This post documents both Highs and Lows of life in the last few weeks.
Sleepy Guys
Dallin loves cuddling and napping with Cooper so much and misses it because he sleeps in his bed mostly. So sometimes during the day on weekends they will nap together.
He is now a tummy sleeper
Many times he turns sideways or goes completely up against one side of the crib or the other
Speaking of sleep, he has officially graduated from the weird pink puffy sleep suit thing that looked like the kid on a Christmas story lol Since this was like the first time we ever saw him in pjs we both were obsessed haha
Baby Luca was born!
Gianna had her baby and we can't wait to meet him!
Cooper's 1st time seeing Fire
We went outside to just lay on the grass one evening as the sun was setting because the weather is so beautiful now. We lit a citronella candle to make the bugs go away and then when coop was mesmerized we realized that was the first time he's ever seen fire so we took some pics. Jake was so scared haha he hates fire.
I got a new nail color and I love it!
Cooper loves being outsideOur Birthdays
For my birthday Dallin sent a huge bouquet to the school to surprise me and we Door dashed cheesecake factory. On Dallin's birthday he went out to a casino with Ryan because he was in town. They had fun but of course didn't take any pictures haha and then we had Tina babysit the following Friday and we went to Chop Chandler. That was the first time we have ever seen him really recognizing the difference between people or freaking out at someone new- he's never done that before. So we thought he'd be easy but he had a full on tantrum for her every time she looked at him for like 2 solid hours. The only way he wouldn't cry is if he was in the stroller on the walk because it's facing out away from her and when she held him with his head over her shoulder because he couldn't see her. So weird. But we still had a good dinner and we drove the jeep with the top down so that was fun.
Now time for the Lows
On Sept 30th- Happy birthday to my mom btw- I had the worst day of my life. Josie peed the bed and I was so tired I tried to sleep through it on like 2 inches of the bed and ended up giving in and getting up. That's annoying but also alarming because we know her health is bad and she has never completely emptied her bladder in bed like that before. So I was worried and tired and then woke up late and was rushing. Then of course Cooper poops all over both of us when we're about to leave. So I have to clean all that up and I had a meeting before school so I was rushing and then I got pulled over. The cop was kinda rude and took his sweet time all while the kid is just losing his mind in the backseat. Dallin is the only one with the insurance cards and I called him literally 27 times with no answer because he was asleep and his phone was on silent. Finally got the guy to believe me that I do have insurance. He gave me the ticket and I missed my meeting. Then after school Marni tells us Cooper has a fever of 102 we call the doc and they tell us to go get tested for Covid. So then we wait for 2 hours in line while the kid screams the whole time again. So literally the worst day of my life ever. hahaha
But like this quote says, your life story wouldn't be a best seller if there were no downs to off set the highs.
Cooper got better after a few days and those days were crazy for dallin because he couldn't go to Marni's but Dallin still had to work so he was trying to do both. The bad part was that Josie did not get better. We were noticing she was getting worse and worse. More on that later in the post.
"He's Advanced" 😂
Look at that he's already reading! hahah
This is the grandma at Marni's (her mom) who hangs out with Cooper a lot. She loves how chunky and "hilarious" he is.
The Sad Parts ðŸ˜
Dallin took Josie to the vet the Friday before fall break. The vet basically said I'm at my wits end with her- She's already on every medication at the highest dosage, so you need to go to a cardiologist. They did all sorts of expensive tests and found out bad news at every turn. We were supposed to go on a trip to Aspen over fall break and Shelly was planning on coming up to watch coop. The vet told us she needs to go to the ER and we can't go on our trip because at this rate we might come back to a dead dog. It was very difficult for us to hold it together at that point. Dallin was calling around to all the things for our trip cancelling and begging for our money back (luckily we got full refunds.) I was trying to get through the rest of the day teaching while feeling like there was a giant whole where my heart should be. That whole time we were worried about Jojo I have never felt that kind of depression before- or if I have it was very rare in my life. Deep, inconsolable, nothing-can-cheer-you-up kind of despair. It caught us by surprise because at the last appointment they said something bad could happen but it's not likely since she's only 7. The Vet and Shelly both were telling us to mentally prepare for the worst so Shelly came up anyway just in case. We got her home and started her back on her meds again because we had run out before for about 4 days she was off them. I felt like I should soak up this time with her and cuddle her, but then every time I did it made me feel more sad. Anyway after a few days she was acting more and more normal. So instead of taking her the emergency center to see a cardiologist we made an appointment with one. (We think it's just that she got back on the meds consistently again.) Josie was acting completely back to herself by Tuesday, so we went on a little stay-cation while shelly was here.
Happy Ending After all
We went up to a resort called Boulders in scottsdale/cave creek area and it was just what the doctor ordered. We were so relieved about Josie getting better again miraculously and that we were still able to get away. Although we didn't go far it was still so relaxing and full of all our favorite things. We got caught up on sleep, went out to eat at cool restaurants, relaxed at the pool, and got a massage. It was the perfect time away from Cooper because we were able to appreciate him more when we got back but we weren't all nervous or whatever about being gone.
