I didn't realize how much time had passed until I saw that I need to start this post from Jan 16 to now.... 😳
Anyways, please be patient with any grammatical or spelling errors that you see. I did this post using the talk-to-text feature on my phone so that I could get it done faster.
Here's our home videos from 1/16-3/10
We went through a major sleep struggle with Cooper. He suddenly didn't want to stay in his room at night anymore and kept leaving. So this was how it was before the struggle hit- everyone sleeping peacefully and we were completely unaware of how lucky we were until the random urge to leave his room hit.
I got the dr. becky membership and read and watched the workshops on this and tried all her strategies. One of them is a mantra, put a picture of parents by his bed, walk him back in calmly every time, do the "play bedtime" thing so he learns through play, etc. We also tried this night light in the room and that lasted for about 10 minutes before he was pissed off because it was too light in his room. Dr. becky said that it's not a sleep issue its a form of separation anxiety but that didn't really make sense to me because dropping him off at school or the daycare at the gym he never makes a fuss to be away from me at all.
We spent an exorbitant amount of money (in my opinion) on a tonies box and all the characters he wanted so that he could listen to that in his room and hopefully that would keep him occupied enough to want to stay in.
Both kids liked it a lot at first and now it has lost it's excitement.
I literally sat outside his door for hours because he would come out every 10 seconds. We tried putting a baby gate in the hallway next to the bathroom so he could still go out to pee if he needed and he stood by the gate bawling as if his life was over. (According to dr becky that's traumatizing and we shouldn't ever trap him anywhere. Judging by his reaction I think that was true in that instance.)
We would take turns laying in his bed with him or letting him sleep with us in our bed. The problem was he wouldn't sleep. It seemed to me like he was just having insomnia and he was bored out of his mind and wanted companionship. It wasn't about fear at all. And that was the problem with all of dr becky's strategies, they were all based on helping kids with fear of being alone in the dark. Dallin is clearly passed out of exhaustion (we were all so tired because he kept waking us up every couple hours for weeks) but Cooper is just laying there 100% wide awake. He would sometimes giggle and run away like he was doing the typical "testing the boundaries" thing that 3 year olds do. I never saw an ounce of fear in him when it was time to stay in his room. it was mischievous, bored, can't sleep, full of energy, wanting someone to play with. He would even come into our room singing and turn on the lights and start jumping on the bed and we're like "what is happening it's 3 in the morning!"
I got desperate and tried the pack n play again. He liked it for the first couple nights and whenever he would come in our room I would go to his room and say you have to sleep in the pack n play and I'll sleep in your bed. And that worked for a few nights but after that he started to realize the bed is a lot more comfortable so he would say no I want the bed (so that was a win because we were nervous he was going to go to college still sleeping in that dang pack n play).
He would a lot of the time wake up McKinley in his nightly antics.
We were so tired so we were using any means possible to get more energy
A few times Cooper left his room and opened McKinley's door during nap time and turned on the light and woke her up and started playing and talking with her and stuff. That was irritating/exhausting.
This is him getting in her crib to play
They were jumping
This is him saying hi mom I know you're watching and you disapprove of my actions but I feel zero remorse because this is so fun 😂
It is very cute that he wanted to play with her. and she was so happy to see him and play with him too of course.
I thought it was funny when Chelsea was taking the picture she said peek a boo and kinder put her hands over her eyes and then dramatically pulled them away haha and Chelsea was like you know that game! haha
Since we were right by sharkey's we popped by for a hair cut and kinder wanted to get in the car too hahaha I thought it was so cute that his arm was around her
This is him getting in her crib to play
They were jumping
This is him saying hi mom I know you're watching and you disapprove of my actions but I feel zero remorse because this is so fun 😂
It is very cute that he wanted to play with her. and she was so happy to see him and play with him too of course.
