I was recently thinking about how different being an adult is from what it appears to be when you're a kid. (At least to me.) My perception of adults was that they had it all together. There were no uncertainties, insecurities, or fears. I thought that fear or a lack of knowledge were childish things that you out-grow. But the truth is that the things we feel as kids are just human things, not kid things. So adults still feel weird in social settings, or scared of things, and there's still a lot we don't know how to handle or go about doing. Michael Scott said it best in the office-
Date Night at the movies
We saw free guy and it was surprisingly good! Walked out to a beautiful pink sunset. We love the theater by our house because they have amazing food, drinks, and recliners.
the parents visit
Sheryl and I went running one morning and the weather was great.
Cooper takes my phone now and takes selfies. My dad rocking cooper and putting him to bed is so cute because you can tell they love each other.I heard on the radio that you can un shrink clothes by putting them in water and hair conditioner and then stretching them out and putting weights on them to dry. Shelly helped me try it and it didn't work unfortunately.
Out with friends
We went to brunch and had so much fun because this place has board and card games you can play while you're there!
This was out to breakfast with Tyler, Elissa, and Cooper to snooze in downtown gilbert.
We have been trying to meet people to help because we seem to be in a friendship ebb right now. We met some people from the peanut app and had lunch and it was fun.
This was me and coopy visiting jess and wade's house while they're gone
He had to take the lint roller with him of courseOur girls nights are rare now days so when we get em we love em.
Surviving toddler-hood
One day he went to miss marni's with an outfit on and came home with just a diaper on because there was a "poop incident."
I figured it was hot and not worth the battle to put clothes on him one morning so we went for a run with the dogs and he had a hat and a muffin and that's it. lol We stopped at the park and ran around a little bit.This was him all mad that he got trapped in the shower and Sadie was trying to figure out how to help him haha
Play date with Luca
He's excited he can do the slide by himself now.
He always wants to put shoes on when he sees them but once they're on his feet he complains and takes them off.
This is a video of him walking around in my flip flop
The dogs
I'm sad I can't say the J dawgs anymore. Anyway this was a trip to the vet. They're both healthy. Jake got a shot.
Childrens Play Place with Friends from Class
These were all the babies that were put in the same class before they were born. It has been so cool watching them grow up together.
haha one of these is a pic of him right before fallingAfter we went out to eat with the other cooper and they both played with their mini cooper cars while we waited for our food. Honestly they were all over the place and it was a hard meal.

Working on my Emotional/Mental Health
I have been feeling depressed lately. I think it stems from a lot of factors but every time this happens my first reaction is that we need to move. So I'm literally trying to run from my problems which is certainly not healthy lol
So this time I'm trying a different approach. I started doing this book and it's really cool. It has you answer questions to create a new world that doesn't exist. I think it helped me because my creative outlet went by the wayside.
Dallin had great ideas and was very supportive. He suggested I start taking tennis lessons and then also booked a trip to a place called mill falls at the lake. I am so excited to go because it's something I've always wanted to do. We're flying into boston and then driving there to see the fall colors. In boston we're doing a sunset dinner cruise as well. It's going to amazing and hopefully very rejuvenating because dallin's busy season at work starts right when he gets back.
School is different now days
Teaching tech is certainly different. There are pros and cons. The big assemblies we've done have been crazy. This is a pic of one of the pep rallies where the football team ran out of a tunnel in dark with fog machine and crazy music and lights. It's different now because I used to be in the athletic building so I was always right there with it being set up and taken down and now I just attend with the 7th graders (who enjoy screaming at the assembly which is different from the high schoolers who are usually apathetic.) Anyways one of the games that students play is called nitro type and it's a race in a car based on how fast you type. I showed it to my parents and dallin and we all raced. Its funny how addicting it can be when you're competitive. Anyway dallin got all excited when he won a race and got 88 words per minute so he was the fastest of all of us and I took a picture.
Grooming Day
We finally got the dogs groomed. It took forever because our usual place has lost groomers recently so I normally don't have a hard time making an appointment but this time I couldn't get in. Then when I got an appointment they called and cancelled Sadie's. They couldn't get her in for like another month so I just took her to another place. The lady that did hers was more expensive but sooooo sweet and attentive and she got a little more from the price. Because there were two different places and I was running to and fro about 8 times. But they both came out looking great!
Cooper got groomed himself as well haha
He did sooooooo good. I think this was his 3rd haircut and each time he's gotten better. This time he just sat there and didn't cry at all. Meanwhile the mom next to us had to hold her kid down while he struggled and screamed like he was being tortured. I was so proud of him!
More pictures from kid topia in gilbert
It's so annoying to organize all the pictures together into the right spots of the post. That's what takes the most time and it's kindof pointless so here are more from that.
Grandparents Day
We tried to make this gift for the grandparents and they got worse each time because at first he didn't move his hand at all and then after that he figured out paint is fun and wanted to mess it up. So they got worse as we went.
Our typical Day
The mornings are so much nicer this year than last year because Cooper either sleeps in until 7 or dallin takes him and gets him ready. Then on our way to school we listen to a book.
I'm glad my hair is growing a little bit because I can do different things now. The downside of short hair is the lack of variety.
I have 1st hour prep so my "classroom" is the faculty lounge. It's kind of nice because I don't have to rush to school i just take my time and if I'm late it doesn't really matter.
I have been taking advantage of the utility subs and parent volunteers with grading or bulletin board. So a parent did this for me. I am still enjoying getting to wear professional clothes and jewelry. I wear blue light glasses to prevent headaches and take saffron pills because it's supposed to help with your energy and mood
Crazy Coop
He is so cute. he was trying to walk on a 2x4 and the other pic is of him doing a model pose.
Cute brown eyes. He has so many teeth now!
He likes to put things on his head when we say hat. He doesn't say hat yet he just knows what it is.
This is sadie cuddling across from me while i read at night. I'm almost done with the mortal instruments series and it's soooo good. The book I'm listening to in the morning is all about simplicity and one of the main points I've learned is the impact of an "exhale" moment in your day where not much is happening and you're still and allowing yourself to kind of release pressure. Most people's lives now days are so go-go-go that they end up messed up cuz they need simplicity.More from when the folks were here
My dad and dallin set up an awning out back and it is a game-changer! It was hard to set up becuase of how many mosquitos there were! It's insane! All this rain has made the bugs out of control. I tried to take a picture of thousands attacking the light at night but I'm not sure you can see them in the pic.
Babysitting Ellie and Luna
Cooper loves Ellie sooooo much. He was half scared of her and half fascinated. He would follow her around reaching for her but when she got close he would laugh, get shy and scared. Then repeat the process. It was funny. I would feed Sadie and Ellie but not Luna or Jake so I don't know what they did wrong. haha
He would also say no and point his finger and them but not at Ellie or Sadie. It was so cute
You can kind of see his play set up in this picture. We put an air mattress so that he can jump on something and we got him a climber thing on amazon since we likes climbing so much. It's on the lowest setting right now because he's still getting the hang of it. I also comes with a slide on the other side you just can't see it in the picture.
As usual, Sadie and Luna played non-stop. Sadie was also seemingly desperate for Ellie's approval and Ellie wanted nothing to do with her lol
Jake avoided everyone in true Jake fashion.

