Hello everyone! (Can you believe I didn't put this off this time?!) Anyways lately I've been noticing how much happier I am when I'm around friends and family and just interacting with people in general. (Like why stand there on your phone waiting for school pickup... talk to the people next to you! lol) So I've been feeling really grateful for the people in my life because I've noticed how much happiness they bring me.
Here we are again with the video compilation.....👇
They ask to go hiking all the time. I think it's their happy place. and I think it's mine too 🤩
She chooses what she wears every day now. She is adamant that it must be a dress or a skirt. so in cases when the weather is getting colder and we're going hiking.... the compromise is pants AND a tutu lol makes sense right?
She does not allow you to help her. If you try to pick her up or hold her hand she glares at you and screams NO!
so even if that means she is falling down over and over again, she will do it on her own
I was doing her hair and said ok are you ready for me to do your hair? to Cooper and he said no I'm going to wear a hat lol so he had it planned out already.
He is so happy hiking and it's the most adorable thing 😊
the pretty fall colors- I was in love the whole hike with the beauty of it all. She does a good job of following directions now days if you tell her to stay out of the water she does! Its amazing!
Cooper climbing the rock and over the stream
silly stuff
she is obsessed with this dress and so she wears it at least 3 times a week. I have to hide it to get her to pick something else lol
she picked this outfit of course
they put in every color of bath tablet so it was really dark water. the dogs licking each others faces

the house
I can't believe it every time I see it! It is coming together and it's for sure going to be the most amazing house ever and I'm so excited it's so beautiful.
mud taping and texture
the yard
the mantle and the floorsflooring was by far the biggest transformation so far! I love it! the kids seem to be excited about the new house too
mckinley came with me to the design center to pick counter tops
so this is what we picked surrounded by the other finishes to make sure it works
its going to look amazing!
Dallin loved his trip to Boston. He really likes the people he works with so interacting in person is so fun and also they got to see the city and he said it was beautiful and they did fun stuff like karaoke and stuff. I was so happy for him because work is a lot of your time as an adult so loving your job makes a huge difference in overall happiness and wellbeing.
I'm thankful for his coworkers being such good friends and an understanding/supportive for him so he likes working every day. It makes a huge difference for him and I'm happy he's happy if that makes sense. I haven't met them but they all seem so fun.
they gave him this bottle of whisky for his birthday! so nice of them cuz its a good one!omg so 🤩 stunning. he said they walked for like 8 miles one day just sight seeing and he loved it so he says he wants to try and walk more at home
I had a couple GNO's while dallin was away but of course I forgot to take pictures. this moon pic was the night Rachael came over after the kids were in bed and the other night Kim came over after the kids were in bed and both times I was so grateful for them coming because I love being social I feel like it brings me back to life after just being with toddlers all the freaking time lol Anyway so this other pic is all the Saratoga girls went out to the new break that opened down there and I honestly loved the food drinks and company! it was good!
fall y'all!!
We actually decorated a tiny bit this time lol Cooper helped me
The knight costume arrived. and he wants to wear it pretty much all the time. And he sleeps with it lol I was told to take these pictures while he posed this way..... We went to springville to go to the pumpkin patch with Kim and he wore his helmet lol and then of course if you know him and shoes... you're not surprised that his shoes are off in the middle of the pumpkin patch....
the hay ride
After the pumpkin patch they painted their pumpkins and they looooved that they were concentrating very hard on it
spooky part and the animals
slide into corn
it was really cold that day but we had a really good time! I'm glad we went and also glad we were able to see Kim and that she came with us because it was more fun that way. She also gave us a cookie at her house after cuz she lives right next door.
Here's another time in the basement where we were playing and he said "Take my picture. I'm a knight act scared".... so I say ah
and then he dramatically removes his helmet and says "it's okay its just me Cooper!" lol
The pics when the halloween costumes first arrived and the excitement of the first try on.