So then I thought maybe he doesn't need the nap. so I tried putting kinder down and then keeping Cooper awake so we went outside
But that strategy led to him crashing at 5 or 6pm which made bedtime even more difficult (He still strips when he sleeps. I totally understand the claustrophobic feeling of wearing annoying clothes when you're trying to sleep so maybe he gets it from me.) So I knew it wasn't sustainable to keep going on like this. We were running on no sleep for like 3 weeks before I finally gave up and got a doorknob cover. I didn't want to traumatize him but at the same time I couldn't be a good mom to him during the day when I was that sleep deprived and McKinley needed to sleep too because she was so cranky. So sometimes when his opening the door was so frequent it was like 1 second after the door closed I would explain "okay since you're having a hard time staying in your room I'm going to help you and hold the door closed." and I would just stand there holding the door knob. So when he came out of his room I said "You know how mommy sometimes helps you keep the door closed? This white thing does the same thing. I want you to be happy and healthy because I love you so much and our bodies need sleep to do that. So I'm going to put this white thing on your doorknob and it will help you stay in your room when it's time to sleep. I will come back and open the door when it's time to wake up ok?" and he was completely fine and understood and said ok. And he just went to bed and never cried or freaked out at all. So I didn't feel like I was traumatizing him because he seemed completely comfortable in his room the whole time. Ever since I have been soooooooo grateful. So maybe the baby gate thing didn't work because I didn't talk to him about it beforehand. I don't know. I wish I could hear the kids thoughts. Anyway this whole experience made me think you have to take what the "experts" say with a grain of salt and still just do you and what works for your kid because every kid and situation is different.
I met a new friend named Whitney on peanut and we went on a double date with them to las botellas and this was from that. (We were so tired because this was at the height of our sleep struggles with Cooper.) But it was still sooo fun!
We did one date from "the adventure challenge" book and it was to plant something you can eat and then eat it (it was an at home date idea since we didn't have a babysitter) so we planted tea because I know I'm not going to cook with herbs cuz I hate cooking and I deal with tiny humans who only eat a grand total of 5 foods.So we got chilis delivered and planted our tea and watched a show and it was a good night. Apparently I watered it to much and it was too warm because they all grew and intense amount of mold so I promptly threw them out. The other picture is our "date" where we just went to the gym so the kids could be in kid care and we didn't work out at all we just sat in the hot tub and talked. Mostly about houses because that was consuming our minds for the longest time.
We went to a nice restaurant with Brian andmichelle in salt lake and David was in town so he was able to come to and that was a lot of fun.
This was at Kona grill in the Mountain View village
While we were gone and my mom was babysitting she sent me this picture of kinder eating straight butter lol mini paula dean over here
and another pic from her babysitting
Valentines day
I was so excited that we got to dress up for the valentines day dinner dance at thanksgiving point! it was so fun to go with Rachael and Todd and see them again because we haven't in a long time. The band and food were so good! It was a very cool experience and I thought dallin looked quite dapper in his new vest and tie :)
it was a very popular event! lots and lots of people there so the dance floor was a little crowded! But I loved all the dancing and fancy outfits. They also had a Photo Booth
Cooper struggles when we wake him up early for school so we've learned we have to wake up even earlier so that he has time to cuddle with daddy in his bed before school so he can start the day in a better mood. This was at the morning of the vday party at his school. The teacher said they were doing a prom theme with boutineres and corsages and dancing and stuff so I got him this cute little outfit. He looked so adorable but he was so mad at me in these pics for waking him up and putting this on him.
And then this is him after school when he's happy :) 😃 lol quite different.
I think it's funny this is the face you get when you tell him "say cheese!" lol
He was wearing his tenny-runners still because those are the only shoes he will wear. lol luckily they're black.
So that was the Tuesday before vday and then on the actual day we went to the sojo library with another friend I met on peanut. it was a music and dancing story time and we had so much fun! This is her daughter Zaida. They're so nice and fun and relatable!
I thought it was funny when Chelsea was taking the picture she said peek a boo and kinder put her hands over her eyes and then dramatically pulled them away haha and Chelsea was like you know that game! haha
Since we were right by sharkey's we popped by for a hair cut and kinder wanted to get in the car too hahaha I thought it was so cute that his arm was around her
new NDSCS wear
Coop and I got this from Grama and grampa up north!
Cooper has a hard time getting out of the house to go anywhere but after a few minutes of being there he loves it and he's glad he went and leaves happy. It's that way with school, gymnastics, the gym, anything. McKinley is a little chatterbox and walks around saying what she sees in the waiting room and saying hi to the people and their kids. We're the loud ones and everyone else sits silently on their phones lol
This day they used pool noodles as swords and Cooper was beyond excited!
Beauty problems lol
So this was trying out the 3rd colorist in Utah. Obviously it did not go well. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be great when she came out and was 18 and said she just graduated and she had never had her own hair colored in her life. 🤦♀️The only reason I went there was because dally was out of town for work so I went to the spa at the gym so that the kids could be in kid care there. The appointment was 3 hours long though so the kids were losing their minds and I had to rush the girl. But even if it hadn't of been rushed it would have still been terrible because she's so new. And I hate when they take forever.
