Sunday, July 28, 2024

6/23-7/20th, 😊 2024 ☀️ sweet summertime

 This post is for 6/23-7/20 and we've been doing well around here! Here is the compilation of all our home videos...

photo challenge photography pics 📸 

I love it so much I started another one with shayle while I was still in the middle of the one with shelly. 😆 
So this is before...
and after!
before of a bug
and after! the prompt was insect, and technically Cooper took this picture so gotta give him creative credit haha
Saw this on a run and stopped to lay on the ground to take a picture up and looked like a weirdo but I don't care at all lol 
I thought it was a cool industrial kinda vibe. So this is the before version, and then next to that is just blurring the background but still basic other than that
And these are all the edited versions I made and couldn't decide which I liked the best so I kept them all

This one turned out so cool! before on left and after on the right!
the prompt for this was simple. Before below
At Matthew and Shanna's we were jumping on tramp with mason and saw this dead dragon fly caught in the net around it. The prompt of the day was "complicated" so I found out how to layer an image on top of another and turn down the opacity to like 50%ish so you can still see the other picture through it. (I love messing around with my pics art app to see what all you can do on there its super fun) so that was my way of making the photo look complex
(before left and after right)
So for the one I did with shayle there was a prompt that said "words" so I used the same technique and one pic was the side of a book so you only saw pages and the other was an open page and lowered the opacity
thought it was cool to layer the ocean over Kinley's eye because it's the same color 
before on left and after on right (went on a walk by myself at sunset after the kids were down and it was magical! I love photography so much it's quickly becoming a passion of mine and I see cool pictures everywhere I go. It used to be that way with me and dance I'd hear a song and start imagining cool choreography that would go with it and my transition out of that world was abrupt and painful to say the least so I'm glad I've found a creative outlet to replace that with and just leave that behind me and move on from it.) the stuff editing can do is amazing
before on left after on right 🤩 

This is my favorite picture I've taken so far I think. It's astounding what you can create when you can remove power lines and houses! they're so ugly they ruin what could be so pretty


After 🤩  same picture I promise!
for "white" I found this filter that makes it look sketched on white paper. So I used that version above to make this one below
I thought it looked cool on this pic of Cooper too. This is the before version on the right. He has been interested in photography too lately because he sees me doing it so much and so I got him a little kid camera and he likes it


black and white

flower (caught a bee in it!)
My mom took these I edited. before on left after on right
before on left after right
This is the before (pollution made pretty 😂)
and the after!

daily (I eat this every morning and have for over a decade)
self (was having fun with the editing app on this one haha)
Other (I love this one)
"dark" this is the before and after
Hands. this is the before and the after


For "Precious" I did our wedding rings. This is the before...

and the after 

feet (this was Dallin's idea and I love it. I think it's funny that Kinley's foot looks just as big as coopers)
Busy (tried to add a tiny bit of motion blur to make it "busy")
For "common" I thought what's more common than air? So I tried to get a picture when you spray an air freshener and that turned out kinda cool and then Dallin's idea was a penny like "common cents"/sense
Sparkle and food
On the floor


So I was going strong on my goal of running every day and I would always go during nap time and it was amazing. I would always stop to get cool pictures I saw as I went and I enjoyed having time to myself in the middle of the day and it gave me the energy I needed for the rest of the day with the kids. I would run anywhere between 1 and 3 miles and then come back and do pushups sit ups squats, etc stretch and shower. GLORIOUS. (especially since we have so many trails in our neighborhood) Only down side was the heat since I was going in the middle of the day- but being a cross country coach in Arizona where we ran in 120 degrees for farther made it so I can handle stuff like that just fine lol 

everything was going along swimmingly until dallin decided that coop shouldn't have his door lock on anymore and he needs to learn to stay in his room on his own. 😩 It has been extremely difficult for me to get used to this change as it has meant that I pretty much get no downtime ever. Because we noticed it helps him fall asleep faster to stay in his room at night if we cut the nap and then he's also waking up way way earlier and coming out at night so it's literally a triple whammy. So my mental and physical health are not getting as much attention as they were. But you do what you gotta do I guess. It wasn't ever supposed to be a long term solution to have a door knob cover on his door so I knew we'd have to address it eventually. At first I thought id try to go running with Cooper and that was a pipe dream. We do sometimes walk though while kinder is napping. So here are some of the pictures and walks we've done together. the flowers on the right smell amazing!

