We can't believe the summer break is already over and the school year has begun.
he got shots again but it was way better than last time because we did tylenol before we went to get ahead of it.
I'm losing my hearing. Dallin said my name and I heard Roxanne, and he said “it changed my life” and I heard “shave my legs.”
first day back to work pic (This was for training because we did 3 weeks of that before the school year started.)
Its a little blonder.
When Shelly was here we went out to eat at a restaurant for the first time in 5 months. It was really nice!
This is what I have to deal with when I wake up in the morning so thats why I was worried about having time for both him and me lol
New hair for a new school year
Its a little blonder.
Finishing up harry potter series with Coop
guess who did which hand.....Me on the left, Dallin on the right lol but I love them!

I'm getting better at the gel nails myself. This is after 2 weeks and no chips!

This was before his hair cut obviously lol
This was me documenting that he can hold his head up really high now. He actually rolled over for the first time on Tuesday August 18th, 2020 from tummy to back. Twice! but I didn't get it on video.
Dallin still leaves me sweet notes sometimes randomly. Those are the really good, small treasures about life that after a while add up and just add so much to making your life so good.
My dad gave me 5 boxes full of old childhood stuff and I saw a lot of workbooks like this and it reminded me of how involved my Grama was. That's her handwriting. You can see I did it wrong and then she helped me. I'm so glad I was able to have that close of a relationship with her.
We are having to do both online school and in person at the same time. To prepare for that they gave us a lot of time for 3 weeks to get ready. So teaching dance online means making videos- a lot. So it's weird and it's a lot more work and time than just in person by itself. I feel so bad for the core teachers. It's so much work for them I feel an outright mutiny brewing around here lol
Kissing the bee in his jump jump. lol he loves it
the dogs fighting over a toy. I picked up josie trying to break them up and it just picked up jake with it and he's flying around lol
This is from our crib cam lol
Me when I was 5 months
Dallin got a new pool float that we don't have to blow up.
HUGE owl on the neighbors roof!
day 1 of training
He can move around in the jump jump now
This was me documenting that he can hold his head up really high now. He actually rolled over for the first time on Tuesday August 18th, 2020 from tummy to back. Twice! but I didn't get it on video.
Dallin still leaves me sweet notes sometimes randomly. Those are the really good, small treasures about life that after a while add up and just add so much to making your life so good.
Josie coming out of the vet
Our vet does curb side and they call you when they're in there to avoid being around people. We got bad news about baby Jo. They rate the heart murmurs 1-6, last year she was at a 3 and now she's at a 5. She had fluid accumulating in her lungs and thus the coughing. Now she's on 3 pills every 12 hours and we have to take her back every 2 months to check her kidneys because of all the pills. The vet said she's in congestive heart failure so prepare emotionally because it's a progressive disease. So we are really sad about it. The only thing that made it better was we thought about what would she want to do kind of as a bucket list before she dies, and all the things we thought of that she loves, she's already getting on a daily basis. So that made me not feel as sad just that she's got a great quality of life still. And the vet said who knows she could make it 5 more years. So we're hoping for that because I would literally break down without her.
Shelly's visit
She came up to watch coop the first week of me going back for training. It helped ease me into it a lot because at first taking him to daycare and the whole routine of getting myself ready and him ready in the mornings was really overwhelming to me. So it was nice to have a week of just getting used to being out in the world again adn then after get used to taking him to daycare. It was scary tho when she first got here she all of a sudden got this horrible dizzy thing happening where she was falling over and throwing up. We did a phone doctor appointment and they gave her meds and luckily she was fine within a day or 2.
His massive diaper lol
Since coop is so chubby he floats!
Wearing 9 month clothes at 4.5 months old!
Childhood boxes
my grama left me these slippers and ones that look like goats
I figured out the best ways to do it and I love my phone because the iphone makes it so quick and easy. I can even use imovie on my phone and then upload it straight from there!
Me and chelsea showing ballroom. The hard part about ballroom is no partnering because of covid. So ya it's definitely not the same experience.
Kissing the bee in his jump jump. lol he loves it
This is from our crib cam lol
Me when I was 5 months
took this picture while doing google duo with my dad
We're both reading "how the danish do parenting" book
Its really interesting! I thought this quote was really funny, especially right now dealing with covid while teaching.
listening to this as I drive in to work podcasts on the 4 agreements
and the intense studying is cooper's fall asleep favorite lol
this was my reaction to hearing we're going back to school in person...
We had to wait till like the last minute to find out what we were doing that made it even harder.
us watching gov on decision
In this announcement he said the benchmarks will make it so that schools can either open or close, and then according to the benchmarks we didn't pass but then ala just decided to open anyways. So I don't really get it.
my boss' bridal shower
Cooper waking up 6 times in one night
Hes waking up more now. We think it could be a regression or teething or something.
staring at lamp
curvy girl lol
first day of daycare
This is Marni she watches teachers kids out of her house.
asleep at daycare
She sent us this video of him. They told us a story that I guess one day he was watching another little girl jump on the tramp and he thought it was so funny he was laughing so hard adn he got everyone there laughing for like 10 minutes straight! haha
new sunglasses
His laugh is so cute
August mantle
so wiggly!
Shelly got him these toys and he loves them!
Jackie presenting at training
me and mo fire drill practice
soon calls me toucan sam because my mask comes out so far from my face. But I like that it's not right up against my nose and mouth cuz it makes it feel like I can breathe better.
soon (making fun of corona safety....)
I'm the opposite of this. I don't think we're being safe enough, but whatever.
I love our AD dan. He totally lightened the mood as we were waiting to find out if we were in person or online. The tension is high around here always because of our current sitaution but he made it fun becuase to pass the time we did a sing along lol
He loves reading so much he just "eats up" those books lol
his voice
This is what I have to deal with when I wake up in the morning so thats why I was worried about having time for both him and me lol
This was first day of school. I've had to make some changes to my face washing routine because of my face erupting. So this is before I got ready.....
We got the weighted chest sleep sack thing
August bulletin board. Since I've been so busy I just put it up really fast and didn't try that hard lol
And this is after. lol it ends up being that I have to wake up at 5:30 so I'm not late. This was me taking him to daycare. I can't believe it's already my 6th year teaching.
Dallin always leaves me a note on the first day of school
He's officially teething. He has like 6 out of the 7 symptoms of it. We got the weighted chest sleep sack thing
August bulletin board. Since I've been so busy I just put it up really fast and didn't try that hard lol
Jake has been so scared every night lately. It's been storming a lot here and it scares him so much he just presses himself against you so tight and forces you to hold him. lol
Lexi and I made onesies
We made these for Gianna's virtual baby shower on sunday
It was so good to see her again we had fun
This is why my mornings are friggin' hard.
He pooped up his back and down both legs in his sit me up right as we were about to leave. So I put my robe on backwards and held it under him so he didn't drip poop from my closet to the changing room, and then I had to wipe down pretty much his whole body and change his clothes and he peed on his face during the process. It was was all over the changing table too. So I ended up being late cuz cleaning all that up took a while but because I give myself that extra cushion of time I was only like 5 min late. (Getting a nice lecture from a coworker on being on time is pretty motivating lol but also..... can you blame me when I have this to deal with?!?!?)
Jakey turned 9!
Hope you're doing well!