So anyway here's my "roots dumped in bleach" look...... 😳

The pic on the left is the "before" and the pic on the right is the "after" of my temporary solution. I bought 3 different colors of the root touch up spray in brown. It's literally spray paint and it's just like the hair spray that people use for halloween costumes so it makes your hair feel soooo stiff and sticky and gross. You cannot run your fingers through it at all. But I had to go to Miss Bluffdale and hang out with Dallins' whole family and other things around society and I was too embarrassed to show my head like that. So I put on gloves and painted my hair every few days. Made a huge mess. I had to do that for about a week until I was able to get into an actual hair professional lol not an 18 year old who had no idea what she was doing.
After the week of spray painting and I went to get it dyed I was so pleased with the results.
It started out darker than I wanted (just slightly) but it still looked good. And it faded to the perfect color in about 2 weeks or so.
The other beauty problem is that my diet has gotten soooo out of control. I tried giving up eating after 8pm for lent and that only lasted 2 days. Dallins doordash addiction doesn’t help either. So I’ve been feeling a little rotund lately
I got a bunch of to-die-for-cute press on nails from shein. I loved them but the problem I’ve been having is that no matter what glue I use they don’t stay on at all. Even the same day they come off. But these are the shein nails
Wearing the dress up high heels and earrings

And then I went to some girl in our neighborhood who does nails out of her apartment for what I thought was going to be professional nails…… and paid 55$ for…… and got a gloopy mess.
And this is after I asked her to fix several things…. I left knowing I hated it but it was way to awkward to have her keep fixing things.
Luckily I was able to get in to the nail salon in the Walmart and the Asian guy fixed my nails up fast and perfect and cheaper. I will never go anywhere else. I hate having to pay double for hair and nails when the first one screws it up.
This was 2 weeks later and cooper said mommy’s nails look like popsicles lol
kids will be kids
This is a picture of when McKinley drew on the floor with marker. (It wiped right off cuz it’s washable marker and LVP flooring)
This was a play date with our new friends Whitney and berkley
This kinder sooooo disheveled when I picked her up from kid care at the gym lol one shoe on hair and bow crazy, shirt hanging out of pants lol she played hard that day
Playing in the snow! This our sad excuse for a backyard
Climbing and making snowballs at the park
She can go down the stairs by herself now!
Our landlord didn’t even tell us they had pest control coming and then when they came they left the gate wide open. So Jake had run away for a long time before I noticed. I had no car because Dallin went to play warhammer with Brian and both kids in tow and I’m walking aimlessly around the neighborhood pissed off and trying to keep cooper by me and not hit by cars because he refuses to be in the stroller and I’m screaming Jake over and over losing my voice…… such a good time. All while Dallin had some nice relaxing time with Brian. 😡 and on top of that when I saw Jake he bolted the other direction and so I was trying to run pushing the crappy umbrella double stroller through the snowy grass across the field. So freaking annoying. Taking care of two toddlers is enough work so the dogs just drive me crazy I don’t enjoy having dogs anymore like I used to. Part of me was like “well maybe he will find a new owner in the neighborhood and that could be nice” lolClimbing and making snowballs at the park
They are both soooooo screen-addicted it’s become a huge battle.
These are her headphones
She loves dogs
She can do the big kid swing at the park now!Cooper likes having a voice in his clothes/outfits nowadays and he usually picks red for everything lol even if it’s fleece pajama pants
This was when Cooper was taking pictures on my phone, so Dallin was smiling for him
Cooper and his naked days lol
I thought it was so funny when I saw this meme because Cooper just pulled the thing off the vent and half his dinosaurs went down there and are now in the HVAC system somewhere lol so that was nice
This is McKinley eating a lean cuisine. She loves noodles of any kind.This was her, and I shopping… Well, kind of more like window shopping because we just walked around. But we were just getting out of the house because we had time before we had to pick up Cooper from preschool.