I think it's adorable that he clearly relishes in the one on one time with me and getting to decide which way we turn, what we do, etc. and I think it's so cute when he wants to wear a hat and sunglasses to be like me haha what a cutie.
We have had some really good times together him and I during that time. It is a lot easier to connect when it's just him and I one on one, but it does make for a VERY long day for me. 

When we try to walk with kinder to the park we have to bring the stroller and dog leash. the policy is if anyone wants to walk they have to hold it and if they let go they get strapped in. Cooper holds it well and she does not. So that is the pattern that happens every time. The other thing that seems to be happening a lot lately is they both want my attention at the park doing different things and it becomes an attention tug of war- that I have not figured out how to deal with yet honestly 😬 
This was her so tired and hot after getting home. When they're both flushed and sweaty after coming in from being outside they look so cute haha
this tree on the left smelled so good!

Daily Living

When she was pulling the paints out of the box she was calling them her milks. And when she was eating green beans she kept calling them sausage. She loves vegetables and she kept asking for more sausage lol 
Cooper's face on the left is mischievous because she fell asleep and he was poking her with his stick and laughing lol typical brother 
other pic is him sleeping in the car because it's so hard for him to go without a nap. We have ended up doing a short Power Nap because if we don't he just passes out anyway

At the Dino museum

outside coop spotted this bug and asked to take a picture

"I want up high"

She knows how to push the chairs over and climb up. (I've even caught her on top of the counter pulling the cups down from the cupboard because she used a chair to climb up on that 🤦‍♀️) Her other favorite thing is dumping things out and making a mess. She loves to dump out the entire chip bag, goldfish, cereal, etc. and then do snow angels in it lol 
Sometimes it's not worth the battle for me so I just put her on the table. For instance, when she is throwing a fit that she doesn't want to be in her high chair, I'd rather her sit on top of the table to eat than be walking around the house with food because she smears it all over everything and also the dogs start trying to grab it out of her hands and then they start fighting

stacking blocks

She is really into sorting and stacking and it's so cute to see her go into her own little world of doing that because it can hold her attention for a long time

moana's boat

Dallin got a new office char and they like playing in the box because it's moana and maui in the boat. They love the movie so much that I can just put it on the speaker and they listen to it like an audio book and not see it but still be so happy acting out what happens. Cooper knows it so well now he can talk along with th e lines of the movie and do all the actions

new road

We had plans to go to a playdate and discovered we were blocked in while they poured fresh asphalt in front of the shared driveway so we were literally trapped in the garage but it was only for one day. and even after one day of sitting there are so many tire marks on it from people leaving the next day lol 

She likes to wake up slow whereas he wakes up instantly running at 100 mph 😴 

Coop now comes into our room demanding it's time to wake up by 7 and turns on the light and everything. For her on the other hand she sleeps in till at least 8 or 9 and after she's awake she just wants to lay around with a drink of water or milk while he plays. And I'm usually right there with her hoping my energy drink kicks in fast lol 

cutie with cups

She loved stacking and sorting and moving around the Minnie Mouse cups from her bday party. She also liked playing with water outside

he's super into weddings right now

This is him watching our wedding video. he begs for it and will randomly ask people "did you get married?" lol and then if they say yes he says "did you wear a black jacket/white dress?" and if they say yes he says good job! he says he wants to get married and I think that's the cutest thing in the world. One day at his wedding I will be able to tell his new bride he's wanted this since he was 4 ❤️ 

