Okay, 2015 is going to rock. So far, we've had the time of our lives!
I've noticed that life tends to get away from you if you don't focus on making time to be social and do fun, new things. Since I made it my resolution for this year, I've put in an exiting date in the calendar for every Saturday for the rest of the year. No more sitting around, no more dinner and a movie. I love it! This is living! The best part is, it's easier than you'd think to keep it affordable.
Here's what we've done so far.
Yesterday, we tried out dinner and painting with Justin and Lexi. It was so much fun, and they're such fun people. None of us were painting prodigies, but we had a blast trying something new and different. The best part was, we had a gift card for dinner, and it was around 15 bucks for the painting supplies.
Here we are holding up our best work.
We all had canvases, but worked on paint paper first to practice. I wanted to make a decoration to add to my New Years decor, Dallin's is a shark, Lexi's is abstract rainbow, and Justin's is a headless horseman on a unicorn.
This is a work selfie. I am starting to get the hang of things at work and I'm becoming a regular worker-bee. I really like it! It's a big difference having two incomes now, and I feel like a real adult! (It helps make the social lifestyle possible when you can leave work at work and you don't have papers to grade or homework to do.)
Here was another Saturday night! We got together with Kyle, Becky, Ryan and Shayle for good ol' fashioned dinner and "the board." It was fun playing on the board after all the guests signed it at the wedding. Good time with great people, and we hadn't seen them all in a long time.
Lately the house hunt has been stressful, but we're staying optimistic. We've been looking like 5 times with realtors and had an offer declined so it's exhausting but we're determined to keep going to find the right thing for us. It is also kindof fun to actually look now that we've been watching HGTV and thinking about it for years.

(you can't see mine very well but I'm wearing special fighting gloves)
I went to lunch with Emma the cute intern from the junior high that I taught at last semester. It was so good to see her again and hear about how her last semester of high school is going. She is such a sweetheart and we had such a good time chatting it up. I definitely miss working with her every day.Holy crap! It's finally real! Not gonna lie, a tear came to my eye when I saw it in the mail box. MY DIPLOMA CAME! It's really over. I'm finally done.
I've been reading the Divergent series and I am absolutely hooked! I'm almost done with the second one. It's awesome having the time now to read for fun and not having to just read a text book! I haven't done this in years! (They're so good. If you haven't read them, I highly recommend you do.)
I got together with Bethany for dinner and crafting! It was so much fun hanging out with her. The burlap thing is harder than I thought it would be! I think we still nailed it though and both of our wreaths turned out great. She's such a cool girl and we have ideas for more things we're making in the future!
Dallin with the cute kids! They love watching tv with him. Look at Jakey's weird leg position! He's so flexible he can bend in half both ways. (He had to get an ugly new hair cut so he's not as fluffy anymore)
Josie loves him :)"Live the Life You've Always Imagined"