I thought it was so funny that when I picked up the dogs from their grooming appointment, they sat in the car seats on the way home
pediatrician and dentist
This was McKinley at her 18 month. Well check. She is ahead in a lot of ways and perfectly healthy. Eczema thing is a little annoying not a huge health problem. The doctor was impressed with her vocabulary and just how smart she is in general because she already knows colors and she can already count
This was at our first appointment with them at the dentist. It was so nice that it was a pediatric dentist and so they are so great with kids and they want it to be a really good experience for them and so they don’t push them if there’s anything that the kids don’t want to do. And the dentist was literally singing wheels on the bus as he was looking in their mouths, and, everyone was so patient and nice with them running around the office and throwing balls and what not. Anyway, he said that they both have healthy teeth and overall it went really well. I was surprised I was Expecting the worst
Coopers school
At first, I was really impressed with Cooper school and then lately I’ve been kind of annoyed by the lack of communication coming from them and our parent teacher conference got canceled and never rescheduled and it’s just kind of falling off the wagon and I have no idea what’s going on anymore. 🏫 it seems like he has a sub every day. Anyway he had a mid year assessment where they see what he knows so they know what to teach the rest of the year. I was excited to see it but I wasn’t allowed in and McKinley and I were in the hall
Dino museum
Still in love. And that love has spread to kinder now too. Neither of them want to be in the stroller and they both like to run in opposite directions so it makes it really difficult when I’m by myself with the two of them
So it started out as an eczema spot on her face and she kept licking it and then it became infected and so apparently that’s called impetigo. I had never heard of it before, but I took her into the doctor, thinking it was an allergic reaction to some thing and they said oh that’s really contagious. I don’t really understand how it could be contagious. If it’s bacterial, it came from eczema being licked. But none of us ended up getting it, and we literally kissed her on the lips several times. But it was just really gnarly, looking rash that covered her face from the nose down basically and it was weeping. In this picture, you aren’t seeing it at its worst. It got worse the next day, but because they said it was contagious we couldn’t take her to the tea party that Miss Bluffdale was having and I was really sad about that.
When I had to take Cooper to gymnastics, I just stayed in the car with her because of it being supposedly so contagious and she was really happy to be able to play in the car and not have to be in her seatbelt
My cool pjs that I’ve rocked for like 11 years now
Miss Bluffdale Tea party
So Amazon sent me the wrong dress, but it didn’t matter because I word anyway, and just returned it after anyways. so this was for the little Miss contestants, and the Miss contestants as well for Miss Bluffdale and it turned out to be such a fun event. I wore a little mini crown, and I turned out to be one of the most dressed up people there I was kind of bummed that people were wearing pretty casual stuff to a tea party, even though it said princess attire on the invitation.
This was the mayor speaking
This was the outfit that I got for McKinley. I had to try it on her just to get pictures in it even though she didn’t end up coming to the event it was a mommy daughter event that was why she was going to come. when I put it on her, she loved it and was twirling around and didn’t want me to take it off because she liked looking at the lights reflecting on the walls from her sequins. It was so cute and Cooper said wow kinder looks like a princess!”
So this was my little fur wrap thing that I wore because it was kind of cold outThis was the mayor speaking
The current reigning Miss Bluffdale speaking
All the little Miss contestants practicing their interview questionCooper got jealous of me taking McKinley’s picture in her dress and he said take a picture of me! And then he post like this lol he wanted it to be a really casual candid in his superhero cape
This is me and Brittany the assistant Director to the program. There’s really only three of us just the Director, her and me lol. And then also the director of the little miss
So us three committee members are in the middle, and then all the contestants are on the outsides, so there are seven of them, and they are all so accomplished and mature and confident and smart for being so young. I couldn’t believe it because when I was their age, I definitely did not have it all together like they do.
I have been feeling like my wardrobe needs a revamp, but the hard part is that I am very picky, so I spent several hours going to several different stores trying to find things that I like, and only came out with a few things. It’s so annoying to me that everything nowadays is cropped. I feel like even if you’re wearing something high waisted on bottom and so you’re not even showing any skin that crop top and high waisted pants is just highlighting the worst part of your body. So anyway, this is me trying on some thing that I didn’t end up buying lol because I was also astounded by the cost because it was such a simple outfit
I love my red light therapy mask
I have noticed some really significant differences in my face and I’ve started putting it on my neck every night, too and chest area
Dylan tries to remember to wear it but he usually doesn’t remember but sometimes he does
This is the closest thing that I have to her before and after picture. It’s hard to compare because the lighting is so different in each of these. But you can see that my poor size is significantly smaller, and my under eyes are less defined and my wrinkles are not as deep, it also has helped with acne
Miss Bluffdale
So we’ve been doing all the workshops on Saturday mornings and my job has been to edit all the paperwork and I taught them walking and practiced interview with them and I took pictures throughout the process and made the slideshow for the pageant. The pageant is this Saturday I’m excited.
