed. He's kindof a big deal. He has many leather-bound books and his house smells of rich mahogany.
Found this gem in Dal's phone
Apparently dallin takes pics of me sleeping. Sortof creepy, but I'm glad he did because Jakey looks stoned :)
Swimming with a Youngster.
Went to the pool with Rudy and Michelle and it was fun!
He was a little confused at first, but then he loved it!
Perks for the Worker Bee!
I love working for a bigger, growing company! On Thursday we got free lunch from Chedda Truck and it seriously blew my mind. I ate a burger with bacon and an egg on it! Holy cow they know how to whip up a quality stop-your-heart kindof meal.
A Brief but Excellent Visit
Shayle was on her way to Idaho and squeezed me in on Friday! Jake and Oakley's interaction was priceless. He loved her and she loved him. He was so gentle and wanted to always sit by her and tilted his head anytime she made a noise. She does this cute thing where she sounds like she's snoring when she's awake. (Josie does the same thing. I can see how it's offensive to some people when I compare the dogs to human children, but to me, they are. And there are a lot of similarities lol)
It was so good to see them and although I wish she never moved, I'm glad they're happy.
The Big, New Idea
I became sick of have man hands but not wanting to fork out loads of money to get my nails done. So, I gave the cheap-o nails from Walmart a second try. This time, I filed the crap out of my nails, put acetone on them, did some research on the best brands, and changed the type of glue. AND IT WORKED! They ended up staying on the whole week and I took them off. I bet they could have lasted 2 weeks. I did the math, and even if I change them every week, I'd end up saving 540$ a year! Getting your nails done ends up being about 55-65$ a month, and if you do it this way it looks just as cute, lasts just as long, and it's 5-10 bucks a month. I'm stoked about this realization because I can no longer justify spending that much on a temporary vanity.
It's already Miss Utah week!
I can't believe this time last year I was freaking the heck out and heading to Miss Utah. I was the fittest I've ever been, I conquered so many fears, made friends, and gained serious perspective on what's important. Although there were times I was overwhelmed beyond belief, it was such a rewarding experience and so worth it. There were definitely things I hated- (the amount of money the program makes off of the event, amount of service not affecting scores, and scoring caters to flashiness). BUT! I am sooooo glad I did it. There are so many lessons I couldn't have learned any other way, and I did so many amazing things and had so many opportunities. I was able to feel like my participation in various causes made a positive difference in the world, watch myself become better in every aspect of life, meet inspiring people, dance on captitol theatre stage, and surprise myself at what I'm capable of. Although I didn't "win" anything in the traditional sense of the word, I've never been so proud of myself. I accomplished every goal I had (including have a 6 pack! lol wish I could have that back!)
Good luck to all the contestants- especially the ones I know! It's so fun, rewarding, and action packed! Love it. Wish I could go.
Good luck to all the contestants- especially the ones I know! It's so fun, rewarding, and action packed! Love it. Wish I could go.
New Food Love
If you haven't been to the Wild Zucchini in American Fork yet, go. It's got raving reviews from this Graff clan. It's all noodley, fresh, vegetabley, & pesto-ey. I think it's technically italian. It's so good!
You never know what yer gonna get.
I made it through week 1 of the new job. I'm excited to get good at what I do and the people I work with are so friendly. I have no idea where my working career will lead, and it's gone completely different so far than I thought it would. Although I'm not teaching, I did need a degree to get a good job, I'm challenging myself, and making good money. You never know where you're gonna end up, and I'm enjoying where I'm at now.
Dallin's latest music phase
This song is so catchy and Dallin makes us listen to it in the car every time, no matter where we're going. We both go through intense music phases, and I'm glad this time we both like the same song. lol (Flashback: Young Homie by Chris Rene summer of 2011....good times)
Friday Night Surprise
I didn't know because we usually don't go out on Fridays, but I guess Dallin was planning on taking me to Jurassic World on Friday! We ate outside on the patio at Buffalo Wild wings, the weather was perfect, and then we went to the movie. Of course, I think I missed the whole point of the movie because I just left feeling so sad for all the dinosaurs that died. But, Dallin liked it!
Summer Time Chillin'
I wish it could be summer year round and I could be outside more during the week. I sat outside writing on my laptop with a beautiful view and the kids. When I opened the door to let the kids out in the morning Jakey wouldn't come in because he wanted to sun-bathe :)
He's just like me, it takes a lot of coaxing to get him outside when it's cold out there but when it's warm he won't come in.
Saturday Night Date!
I LOVE BEES GAMES! Unhealthy food, singing "Take me out to the ball game," seeing a dude get smoked in the chest by a homer, wearing hats, yelling ridiculous cheers, fireworks, and getting free crap you'll never use. Nothing better than that. Plus we were on like the first row! If Heaven doesn't have those amazing 2,000 calorie game dogs, I don't wanna go.
You won't believe it, but I did yard work.
In my own yard! It's crazy being a home owner- makes you do things you never thought possible. I, Sydney Graff, weeded on my own accord! If you woulda told my 10 year old self that one day I would want to weed, I would've had a heart attack.
The plan is to resurrect the dying grass, plant flowers, get a cutesy window box, and hang outdoor lights :)
But the kitchen table still isn't done, so I guess one project at a time.
This was Today.
-We cleaned up the office area and hung some decorations so it felt less like a depressing, messy hole. I still have big dreams for that room, but the unfortunate fact that decorating takes money smacks me the face every time I start.
-We went to the pool today and Dallin burnt the crap out of himself. Anyway, while we were there I was marveling at the view and the mountains and listening to country music and it was a glorious time.
-We got a lot done, and stopped at Carls Junior in our matching shades and sunscreen stench for lunch. Their oreo shakes are to die for. (Okay, I'm starting to notice a food theme happening with this blog. Fatty red flag goin' up.)
-The Graffs came over to watch yet another NBA finals game. (Still don't understand why there can't just be one game, but It was good to see them all nonetheless!)
I think that's the reader's digest version of what's gone down this week. Till next time folks.