It's Hallmark (and Lifetime) season because I got really into those cheesy Christmas movies this year. I pretty much watched one per day lol
Anyway this was me breaking the news to the dogs... they were confused I think. lol
We had dinner and played spoons with these guys, it was fun! Doggy babysitting again....
Doggy Babysitting
Ceasar, Josie #2, and Phineas

Look how cute they were after their groom! OMG so fluffy I'm gonna die!
"Thank you Shelly Dinner"
We took her to maple and ash to thank her for all her hard work in the bathroom. We had such a good time and she loved it! (Which is a good thing because we talked it up so much that it would have been embarrassing if she hated it lol)

Look at the size of that pie!

Cardinals game
they lost, but the guys still had a good time

Bathroom Progress (Or Lack thereof)
Same story as before- everything they have done so far has needed to be re done at least once, and they never show up or respond. Funny part is, they actually asked us not to leave a bad review. HA!
But My dad and Shelly's work turned out amazing of course :)

The Cray Cray 3 months
Dallin had to be in Utah every other week since we went to Illinois. Meaning that in between the bathroom, several different house guests, and his leaving, we hadn't been alone or on a date in 3 months. It was a stressful time because there was so much going on at once and we couldn't use our bathroom. This is a pic of him in Utah
He is always a sweetheart of course, so he could tell it was wearing on me and one time when he left he wrote me a note and left me money for cookies at school to boost my mood. My school makes the best cookies and he knows I love them. He is seriously the best part about my life, and he always makes everything better.
This was the Facebook announcement pic
Christmas Bulletin Board & door at school
I look forward to changing them out and so do several of the students. This was a collective effort of like 6 different students so I pretty much did nothing lol They got so into it! I love how it turned out!
We made these snowmen in my 5th hour again. It's becoming a fun tradition.
This is out of order because of course thanksgiving is before the Christmas stuff went up. Anyway the Graffs came to visit!
Desmond likes taking selfies lol

We went and saw Frozen 2
Then after we played arcade games. The new fat cats by our house is amazing!
Desmond and Brian won this huge stuffed animal and ended up giving it to Josie and I have never seen her be so obsessed with a toy in her life. She was in love. She cuddled it and took it everywhere with her. Which was funny because it's the size of her.
Look at how happy she is!

Watching the thanksgiving parade
We decided to have steaks instead of turkey and it was really good.
Michelle and I went to hobby lobby because Renee gave me a gift card and there was a sale, so I ended up finally getting this map that I wanted for 2 years. Lol no joke, I took a picture of it in July of 2017 and finally went back for it now. It was glorious not having to spend 60 bucks on it and only 15$ instead. And maybe this will mean I can finally make the office look semi-normal and not a gross teenager's hang out.

Anyway after that we went to a reflexology massage place on a whim, and it was not nearly as good as happy feet in Gilbert. Well it was for Michelle, but for me explaining to them with the language barrier my current situation was embarrassing and cumbersome to say the least and by the end I'm pretty sure they thought that we were lesbians. Anyway she didn't do anything because of my situation basically. It was like she was scared to touch anything lol we couldn't even describe to her how to take a picture of us.
Rudy and Desmond were both sick so they ended up leaving early, but Rudy first flung his sticky hand from the arcade up onto our ceiling. It stayed there for a few weeks before Lexi came over and decided to take matters in to her own hands. lol I'm so thankful for her.

