Hello Again!
This is Kona, Hawaii (on the big island). I am so stoked and grateful this is where we get to go for our honeymoon! My amazing Grandma is gifting us this trip, and we are elated. Look how pretty it is! Talked to her yesterday on the phone, and she says everything's going to work out with us using her miles and stuff for the flight!
So, the band we wanted bailed on us. So we called around to other bands for the wedding and found out that the cost for one band is more than our entire wedding costs! haha So that's not happening. We're going to go for a DJ instead. At first I was a little bummed, but then I saw one in person and realized how fun they can be. I love that they can play all our favorite songs, exactly how we know them. The bands might not be able to do the rap songs or make things sound similar to what we like anyway. Plus, I love the awesome lighting they can do!

Oh, and this is what our cake is going to look like. It will be a little bit different, but just as magnificent!
This is the invitation for my Miss Utah send off. I've been working on sending them out this week, and it'll be good because I'll save all the addresses and use them for the bridal shower and wedding invites too! (ugh. Interview practice tonight...)

My kids are so fetchin' cute. I'm obsessed. I sewed them these shirts and they were so good at staying still while I pinned. And they're good models haha I just used old tee shirts.

On sunday we went golfing with Ryan and Shayle. It was so fun and relaxing. It makes me want to pick up golfing. I only tried 3 times, and I was terrible. Other than that I just drove the cart.

So, in other news, my psoas muscle in my left hip is officially messed up from so much dancing and working out for MU. So my trainer says to take some time off and ice it. I hope it gets better soon because I need to be practicing and i literally can't do anything right now.
Also, online classes suck. I hate them. I write on here and facebook instead of doing my work because I hate it.
But, I did get a full-ride scholarship this fall!!!! Woo hoo!! the Hunstman full tuition academic scholarship. I have been so lucky to get through college debt-free. I realized the other day that just by doing pageants I've made over 6,000 dollars for school, and I've also gotten other academic scholarships and grants from the government. I wish dallin had help like that because now he just needs to finish. I do my student teaching in the fall and then I'm done!! (unless I go to grad school...)
Well that's all for now! I guess I'll go start being productive on the 1 million things I need to do!
-Syd :)