Our Lives This Week!
This week we've had some changes in our schedule. Me and my mom, like lots of others, did the cliche new years thing and got gym memberships. It's been weird getting back into the swing of things after miss utah. A lot has changed in what I'm able to do sadly! haha I am back to square one, but it feels great getting back to my healthy self.
This is my hot gym partner at 6:30 am. She's a champ for getting up with me every morning to go because I definitely wouldn't have as much gumption to go every day without a partner.
Okay, I know it's weird, but I get my fitspiration for working out and staying dedicated with diet lately has been pictures of fit girls and quotes lol I also love the Lose It app on my phone because it helps me keep track of calories in vs. calories out.
Last Saturday was the lovely miss Shayle's baby shower. It's crazy how fast time has passed. I remember we first found out she was prego on my bachelorette party and it felt far away and now she's moving to Arkansas and having a kid. So weird! I must be getting old.
It was a cute baby shower and she had a lot of support and got thoughtful, cute gifts. It was fun to see her so happy, but sad at the same time. It's kindof an end of an era for us, she's moving away and becoming a mother and I'm not, but that's ok. Everyone has their own timeline and I'm happy for her and her new adventure in life.
Our Saturday Date Fun!
Last Saturday our date was making so that someone else could have one. Sounds weird but our christmas gift to Aubrey and Jon was to give them a night out, and at the same time, we had a date too! It doesn't sound like a date to babysit, but we were doing something different, spending time together, and it was really fun. Those are such sweet boys, it felt good to do something for someone else, and it was cute to see Dallin interact with his nephews.
Kensley, Dallin's neice, is turning 3 on Tuesday! This was her family party and she was adorable opening presents and blowing out her candle.
I love getting my hair done! Desi (the girl who does my hair) is such a funny, spunky gal and we have fun. She also does such a great job.

This was just a hair doo I tried for work that I saw on pinterest which is basically a messy french twist and it was pretty easy to do but it turned out great!
Rachael and I have been good friends ever since high school. We haven't seen each other in a while, so we got together for dinner. Of coarse, we ended up talking for hours as if no time has passed. She's the absolute salt of the earth and it doesn't matter what I say, she always understands and makes me feel not-so-crazy.
My hot, smart, talented, sweet, thoughtful, hard working, dedicated husband got another promotion! We literally cried when I found out because he's been talking about this for so long. This is what he's been wanting and working so hard for for so long. I'm so, so, so proud of him. He puts everyone and everything before himself, and works harder than anyone I know, so he definitely deserves it. I've never been so happy for him because he went after his goal and finally achieved it.
Sweet Josie Girl is on the mend from her knee surgery in October. The doctor and nurses at Petcare Animal Hospital in South Jordan are so caring and have loved her through the surgery, recovery, and physical therapy process. We went from going once a week, to once every 2 weeks, once a month, and now she's doing so well that we aren't going back for 3 months! Josie knows her way around that place, and she loves them. So cute. So cute. And I feel so much better knowing that she feels better and she can run around and have fun now.