It has been so long since I've written! So many great things have been happening! (I cannot figure out how to rotate the picture so instead of freaking out I'm putting multiple pictures on here sideways.) These two pictures are to show my first home-made dog clothes for the kids! I made them out of baby clothes I found at Saver's for 1 dollar. They turned out so cute! Once I got the hang of it, I bought a few more as well.
Holy cow I'm finally done! I got through the miserable thing that is college! This pic was taken when I got my! associates, and now I can finally complete that with a bachelors!
Not only did I spend this semester student teaching and being observed and evaluated 11 times, I also had to complete a senior portfolio. This consisted of 14 separate assignments all put on one cd. Two of these assignments were full unit plans with tons of lessons in them. 11 of these were assignments from previous semesters, and the others I had to do this semester.
The "Senior Project" that I had to do this semester with my student teaching was insane. I finally finished it up this weekend, and it ended up being a whopping 93 PAGES!!! YES! 93!!!!
The length of a Ph.D. dissertation and I had to do it for a bachelors. So glad I'm done with this college crap.
This was my final evaluation and a pic of me and my cooperating teacher on my last day. (I wore a t-shirt and jeans to be rebellious on my last day) :)
This is Dallin's wonderful gaming set-up. He's a nerd, but oh well.
My cousin Cody got home from his mission! I was part of his welcome crowd by the infamous escalator.
Speaking of the Davises, we got to spend a little bit of time with miki and kim at the condo for thanksgiving. It was really low-key this year because we just played games and watched movies, but it was a good time, and the way I always know I had a good time is that I have no pictures. I always forget to take pictures when I'm having fun. I also didn't take pictures with Dallin's family so these pics are his aunt's, but we had a great time there as well. My sweet potato recipe blew their minds, and they tasted identical to the ones at Goodwood.... :) But I made them of course ;)
Deck the halls! It's christmas time!!! The decor is finally up, and most of the presents have been purchased! I only have 3 people left! I wish I could get presents for all of our friends and family. I think it's so fun to think of fun gifts you think people will like and see their faces when they open it. One day when I'm rich, I'm totally doing that. It's the best part of christmas.

Although we'd like to move to Nebraska and build there and all the amazing-ness that we were planning on before, we decided it's best to wait. Since it's not working out, we still are looking to buy a home here in Utah! We're going to start seriously looking at the beginning of the year.
I got my first real job! I'm an actual adult now! I can't believe I'm actually graduated and working at a full time job. So weird. I am a receptionist and biller for an oral surgeon. I think I'm going to like it!
This was me on my first day going to work! Holy crap I'm a grown-up! (My legs look hilarious in that pic because I look creepily bow-legged. My knees hyper-extend and in pictures it cracks me up) I was a little intimidated but I am picking it up okay.
This is my nephew Kaden. I'm pretty sure he gets his adoreable-ness from me.
Look how cute my daughter is in my bed!
Life is always an adventure, and I'm so glad I have such a fun partner in crime to share it with. He makes life so fun. I was going to add a video of him singing Ariana Grande like a boss in the car, but the file was too big. lol
He can sing higher than I can and his dance moves crack me up!
This is our very first family Christmas card! Woohoo!! :)
Hope you all are doing well this holiday season!
p.s. LOVE this warm weather!