The rooms were all like right in/around the rock and little casitas. They're out in the country so they have a lot of coyotes, javelinas, rabbits, etc. They have a golf course and a spa too
waterfall behind the pool- hot tub after dinner at night
OMG that french toast was the best I've ever had
At this breakfast I made a fool of myself because I jumped and flinched a mile high every move of the birds around us and everyone thought I was a crazy person with ptsd. After the bird incident of 2015- I do have bird PTSD!
This place was heaven on earth
It was nice being able to swim again because the pool was heated. And our little nature walks were relaxing
These were the pictures Shelly sent us while were were gone. We laughed so hard at the one on the walk. Haha on a walk in jammies and shades
Back home
I have really appreciated Josie more now too. Just the fact that I was cuddling the coop while reading and Josie was right by us snoring as usual made me so happy. I know this is just the calm before the storm and she won't be with us forever, but at least I have a little more time.
Cooper's first time at a restaurant
He wouldn't stay in his carseat we had to hold him or he'd cry. But once holding him he was really good. Just looking around. We went to breakfast (my fav) and it was all good until he pooped on Dallin. lol
October changing of the board and mantle
Chelsea (my coworker) got married
This was her reception. The whole thing got me thinking about how I want to enhance my social life because I didn't have that many people show up for me when I got married and that wouldn't happen now either. I have felt very alone lately, and dallin thinks it's because of the pandemic. I feel like I don't really have a support system in Arizona and we can't be social anymore because of covid or other circumstances. So I want to do something about that and I am currently looking into several ways. I am a firm believer that life is what you make it and I am against wallowing without doing anything about it lol
This down syndrome kid I've never met came up to me, asked how old I was and then asked to take a picture with me. He's got spunk and I like it lol
The Flanigan clan Visit
We got together while they were here for Kaylynn's brother's wedding and we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday. We played minute to win it games and the boys loved that, they used my dad's golf ball launcher, we ate and had cake. This is a pic of them meeting cooper for the first time
We made him banana cream pie
Melanie and Calvin loved pushing cooper around and he seemed to like it too.
They were all very supportive about the Josie situation. We got my dad a "cannon card"
Cooper's into pulling hair now a days so the dogs kindof avoid him. The video is them giving him 60 birthday spankings
One of the minute to win it games. Playing in the backyard they were told to avoid the pool so of course everyone fell in completely and had to go home naked cuz their clothes were soaked.
They went to the park while we fed cooper, they played fetch with josie, we taught them forward and backward rolls,
This was Calvin and Kaden meeting cooper. Calvin said "Why doesn't he say anything?" and my dad was explaining that he hasn't learned to talk yet lol
We worked on fixing and re-staining the dining room table
Back to work
Once we were back we got back to our routine. coop and the J's both love our evening walks. Jojo just hops right up into her little seat lolLook mom no hands! haha he can hold his own bottle now
First baby play date
We met up with the other girls from my class and their babies and it was so much fun. Made me feel a little more connected because I was finally able to be social again.
Cooper is so good at sitting up now and moving around. He loved seeing the other babies. They were passing toys back and forth and looking at each other smiling.
That one with the hat is the other Cooper!
Baby selfies
Mom and Coop have matching zits lol My face right now has gotten even worse than this-kinda looks like I have chicken pox. lmk if you have suggestions lol
Coopers Favorite Things
He loves it when I put toys in a bucket and he shakes them out. That will occupy him for an hour or more
He loves splashing in the water. Whether that's the pool or the bath. He outgrew the bath thing that we put in the sink so we got this seat thing for the tub.
I was already in the tub one day when he needed a bath so we just put him in there and he was splashing around like it was the time of his life lol
He loves laughing at his dads jokes
He loves taking the cupholder out of the couch. We think he might be left handed because he can't do it as well with his right and he gets frustrated and tries the left so that he can get it
And he still loves to jump and scoot around
He also loves watching football! speaking of- how bout that game last night! Roll Tide!
Family Pics
We set up the tripod to take pictures when they were here for the party. I'm so surprised that couch didn't break- it was one of my many bargain buys lol
Melanie would not let her mom put her down for the first few hours of being there. It was probably overstimulating with that much going on and the boys were very excited and screaming lol
the girls
Water Balloons at school
The last day before break we had a water balloon fiesta after running laps. They loved it cuz it was so hot out and I loved the levity because it helped me not to sulk about Josie as much. They are all such sweet girls. They set it up, cleaned up, and did it all themselves.
That's the good thing about my life- I love my job. Even on the 30th when I had the worst morning the students identified my bad mood right away and helped me turn my frown upside down. The grown ups can sometimes be challenging but my day to day job with the kids is awesome. I can't believe I get to do my dream job and teach dance and just get paid to have fun every day. I had a professor tell me I'd never make it, there are so many people who want my job, and it was almost given away a few years back so I certainly don't take it for granted. I am blessed.

I guess that's it! Our goal this week is to get Coop to self-soothe in the night, we have another appointment for Josie, and then we're trying to only eat out twice a week from now on. Haha if you know how much we hate cooking you know that's a tall order for us.
Have a good couple weeks!