I have very strong feelings about summer. Always have, always will. I think these quotes are my favorite when it comes to summer. And also now that I have kids, the one where people say, "You only get 18 summers with them."
We have been living it up this summer! Here are all the videos we've taken since 7/16
Dallin's new job!
Dallin ❤️ loves his new job!!! I'm so happy that he's happy. He says he loves the energy there and he feels inspired! I have wanted this for him so I am excited. He went to Denver for 3 days and seriously had the time of his life. He speaks so highly of literally every person at the company and he's excited about work. Theres a video in that last compilation of the office in Denver that he went to and it's really cool. He made this pic of the guy dunking on him because they were talking about playing basketball together in denver and it didn't end up happening but he sent it to them because he was so nervous to play people who were really good when he hasn't played in 15 years. lol So anyways they went to a baseball game and had so much fun!
They also did this thing where they pitched a baseball to see who could throw the fastest and dallin was 2nd behind the guy who played college baseball! I was so proud lol. (see the videos ☝️ )
Jake's birthday
Can you believe he's so old now?! He had a good birthday because my mom and mozzie came over and we took him for a walk and they ran through the splash pad and then he got a huge bone and he was in heaven. One of videos is of us singing to him and cooper asking for more. He loves it still and we sang to Jake 4 times that day so that cooper could blow out the scented candle on counter. He still asks for that daily. But I do it because I think it is the cutest thing and kinley dances when I sing. 🥹 Its times like this im going to remember when they're old
date night to see the Barbie movie
I gotta say it was super weird.... in a funny way. I was laughing so hard at so many points because my mind was boggled at the supidity of it. But we looooooooved the new fat cats in bluffdale! and that Selena and Jaxson are so good with babysitting so we can get out! It was such a good time.
Family dinner
We have had several graff fam dinners since moving back and I do an awful job of remembering to take pictures so this is all I have. I thought it was so cute this time that cooper was trying to play with Desmond, Rudy, Gavin and Mason down in the basement. He didn't understand their game so he was just copying them and it was so funny. I was impressed with how patient they were with him. At this dinner we sang happy birthday to austin and mckinley and we did a taste test to see who could tell the difference between great value cake mix and pillsbury. Most people (including Dallin-poor guy has a losing record so far with taste testing) were fooled! There were a few who got it right but I can't remember who. They tasted identical so in the future I'm always going to save a dollar and go cheaper.
Utah's purdy.
Splash Summit! AKA 7 peaks back in the day
It was so fun! Dave rented a cabana for austins birthday and we all went out to celebrate. That is a really cool place. At first it was crowded but then there was lightening and they made everyone get out of the pool for 30 mins. Then there was more and I think we ended up waiting for like an hour and people kept leaving so then by the time the storm had blown over we had the place to ourselves! They have really good food there too!
Ahhhh sweet summertime.... (cue the song "summertime" by kenny chesney because it's perfect)
shaved ice truck at the park so I got cooper one and he liked it. Didn't eat the whole thing but some of it. I could tell he definitely likes icecream more than shaved ice. Sadie napping on couch while we watch ted lasso.
Sunshine, bubbles, spray bottle, sidewalk chalk, and his stick/sword... doesn't get any better than that.
Look how cute they are ! we went to get a new lawnmower and dallin loves the new one he says it feels like vacuuming because it practically pushes itself. Anyways the kids were so cute pretending to drive.
The static electricity makes her hair stand up when we got down the slide lol Kinder is really into following cooper and tries to do anything he does so she has no fear and wants to do every slide at the park. We're still loving this neighborhood and all the parks it has to offer. We're at the park every day.
It's so cute that when we take the wagon cooper holds on to kinder. Dallin likes to shoot hoops at the park so we bring that with us. It's a good time.
Cooper is still cooper 😁 and we're obsessed with his cuteness.
He still makes the cute faces when he watches emotional videos on youtube. (Sometimes dallin lets him watch a music video that's a lovey-dovey song where some disney princess and price fall in love lol) And then Cooper lost his stick so that was a catastrophe. He was so patient and understanding about it and went to bed without it one night because we couldn't find it. He was sad, but I promised him we'd find it in the morning so I was proud ofhim for still going to bed. Then the next morning we couldn't find it and after hours of crying we finally got in the car to go back to the "stick store" to get a new one. So we went to DI, and at first didn't see anything. Then on our way out I saw a pack of 4 car dipsticks. So that was perfect because that's what his old one was. I put hot glue and packing tape on two of them and gave them back to him and he was happy to have "safe sticks" and two now instead of one! So then a few days later we ended up finding his old stick and I have the two I hid just in case this happens again. So we have a lot of sticks. lol
Cooper and Dallin love cuddles. And Cooper still loves Sadie. New to the Sadie-loving club is Kinder. She walks around saying Sadie and pointing at her and following her and petting her. Its so cute.
