We've been busy, sick, and dealing with pet injuries as of late so I haven't posted.
On halloween I wore my "Show Me Your Shoes" outfit from Miss Utah to school. The students all thought I was Miss Frizzle from the Magic School Bus, so I went with it. Such a cool idea for next year! (They loved my school bus shoes.)
We had great intentions of going to a Halloween party we were invited to with some good friends, but we both felt sick. So, stayed in, napped, watched tv, and then when I got depressed that I bought my costume for nothing, we put on our costumes and went to Arctic Circle for dinner. Ya, it was a pretty fancy night.
I was Maverick, Dallin was a prisoner, Jakey was a Shark, and Josie was a hotdog. The kids were pretty over it too. haha
I am selling a bunch of stuff to declutter. I'm selling this sign and a bunch of other decorations from the wedding, some pageant stuff, and some house supplies. Look at all of our ads on ksl by clicking the link below. Then click more ads by seller to see everything else.
The nail-biting has officially stopped. Dat ring doe!
Dallin got me the new 3d Fiberlash mascara by Younique when I missed my lash extensions. I love it! It looks natural, but it does open up your eye and make your lashes look a ton longer! It works by using gel, then putting fibers onto the gel and sealing it. It's quick, and cheap.
Dallin is literally the sweetest person on the planet and I love him. We're cheesey love-birds, but we love it when we can carpool to work because it means we get to spend an extra 2 hours together. (I used to get so annoyed when other people were in this stage, and now I'm doing the same annoying, cheesey things!)
Thanksgiving Decorations
We have an "I love you because" board, and he writes me the cutest things. Sorry Dallin, I'm outing you. He's a hopeless romantic and a total sweetheart.
On the bright side, I did get my old part-time job back as an article writer. And I got a huge raise!
Brian and Michelle Graff made a cute baby named Rudy! I got to meet him and he's absolutely adoreable.
I hated how streaky my hair was (you can see it in that picture), so I got it done, and it looks a lot more natural now. My hair lady Desi is really good at what she does. Last time I went to a place where Dallin got me a groupon and it was not the best. I love my hair now though!

We're starting off the festivities this Saturday with some good friends of ours for a "Friendsgiving." I'm so excited to see everyone! Our social life has kindof gone down the pooper since we've been so busy.
We will be spending Thanksgiving Day with these cute people.
(On a side note, I have heard horror stories about in-laws, seen bad situations with friends, etc. And that makes me so grateful for these people. We were able to spend last Friday with them and it reminded me of how easy-going, friendly, and caring they are. Aubrey even remembered when I had an interview and texted me to see how it went. Matthew and Shanna gave us the most thoughtful wedding present. Brian has been such a good friend and brother to Dallin and stood up for him at work. Ben is such a sweet guy, and has a positive attitude all the time. They're all just good people, and I respect them all for different reasons.)
As for black friday, I have spent too hours waiting in lines out in the cold, fighting over the last one of something, buying something I didn't need just because it was a good deal, and battling claustrophobia because of the masses of people. I've learned my lesson. Black friday is not everything it's cracked up to be.
Instead, we will be having a second Thanksgiving dinner with my Mom's side of the family up at the Westgate resort in Park City. It's such a nice place to relax, ski, take in the beauty of the mountains, and spend time with family.
I love how they take care of you. They bring your skis up to the lift for you, heat and dry everything in the locker room, and carry it back from the lift when you're done. And they have an indoor/outdoor heated pool, outdoor hot tubs, and really nice decks off of each room that allows you to see the mountains.
This handsome man of mine got a promotion this week and I'm so proud of him! He has worked so hard to get to where he is. He definitely deserves it and he's so excited for his new role.