love that Jake photobombed that one haha
So we had Patrick, Kaylynn, Jamie, Trenden, Me, my mom, my dad, dallin, Evelyn, and Rudy's birthdays. So here's pics from mine....I wanted to not be in mom-mode for my birthday. So I literally didn't lift a finger all day and it was glorious (poor dallin lol) I slept in, and did a killer workout and shower and then we went out on a date. this is the pic from the restaurant and the present shelly sent me

family dinner at chili's - morning pics after waking up he loves the one on one time before mckinley is awake
my birthday run (I put the headband over my earbuds to help them stay in and the hat stay on lol I think its a a hilarious red neck way of doing things and my outfits are pretty grubby but I like them so whatever lol) Anyway I loved seeing the fall colors and the water and bridge it was all so pretty. I think I was born in the fall as a present lol
Dallin's birthday we made his fav coffee cake and he worked and we had a date the day before. Then that night we went out to his fav (Freddy's) and watched shows and stuff. He said it was a good day
This was pic from driving to the restaraunt and we were wowed by the beauty of the mountains. this is the original
and this is my edited version taking out all the signs and other stuff in the way of the view
such cuties it was so fun
see the video compilation for the karaoke part of the party lol so adorable. she stole those shoes from a friend of evelyn's 😂
then he said take my picture while I pour water on her lol so she leaned way over so it wouldn't go in her face. But she did let him so I thought she is a pretty good sport about it
coopers haircut and he said he's not scared of them anymore! hooray!!!! 🎉 😃 (the before and after of the haircut. he said I don't need to cut my hair and I showed him in my camera and he said oh ok we can go cut it. lol )
we went to Kimi's chop house that night. such a good spot
these are pics from Evie's bday party
such cuties it was so fun
see the video compilation for the karaoke part of the party lol so adorable. she stole those shoes from a friend of evelyn's 😂
every day life stuff
I was bit on the face twice! she said take my picture! in the bath lol
She said take my picture I'm hiding! lol then he said take my picture while I pour water on her lol so she leaned way over so it wouldn't go in her face. But she did let him so I thought she is a pretty good sport about it
coopers haircut and he said he's not scared of them anymore! hooray!!!! 🎉 😃 (the before and after of the haircut. he said I don't need to cut my hair and I showed him in my camera and he said oh ok we can go cut it. lol )
school work
he said take my picture I have hamburger eyes!
climbing trees
he said lets make a flower out of the rocks!
this was my special time with kinder. I asked her what she wants to do and she said bike bike bike over and over again. So we went on the bike to the swing. Also her two favorites lol
he said take my picture I have hamburger eyes!
she calls these her "gas sippers" because she is trying to say glass slippers from cinderella. She takes them on and off and walks around saying I'm sin-yella I have gas sippers lol
the favorite dress once again...climbing trees
my mom came over to watch mckinley one afternoon so I could have "special time" with Cooper and so we did his two favorite things- hike and get a donut lol
he found a huge mountain of gravel and had to go climb it he said lets make a flower out of the rocks!
this was my special time with kinder. I asked her what she wants to do and she said bike bike bike over and over again. So we went on the bike to the swing. Also her two favorites lol
she wants to ride the bike like the titanic arms out and standing up
she was closing her eyes and smiling and so I asked her if she is falling asleep and we need to go home for a nap and she said NO MORE SWING! lol so it wasn't that she was tired she was just fully in the moment really enjoying the sensation of swinging. Fully in her bliss as they say. I admire her for that. you go girl!
Such pure joy 🤩 that is a moment I will always remember. I'm so glad I got to see that
"take a picture of my bubble beard"
he has that scab under his nostril because he face-planted it at school. So don't worry that's not a booger lol
it was really fun. it took mckinley a min to warm up tho she was clinging to me for dear life for the first 30 min or so
coop holds up a toy and says hold still smile I'm taking your picture lol so I took a pic of him taking a pic haha as one does
Here's a close up of the scab and you can kind a see the yellow spot on his forehead it was a big bump and bruise up there too so he hit his face hard. I didn't get much info out of him on that but he said I was running really fast lol
the cat in the neighborhood they're both obsessed iwht
they either love each other or hate each other. this was a love moment lol
this is him showing me his stick. he broke it on purpose in that specific spot and then taped it back together himself so it's clearly his vision
another best friends moment between them
Her saying she wants to climb and refusing any help and also insisting that I climb too.... so I'm up a few rungs just sitting there while she is happy as a clam and falling over and over
another bike "titanic" moment for her lol these moments make me think she has a lot of "orange" in her personality. but I thought that about Cooper at this age too so who knows
park date with Megan and Ryan in Lehi and it was so fun! Kinley in the tube and Cooper looking for her lol
Another one of cooper's stick creations. for this one he wanted a stick, ball and play dough all on another stick... so it's epic as you can see... lol 😂
last soccer pics

Or she wants to push it or ride sideways or go faster...