"Cooking" with ice
Cooper wanted to cook so I put ice in a bowl and let him pick out his favorite "stirrer". He was so happy "cooking nummy dinner." lol Kinley was jealous and wanted to try stirring it and cooper kept getting irritated with her grabbing his stirrer so I gave her her own and they were happy little kiddos while they stirred. It was so cute. After a while the game kindof evolved into hockey and they were pushing the ice cubes around the floor with their stirrers. Free mopping! haha win-win!
🦕 We can't get enough dinos around here 🦖
Cooper looooooves going to dinosaur museums and its the cutest thing to see his passion with this evolve. He is learning all their names and acts out little adventures with them and his sword ("watch out!" "dinosaur- run!" and "take that dinosaur!" as he hits it with his sword lol ) He still loves watching Andy's dinosaur adventure and we let him watch two every night so it's only 30 mins of screen time but he still feels like he gets a lot because he gets more than one lol
This is him petting the baby dinosaurs. He was sooo excited !!
He says "Dinosaurus Rex!" instead of tyrannosaurus rex lol
His favorite is the triceratops right now
Cooper said "Gaga" would have loved this. (That's how he says Luca. Luca's really into sharks.)
toddler time at the library
We go to the library a lot and cooper is warming up to it and sometimes will actually follow the directions instead of just staring around in fear lol So I took a picture this time because they were hitting the two sticks up high, down low, to the side, etc. (pic on the right↘) The other picture is of McKinley inserting herself as much as possible lol she just loves to walk around and dig through other peoples' bags, make funny faces at them and walk away, copy what people are doing or saying, or just generally being in the area where most people are. At the part the teacher said, "Now I'm going to read a story to feel free to come sit up closer if you want to see better." So Kinder marches right up there in front of the teacher and faces the opposite way hahaaha so she was facing the other kids not the book. lol but good for you being involved girl!
Cooper sometimes does amazing and loves gymnastics, and other times refuses to go in at all. Because of this, the teacher recommended i sit in the car during the class so he can't see me through the class. We did that last time and it went really well so we're going to keep doing that for a while till he gets even more used to it. The other pic is Kinley met a boy her age in the waiting room and fell in love lol she was following him around and grabbing him and stuff and he seemed indifferent towards her or confused at what on earth was going on lol
Gymnastics is sad for kinley because she watches through the glass and wants to go in so bad so one day she went through the back room door and found this and was so happy. And I was happy she finally quit trying to get into gymnastics lol
TP dino museum
(aka Thanksgiving point) I've said it before and I'll say it again. TP is my happy place and I love it with all my heart. I think the same is true for Cooper lol
mirror selfies when we went on our own during the day. I love having things we can get out and go do whenever we want here.
Cooper loved getting his picture on this baby triceratops (even tho I think its technically a different dinosaur) and he held his pose for a long time lol
Kinder loves it as much as cooper does. She likes anytime she gets to do what the older kids are doing.
This is the part where they can dig for bones in the sand
In the gift shop we scored a sword with a dinosaur on it that lights up! haha it's a perfect combination of all the things he loves! So worth 9$ haha
PG lake day
So there's this little pond in Pleasant grove called manilla park and it's so nice! We went with tara and shilo and thier dogs because its a dog friendly beach and it was so fun. Tara brought her paddle board and we all took turns balancing on it and we had a good time playing on the beach, throwing the dogs ball, and swimming in the water.
Dallin almost did a 360 jump on the paddle board. He was so close. He lost his nice prescription sunglasses in the process but it was cool anyway haha
Cooper is making a weird face in this pic but I promise he was so happy
Ogden dinosaur museum
We met Shayle, Ryan, Oakley, and Ollie up at the Ogden dinosaur museum and it was really fun. Cooper loved it! Kinder did too actually.
Look how cute they are together. Cooper wanted to copy and do everything the older kids did.
My only complaint is that it was reeeeeeally hot. We were roasting. This part the kids all loved, we could feed the ducks and the fish. Kinder kept signing duck and saying ducky quack quack. Afterwards we went to raisin' canes and ate and we had such a good time it made me wish we lived closer to them.