Dallin's night out

Dallin went with Brian and Matt to top golf and dinner and had a lot of fun

breaking the ice

They love when I freeze toys in water for them to break outside. They get so bummed out when I didn't freeze something the night before

These are all different days they just like wearing the same things lol coop especially loves his "jama's"

cutie 🥰 

I love the skirt
Her hair color is gorgeous 🥰 

museum of natural curiosity

On our way home Cooper said "we did 4 bridges today and I was strong and brave!" lol so cute

new camera

They both took like 1,000 pictures when we first got it and then the excitement fizzled out 

These are pics coop took

at church

They are both doing a great job of staying in their classes and playing with their friends


We ended up quitting to save money and it was also just easier because McKinley terrorizes the place while she's forced to wait and watch and can't join in the fun it's torturous for her. So it's easier this way plus I didn't feel like coop was learning to follow directions at all from them he just went in there and went nuts every time. but he follows directions really well with me and his teacher at preschool etc.  Anyway both times she walked over to the backdrop and said take my picture lol and then says cheeeeese!


We got a free cookie from crave because they didn't have the flavor we wanted so this is the s'mores flavor and it's delicious

evening screentime

Since they're so into dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures one night they literally begged me for an ammonite lol so other kids beg for a kitten or a pony and mine beg for a mollusk-like creature that is extinct 😂 


playing floor is lava, eating apples
date with Topher and kara
bedtime snuggles

clark planetarium with tom

that place is so cool and I love that it's free

we went out to eat after at this cool cafeteria like thing with a lot of different food options like the food court at the mall


They're obsessed with donuts now thanks to my dad

Dallas Trip

Dallin had a conference in Dallas and we had miles so I figured I'd just tag along for fun and to relax! He left first and Cooper said "I feel sad miss my daddy so I take a break on the kitchen." lol and I sent that pic to dallin and his heart broke
then the next day I left and I was anxious leaving the kids but they did fine and so did my mom so it was good
it was so nice to relax and do my own thing. the resort was so cool
I read like two whole books while I was there and I watched a hallmark movie and slept in and got a massage and walked and ate etc.
they did a light show every night
this was the Starbucks and me after my massage

stayed in the spa for a few hours and did the sauna and steam and hot tub and they had a full snack bar and  champagne if you wanted 

it was such a pretty hotel and it was enormous and had multiple shops and restaurants 

we went out to a restaurant in Dallas that was 5 star reviews and it did not disappoint! the waiter was right about everything he suggested it was so good.
these were the pics my mom sent while we were gone lol dropping that nap is a doozie!

I was so grateful she was willing to watch them so I could getaway it was very rejuvenating.

Little Miss McKinley's 2nd birthday!!!

I can't believe she is already two. and I can at the same time. Time is weird it felt like it's flown by but at the same time it feels like she's been in my life forever as well because she feels like such a permanent fixture of the family and she acts so much more grown up than she is. She talks just as much as Cooper does and is into all the same things and stuff so sometimes it feels like I have 2 four year olds. upon her request, we did a Minnie Mouse pizza part and she was so happy it was the cutest thing to see.
This was my attempt at making the birthday cake and I feel like it went well all things considered lol dallin was thinking that it wasn't going to work out (to his credit I don't have a strong reputation for cooking or baking of any kind lol so I kind of agreed) but we were definitely trying to keep this low cost and she was just as happy as if I would have spent tons on a cake
holy cow the amount of change that happens in only 2 years is crazy! even just in one year its like she's a completely different person!
This was the family party at matthew's

she was scared to blow out the candles so Cooper did it for her

that little outfit is to die for lol 🥰 
she was so excited for it in the days leading up to it and happy when the day finally came for the party

such a beauty 💜 

Selena brought baby reven who was only 5 days old!