her reaction to this swing was so funny and adorable. It goes higher than the swing at the park that we go to more often so she was literally in heaven.
she was either leaning way back or way forward smiling ear to ear like it was total ecstasy she was closing her eyes and smiling and so I asked her if she is falling asleep and we need to go home for a nap and she said NO MORE SWING! lol so it wasn't that she was tired she was just fully in the moment really enjoying the sensation of swinging. Fully in her bliss as they say. I admire her for that. you go girl!
Such pure joy 🤩 that is a moment I will always remember. I'm so glad I got to see that
this is our compromise with trying to break the bottle addiction. she can have my flavored soda water if she drinks out of a cup lol
they love pouring in the bath. and pretend to give me some like it's juice and I pretend to drink over and over and overmemories
tom came over and we watched fly me to the moon and ate pizza and it was really fun I loved that movie. and he brought the old collage of all my pics so I am putting them on here to have an electronic copy of all the pictures and I rolled it up and put it in the box. weird how fast life goes by. I remember some of those pics like it was yesterday
What a bunch a cuties
"take a picture of my bubble beard"
he has that scab under his nostril because he face-planted it at school. So don't worry that's not a booger lol
take a picture while I make a waterfall!
another time with the "bubble beard"
at the Dino museum I started building it up and she said NO! and stared putting them like this so apparently she had a more horizontal vision for his tower.....
this was a playdate park date with atlas Locke and Hailey at shay park
it was really fun. it took mckinley a min to warm up tho she was clinging to me for dear life for the first 30 min or so
coop holds up a toy and says hold still smile I'm taking your picture lol so I took a pic of him taking a pic haha as one does
Here's a close up of the scab and you can kind a see the yellow spot on his forehead it was a big bump and bruise up there too so he hit his face hard. I didn't get much info out of him on that but he said I was running really fast lol
the cat in the neighborhood they're both obsessed iwht
they either love each other or hate each other. this was a love moment lol
this is him showing me his stick. he broke it on purpose in that specific spot and then taped it back together himself so it's clearly his vision
another best friends moment between them
Her saying she wants to climb and refusing any help and also insisting that I climb too.... so I'm up a few rungs just sitting there while she is happy as a clam and falling over and over
another bike "titanic" moment for her lol these moments make me think she has a lot of "orange" in her personality. but I thought that about Cooper at this age too so who knows
park date with Megan and Ryan in Lehi and it was so fun! Kinley in the tube and Cooper looking for her lol
Another one of cooper's stick creations. for this one he wanted a stick, ball and play dough all on another stick... so it's epic as you can see... lol 😂
last soccer pics
he didn't care about the medal at all just wanted the snacks
I was happy soccer was ending because at the games he was so excited and overstimulated and amped that he was shoving and I was constantly yelling "don't push!" and it was not my favorite lol
at the Dino museum in the sand area just relaxing lol
family dinner at chili's - morning pics after waking up he loves the one on one time before mckinley is awake
They both picked their own outfits lol 😂
omg what an adorable school picture!!! he is the cutest freaking 4 year old I've ever seen! ❤️ she was fighting falling asleep for an hour so she was sitting up and kept falling forward and hitting her head (see the video compilation it's hilarious 😆) so she ended up falling asleep like this
Dallin's Grama
After a few health problems and injuries Dallin's "Granny" passed away and they're doing the funeral nov 4. Dallin's work is so sweet and sent flowers again they're just the nicest people I swear the salt of the earth.
This was the last picture we have with her and the great grandchildren at Selena's shower. She was a mom, grandma, and great Grandma to many and she will be missed. I'm glad she's not in pain anymore.
Here is some journaling by Dallin-
"I will remember my wonderful Granny most by her special way of talking to you and making you feel like you were the most important and special thing in the world. Even with our large extended family, I remember going to our family get togethers and getting the biggest hugs from her and feeling like I had to be her favorite, with how loved, heard, and special she made me feel. I am grateful to have had her in my life for 36 years and will miss her laugh, hugs, and love. I want to be a better person because of my Granny"
Here are some more pictures of her from childhood memories.
That's the end for this blog post 👋