TP with Kim
It's always a good time with Kim Campa (I know her last name is different now but it will always be campa to me haha)
The "Sbooter"
See the videos☝️ for one of cooper riding his "sbooter" like a champ! 😎 He finally figured it out!
Yoga day at the library
About once a month a yoga teacher comes and does kids yoga in the kids room of the library. I think my kids enjoyed it but might be a little too young for it? They didn't really follow the directions and were just kindof everywhere.... so I'm not sure if we will do it again or not. I'm thinking if we keep trying they might get the hang of it because there were kids younger than cooper that were completely following. Cooper tried his best- Kinder just wanted to mess with the teacher's laptop because she was doing a powerpoint at the same time so that was driving me crazy.
This is old news but- Kinder's cute as a button.
I love how grown up she looks and acts now. It's so cute to see her drink from a cup or wear shoes and walk around carrying a purse. She loves grabbing sunglasses and putting them on her own face lol
She's in the 18 month hand-me-down clothes now and they're soooo freaking adorable.
She got a bike from Grama and Grampa for her birthday and she was really excited about it until she kept tipping it over and getting frustrated. (She has VERY low frustration tolerance right now.)
After she we put sunscreen on her head and face her hair was standing out everywhere lol the pic on the right ↘ is a picture she took of her own foot because she is obsessed with stealing our phones and taking 1,000 pictures and videos. The fit she throws when it's time to be done is very long and very passionate lol
I wanted to take a picture of how cute these pajamas are so i told her to smile for the camera and this is what she did! haha we already have a model!
I just love that she can wear shoes because cooper couldnt at this age and i think it is the cutest thing i've ever seen. I want to take a pic of her in every outfit every day but I know that'd probly be excessive.
She's thinking, "Maybe I can figure out how to open this...."
It's so funny how short she is compared to cooper at this age. She has to wear the 18 month size clothes because of her belly (12 month is too tight and looks like a crop top) but when you put pants on her they fit the width of her legs the length is so long. We have to roll up her pants usually. It's so funny
She loves to get a blanket or towel or anything she can find (she uses pillows, toys, books, etc.) and put it in front of her face and then take it away and smile huge. And we say "where's kinder?"..... "there she is!" She loves it so much she laughs so hard and then cooper starts doing it too lol it's a party
What should have been the Luke Bryan Concert (P.S. I hate you Luke Bryan.)
We got my mom to babysit, Tara got new boots, and we all got in the car together to go to the concert when we found out it was rescheduled to the 31st due to "illness." I just think the fact that he cancelled it 10 minutes before the doors opened was low and now I'm not a fan of the guy. I also hate ticketmaster because they will not give me a refund. They said they will refund if it's cancelled but not if its rescheduled. So I can try to sell my tickets on offerup but the price of tickets to buy for the show are now lower than what I paid because they moved it to a Thursday. so stupid.
Anyways.... we decided to go to las botellas and the food and drinks and company were amazing. It was all great except for the fact that we were MELTING because it was so hot. The sun was right on us and the service was slow so we just sat there dying of heat. Overall though I'm not sad I went. I think it was still a really good time and the restaurant is still amazing they just couldn't get us inside because we didn't have a reservation (thanks again luke bryan 😂 )
After that we went to daybreak and went to the bar and free concert there. it was a beach boys cover band adn they were really good! Daybreak is so fun I wish we lived there.
So even though the evening didn't go as planned, we still had a lot of fun and we still went to a concert! haha
I went to scheels with my mom and the kids for the first time and we loved it. Its like bass pro shops in mesa but it has the ride too and a restaurant too!
it wore the kids out and they both slept on the way home. We liked it so much that we took Dallin there again the next weekend and ate there and he found some clothes he liked and rode the fariswheel with cooper
Jake's hospital episode
Jake was throwing up and having diahrea for 5 days and we kept finding blood in it so we finally took him to the emergency vet and they did a bunch of tests on him and kept him over night and put an iv in him because he was really dehydrated and gave him medicines and stuff. Overall they said his organs all look fine so they're not sure what caused this but it's HGE or Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis. So hopefully he gets better soon. But he's already doing better than he was and we feel so lucky that it was not bad news. We both got really worried because we had no warning with Josie and Jake is getting so old.
He came home with this cool blue bandaid and a shaved arm from where the iv was. But he's doing just fine.
Anyways, I think that's all the news around here. Tomorrow I start at a new gym so that should be an adventure for the kids and then cooper starts preschool in 2 weeks! Ah!