it was Austins bday as well around that same time 

I had to put some ppl in that weren't there when we took the pic haha but here is everyone I think even tho I did that it still looks pretty natural
Matthew and Shanna got her balloons as well it was so fun to see everyone and it turned out so well 
So then a week later this was her actual birthday day because we did the party on the 6th. that morning nona came over and we went to get donuts because that is her fav thing and then sang and that was so cute (you have to watch the video for that because it was adorable- it's at 13:54 if you look through it) because Cooper sang with us and she actually blew out the candles! then after nap we went to kidstopia with my mom (coop fell asleep in the car on the way there this sleep thing is hard to balance)
She loved the ball pit the most and he loved the climbing volcano thing

after we went to Freddy;s for dinner . they were so happy and it was such a good day
they opened presents too when we got home
they got bath crayons from my mom and then later that week Gianna sent her a gift 
they loved it and the staggered release of gifts was perfect because it kept them entertained for like 2 weeks straight 

she sorted all the pieces of the puzzle by size
more presents on a different day from shelly

this wa the 2 year well check and they both did so well at the dr I would say that was the smoothest appointment with both of them yet!
it was cool to be in the dinosaur room and see Cooper play the video game in the lobby 

She is big and strong and healthy and we love her so much! Even tho she had to get shots she was such a champ through it and Cooper talked to the dr like they were besties it was so cute. I remember the dr asking "so is she talking yet?" and right then a baby cried next door and kinder says " oh no baby cry! baby sad! I help you baby!" and starts walking to the door and gets distracted by the wall mural and says "I see a dinosaur!" lol and the dr goes".... 😮 sooooo......her talking is pretty advanced....." lol  Yup.


I got a notification on my phone that miss Utah was exactly 10 years ago and I couldn't believe it and I started a chat with these girls. I hope we can get together soon!
Sara brought us these old pictures. Isn't dallin such a cutie?!?!? 🥰 
I have fallen off the wagon with the 3 habits I've been trying to stick with lately because all this sleep business has thrown me off and I need to re-make my routine basically. I'm thinking maybe I need to wake up and run before the day starts
I liked this quote from a dr becky workshop because of challenging moments in parenting or with helping your kids be prepared for challenge in their lives and give them "training" for regulating the feelings they will have. 


We have so much fun at addy's house!

Another friends house where they were carrying kinder 
we learned to play hungry hippos at their house and it was fun

4th of July

We went to stansbury for the 4th and it was so fun to meet Michelle's sister and her fam and see Sara and Dave again and be at their house cuz it's fun to have all new toys for the kids and whatnot
you'd think the toys would be the main event and they did play with those a lot but more so than that id say the main event was digging in dirt so we came away with two very dirty children lol 
they looooooooved the new kitten they had and playing with him
thye both wore the same outfits from last year since last year they were so huge on them

kinder saw Rudy sitting by himself cuz he was bummed about something and she came over to sit by him and I thought that was so nice of her to show she noticed and cared

This was our family group photo- we were the only ones dressed up at the party but we do it big every year! you can't just wear regular clothes on a holiday! I have been wearing the same outfit for the 4th for like a decade lol it's become a tradition

Cooper and Jake did not care for the loud noises that night with the fireworks and trying to go to we thought well lets go watch them but Cooper kept saying he was scared so we just went in and gave him melatonin and watched shows

Kyle, Becky, and Brooks

we went to see these guys again and that was so fun! this is their pic in the wedding book 10 years ago
we had breakfast and played at their house and it was so fun and the kids loved their cat and brooks was so friendly

Tapioca pearls sensory bin

they seemed to like it a lot

She thought it needed more to it I guess and dumped the goldfish in and stirred saying "I make soup" lol eww


they beg to "hike the trail" lol it's so messy but they're so happy and we love that it's so easy and not a far drive

beautiful 🤩 and the kids will say that too
he was saying I"m a superhero!!!
she said  "I play the water"

happiest kids on earth and the activity is completely free 😊 

That's it! Have a good month! -Sydney Q 😊