These are videos of Cooper laughing hysterically at Ellie playing with the hose.

If you zoom in on cooper in the picture it's his funny reaction to coming home to 4 dogs. the other pic is luna and ellie joining me for my reading time.
Going out with Jackson!
We went to urban jungle and had a great time with Jackson and Cami. In this picture there was wind keeping the ball in the air and he kept pointing at it and saying uh oh. It was so funny
This was jackson going down the slide backwards lol

S'more pics of coop (as if there weren't enough in this post already)
He still does the monkey face when he's excited
Found a weird, fat frog in front of our house
More work stuff
Honestly I've been feeling more and more worn out from teaching. I won't be able to do this forever. I don't have the passion for my subject anymore, Jeff left (this was a pic of us on his last day), it's been hard dealing with a new subject and different ways of doing things with my new PLC, parents are as always expecting teachers to do their jobs, etc.
One of the most frustrating parts of my job is when there is technical difficulties. Everything stops and there's nothing I can do. Don't get me wrong, it's not like there is nothing good about my job. There is still a ton to be grateful for and who knows how long I'll stick with it. I know I have a great home-life work-life balance and a ton of other perks. One of them is gifts from students like this one. Another girl asked what my favorite animal was. I said a cow and she made me a little cow out of clay so that was sweet.
I see the weirdest fashion at school now. It's apparently popular to look homeless. They like the "grunge look" apparently. They wear all huge clothes so it's like they're swimming in their clothes and all of it looks old. I couldn't believe when this came up on pinterest and I saw that bell bottoms are back in style. This was our note from anniversary on the mirror. Dallin always helps me when i'm overwhelmed with work. He helps me see the positive when all I see is negatives.One kid told me everything we do in this class is boring and the other tech class gets to have fun, another told me I must have been born in the 1500s. Teachers are observed 8 times this year instead of once. But remember that episode of HIMYM when they say how’s work and Marshal says “my chair is reasonably comfortable for short periods of time” and “much of what I do doesn’t make me cry” . Then lily explains he is going to only say positive things about his job from now on. So in that vein- here is a huge paper chain we’ve created that wraps around the whole school.

Dave and his business partner visited
It was so cute seeing him with cooper. Always fun to see him. I'm getting excited for the coaches training in January!

Dallin went out of town for work
This was coop blowing him kisses on facetime
Our epic season tickets to the cardinals!
We went to the first game and had a blast! We got matching jerseys- I got jj watt and he got kyler murray.

Season ticket holders get closer parking and our seats are only 9 rows up!
This is to document the first time Dallin has ever hung something up- so he must love that jersey lol

Our weekend trip to Utah
We were only there for 3 days so it was a lot jammed into a tiny space. For the most part we had a good time. Here are some pictures of everything we did!
We went back to buck and rider!
This was the picture from like 2 years ago when we went....
And this is now! We had an amazing time. It was so great to have a kids-free evening with good food, friends, and drinks.
Back to regular life for one week
Cooper watching football is so cute. This is Dallin and cooper at the 18 month pediatrician appointment. I can't believe he's already 18 months!!!
He got sick and I had to stay home with him one day. And then he shared it with me and now I'm a little under the weather.
I have felt like this song applies to me lately. I just feel old and drained a lot of the time cuz of everything going on. Fall break is coming and I'm hoping it will rejuvenate us.
I had my birthday and it was so great I didn't want it to end. It was a half day at school, I got a nap, Dallin got me a massage at 7pm, and we ordered buffalo wild wings. It was so good I didn't want to go back to work the next day.