Disney on ice
Disney on ice was such an amazing experience! I had no idea we were on the very first row! So as we were walking in and I saw we were on the first row I started crying a little bit and it was so embarrassing because it was very odd that it was just such a huge emotion that suddenly came over me. But I was just feeling so lucky That were able to come to a show like this, and not only that would be on the very first row. I was so amazed and thankful and shocked at what our lives have become. The kids were amazed by the show, but so were we they had fire on the eyes people were swinging around from the ceiling. There was snow coming from the ceiling. They had fog machines and tons of different props, and all the characters from Encanto and frozen and it was so amazing to see it so close up. We are so blessed that we got to have such an extraordinary experience
And McKinley was so into it. She was leaning over the fence like she was about to jump on the ice and join them.
I like this picture, because I caught Elsa midair in a jump!
Definitely watch the video at the beginning of this blog post so that you can see all the amazing stuff we saw in the show
It was so cute to see them get excited. McKinley was waving and saying hi Olaf hi Mickie lol it was adorable. It was like she was starstruck.
Cooper would get really emotional at the emotional parts of the show like when the bad guy in frozen tries to kill Elsa. He would hug Dallin and say I want to go night night I want to go night night and he had tears in his eyes.And McKinley was so into it. She was leaning over the fence like she was about to jump on the ice and join them.
I like this picture, because I caught Elsa midair in a jump!
We got chicken nuggets at intermission
Definitely watch the video at the beginning of this blog post so that you can see all the amazing stuff we saw in the show
Aubrey and Sara Visit
It was so fun to see Aubrey and Sara again. It had been a really long time since we last saw Aubrey and this was her first time meeting McKinley we went to the aquarium in Draper. That was the first time we had ever been there, and I seriously loved it! I would do it more often, but it was kind of expensive
Later that day we went over to Matthew and Shanna’s house to have dinner together and it was so cute seeing all the kids play together
I think it’s so funny that Gavin is doing the smolder in this picture lol
Another day they came to a barre class at my gym And that was really fun
The circus!
We got to go to the circus with Whitney and Jordan and their daughter Berkeley. That was really cool. It wasn’t as cool as Disney on ice but I think the kids still enjoyed it and it was still a fun event. They definitely liked seeing elephants in real life and up close because they let you walk down there and touch them if you want. If you’re willing to pay extra, they’ll let you ride them but we didn’t do that.
At this part, Cooper was really excited because Spider-Man came out and was swinging around from the ceiling so he was like wow
There’s the elephants
This guy was running around on top of an inside of what looked like a hamster wheel
At this part, Cooper was really excited because Spider-Man came out and was swinging around from the ceiling so he was like wow
There’s the elephants
This guy was running around on top of an inside of what looked like a hamster wheel
Dallin's work trip
Dallin went to Tampa Florida for a work trip and said that it went really well. He likes all the people that he works with so they have fun together when they see each other in person.

My Arizona girls weekend
He had to get up really early like 3 AM or something like that to get home in time to watch the kids because I was leaving the same day for my Arizona trip. So we had Selena babysit for a few hours until Dallin got back from the airport. Since I was getting into the airport and he was leaving, we saw each other before and we took a picture together.
He’s so cute
She tried out my red therapy mask
The shower was decorated really adorably. We definitely feel awkward being there because we didn’t know anybody and Tina was busy talking to all of her guests and so I was really glad that I was there with Gianna and I wasn’t by myself because no one else talked to us😬
It was fun getting to pick out the nicest restaurants and hotels that we wanted to visit and places we wanted to go and stuff because when we lived there we didn’t really ever do a Scottsdale vacation or anything like that because we just lived in Mesa
He’s so cute
It was so rejuvenating to have three whole days that were entirely kid free. It was so nice to hang out with Gianna and see Tina again after so long. We went down there to go see her and go to her baby shower, but we also benefited from a girls weekend vacation type thing
We went and got a massage, pedicures, shopping, we ate out a lot, and went to the baby shower and relaxed a lot and it was just amazingShe tried out my red therapy mask
The shower was decorated really adorably. We definitely feel awkward being there because we didn’t know anybody and Tina was busy talking to all of her guests and so I was really glad that I was there with Gianna and I wasn’t by myself because no one else talked to us😬
It was fun getting to pick out the nicest restaurants and hotels that we wanted to visit and places we wanted to go and stuff because when we lived there we didn’t really ever do a Scottsdale vacation or anything like that because we just lived in Mesa
The weather was breathtakingly beautiful. I loved how warm it was, and getting to escape the cold for three days, but surprisingly being back there, did not make me miss living there. You would think that it would, but looking around I just don’t find it beautiful. And I like the beauty of the green and the seasons and all of that that Utah has and I also find the mountains really beautiful
These were the pictures Dallin sent me while he was on daddy duty while I was away
