This me getting my hair done before miss utah. It ended up really dark again, but it will fade to be perfect in a few months.
This was right before we left to go to miss utah. I was sooooo nervous. I wore my 4 leaf clover necklace for luck. And that belt is actually a necklace that I thought looked cuter around my waist. Love that outfit. Got it for super cheap at plato's closet!
This is the crappy sketch I sent millennial falls for our outline we want on our invitations haha I'm so bad.
This is the amazing bouquet dallin gave me after Miss Utah was over on the final night. It is sooo beautiful and huge and it smells amazing. My tank top says Bride of course! :)
This is the invitation for our bbq this saturday. I'm really excited to celebrate finally being engaged and being able to tell everyone! my lovely bridesmaid Rachael is throwing it for us and she is such a sweetheart for doing it because she just barely got her appendix out!
This is my cute daughter :)
This was the staging area at show me your shoes parade. The outfits were all so cool and creative. I still think mine should've gotten an award, but oh well! ;)

This is juli she was another hostess in our group and she wanted to try on my crown. She dropped it after this picture an a jewel fell out hahaha but it popped back in easily.

This was my little station for getting ready at the capitol theater. It was so fun the first 2 nights, and the last 2 it was just getting old to sit there and get stage makeup on and do all my hair and extensions. haha but I did have a sweet setup.

This was my roommate kelsey she's miss draper. She made that week survivable! She is amazing and got me through the hard times. I will always consider her a close friend.

This is the site for our engagement party bbq on saturday! I am so stoked that there's a fire pit because I missed smore's so much when I was on my miss utah diet!

I love this gift I got from Anne Wilkens at Miss Utah because it reminds me that out of the 700 that competed for the local titles, I won miss orem. So even though I didn't win miss utah, I'm still a queen and I'm always going to have the 2013 title. That's a part of me that will always be there because it has influenced me and made me who I am today. It was a year I will never forget and it taught me how to work hard, be compassionate for others, and enjoy the journey.

This is me and my future hubby on the first day of miss utah week. He's rocking the Miss Orem button with my face on it! :)

This is during the show me your shoes parade. My teacher outfit was awesome. I love it. My shoes were school busses, my tights had kids on them, and i had ruler suspenders and glasses. I also had books and an apple for props. It was so freakin' cute and I am definitely going to find excuses to wear that again.

This was on the second night of prelims with my mom and tom. I love that dress. It makes me look like I actually have boobs! haha (Plus it was sponsored by bridal expressions!)

Me and my orem buds! Burna, Amy, and Emily the new teen queen on the last night of prelims. I did evening gown and on stage question that night. This is my evening gown. It's gorgeous. My question was "What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?"

On the final night I was so sick of wearing heels that I just wore my running shoes under my dress. I stand on the back top riser so no one could see them anyway! And I was so happy to be off the diet finally! haha I ate everything in sight for 2 weeks!

We are now in the midst of planning the bbq and shower. We went straight from non-stop miss utah planning to non stop wedding planning! Luckily I am keeping up in school, and this block ends this week. I am so excited the wedding is in only 52 days! We got the honeymoon flights booked and I also got a short white dress to leave the reception in. Here's the link to it if you want to see it. It's shown in red but I got it in white.
I also have cute dresses for my engagement bbq and bridal shower already! They were cheap, but so cute. I will post pics of them as they come. I'm excited to see everyone saturday!
Thank you for your endless support during this crazy time! Love you all!