So we have been very anxious about our home buying decision this time around because we want it to be the forever home. And so it’s hard to know what you’re gonna want 20 years from now or which schools are going to still be the best in the future, and all of those things. After a strange turn of events, we ended up changing realtors, and we love our new realtor, and he has helped us a lot. We went back-and-forth between so many different houses, and the indecision was kind of killing us. I was happy that we got clarity on the state though because for a while there we were still debating if we wanted to stay in Utah. But we have been really happy here, and I feel good about staying here. right now there is such a low inventory of homes and interest rates are difficult and prices are difficult and so we have also had that layer added to the stress of the process. Our landlords also decided that we are officially kicked out May 31 because they are selling the house, so that is stressful as well
We went out, looking at homes tons of different times and we weren’t always able to get babysitters when we went and taking the kids with us was extremely difficult. So sometimes we went back to the same houses even though we had already seen them just because we are so distracted when the kids were with us and we felt like we needed to see it again. But this was a park that was right next to a house that I thought was definitely going to be ours, but we decided against it
I am really glad that we were very thorough and even though it involved a lot of indecision. it made it so that we were really really sure in the end because we exhausted every possible option first. So there was a lot of stress and anxiety throughout those months of searching, but I think that we have finally arrived at the right plan of action. Drumroll……🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
We have decided to build a house in Saratoga Springs!!!! I am so excited that it’s going to be exactly everything that we always dreamed of. It’s so nice to not feel like we’re compromising in a lot of ways, and we can get everything that we want. Not everything that we want will be right away of course, because it’s all very expensive. So somethings we will have to save up for down the road . But all of the things that will never change like the lot, and location and view are things that we love. Those were all things that I didn’t like about our Arizona house and why I never felt like that was our forever home. We were capped out with space and I hated the view so those were things that I wanted to change this time around. So we have a huge unfinished basement this time and no houses or buildings behind us!!!! 👏🙌hallelujah! Because that was what made the process so difficult- trying to find a house with no buildings behind. It is very hard in Utah.
Even after deciding that we wanted to build with the specific builder, we debated back-and-forth for 10 days over the lot that we chose. And ended up switching our choice at the last minute. We finally went into the office to sign the contract and at the end of the meeting another lady walked in And she said oh shoot, did you guys just take a lot 227? And we said yeah we did and she was super deflated and she said oh shoot that was gonna be our. So we got a lot of our dreams just within minutes. That was my sign that I felt like it was meant to be.
So anyway, here is a picture of the lot at night. It’s nice that you see the temple all lit up behind you.
And this is the floor plan on the main level
This is the outside, except we are going to do all white
So this was me trying to edit the photo to envision what it would look like as all white with wood accents
This was us taking a picture together at the lot
And this was us after we finally signed the deal, and the deed was done. We were both so relieved and happy.
Our fancy tea party
Topher invited us with his other couple friends to go to the grand America for high tea. We decided to dress up and wear cool hats like the Kentucky Derby. So this was my mood board to kind of decide what Dallin and I were going to wear
They give each of you your own individual teapot, so this was mine
We all got mimosas and they were really good
In this glass, they put a flower that starts off as a bulb and then within five minutes of being in the water, it blooms and then you can drink it. I tried it and it tasted like dirt, but it was cool to watch.
The food was really good. You don’t really order they just have a set thing that they bring everyone.
That was the first time we had ever been to the grand America hotel, and the grounds are beautiful in the outside of it is stunning. I heard from Brittany that their spas amazing too so it made me want to go try that hotel.We all got mimosas and they were really good
Desert Star Theater
We were going to go to dancing with the stars until we saw how expensive the tickets were, so Shelly came into town and we went to the desert star theater instead with her mom and her sister and Danielle and Topher and their spouses. It was really cool because we were on the second row.

Dallin had to stay home unfortunately because him and the kids were all sick. And that has lasted a week now. McKinley has an ear infection but I think everyone is finally starting to turn the corner and get better.
This is incredibly accurate for my life. Lol.
Well, I hope that you are all are doing amazing. I am looking forward to spring, Easter, and St. Patrick’s Day, Cooper’s birthday, and the 10 year anniversary of the blog is coming up as well. We have so much to be grateful for, and so much to look forward to, and I feel so blessed. I can’t wait to get into the design center for the builder to decide all of the things that will go into the house. I think that 2024 is going to be such a great year! Next time I write this blog, it will be the special 10 year anniversary post!
Over and out-