New throw pillows for the master
Dilly bought his dad's old computer for me so that I have something faster and better for making the wedding video! Isn't he sweet? This computer is amazing!
Happy Holidays!
Since we were leaving for Christmas we didn't set up all the decorations, we just only did the mantle. I was so grateful for that when we came back too because we were hosting New Years and I only had a day to set up
Think it's too cold to swim in December? Think again. This was her being mad at me that I was making her sit there for ever and not letting her inside all wet. I guess I am kind of mean, the water is 47 degrees and then she had to sit in the cold (ish) weather forever instead of immediately warming up lol oh well maybe then she will learn her lesson
This 9 month process....
"That was the worst night sleep of my life" - me every single morning since 16 weeks. At least I have Josie as my partner so I don't have to go through it alone. She wakes up with me every time during the night and in the early morning when I get ready for school
Still gives me panic attacks and difficult for me to not think of it as alien activity but I am getting better. (You may want to have the sound off for these, my coworker was swearing in the background lol )
I came across this quote at lunch one day and I found it very inspiring and fitting for my situation. I still don't know what I'm doing or how I'm going to do any of it, but I am still taking it day by day and getting more and more comfortable with it as I go. And that's all I can expect of myself, right? So to some people I still seem absolutely crazy, but if you know where I started, I really have come a long way.
The students were trying to be helpful with the name department.
The belly button out thing was added to the list of things I was incredibly depressed about. Dallin helps because he is really encouraging about it and talks me out of the "I'm becoming a disgusting whale" thoughts.
Look how cute
We saw knives out at the fat cats and it was so good!

Can you believe this?!
When I was driving home from school I had to do a triple take and pull over to take pictures.... it hailed but it really looked like snow! Isn't that wild?!
Uphill battle
In my effort to not become this....

I have been trying to track my macros and workout. I am so thankful for my friends and Dallin helping me with it because I often don't want to work out because my back or ribs hurt and I have no energy. We fixed up the bikes and do rides around the neighborhood often. I also was doing the personal trainer still, and we took a picture on our last workout.

We're in the market for a new car
but we can't decide what's the best course of action to take. what where when, etc. But I like that we are taking it slow.

My job lately
This is accurate....
Chelsea and her advanced students had their show, and there wasn't really anything for me to do or help with so I only went one night and got some videos.
The students had to write 5 paragraph essays about a live dance show they attended, and the papers were much better this year than last year. I was a lot happier about how it went. Last year the stupid winter spectacular made it all more complicated, & I spent less time on the "how to" lessons, so this time everything went way smoother. I also got through the grading way faster and it was a lot less stressful. I think it could be that I had less doing it this year so I had less to grade. Anyway, this was the funny stuff I came across. The first one she was trying to say "arial" and the second one she was trying to write what people wore.
We did secret Santa in my 5th hour and I love them they all conspired to pull together and get me a baby gift. Isn't it so thoughtful!
RIP Harry the fish!
He finally passed away. According to my google research, he died of constipation. We gave him a nice funeral service that included a poem, a song, eulogy, line with hands on hearts/moment of silence as he was walked to the toilet to be flushed. lol It was beautiful. With how many thoughtful students I have, I have a feeling I'm going to end up with 40 replacement fish when we go back to school. (yay.😟😓)
We did our holiday party as usual where you have to sign up for something. I was sad I couldn't limbo again this year because last year I won, so I just signed up for the thing I thought I would suck the least at. Darts. Who'da thunk, I WON AGAIN!!!!! I was so excited to win the 100$, now I have to win again next year to keep my streak going! This pic is of the pie eating contest.
Jake and Jojo
The kids got matching new PJ's to take pics with Santa in and of course first thing Josie does after trying it on is run and get in the pool. The red bled into the white making the snowmen look pink and also on her her fur on her feet so she looked like she had pink feet for a few days.

Jake is the most spoiled person on the planet. He doesn't ever want to get up and eat breakfast so I brought it to him.

Look how much they love each other! haha Dallin just caught them sitting on the same chair cuddling like this one day. hahah
Friends Christmas party!
It was so fun. Dallin's ugly sweater hahah
We did white elephant, the ball game, ate, played Christmas family feud, etc.

This was the ball game
What I won in white elephant
The group shot
Presents from my dad and shelly
They were so generous and we were both so excited with what we got. Dallin got a new tool organizer!
My dad and Dallin hung 2 lights in the bathroom and these 2 sconces outside. Slowly but surely we will update this whole house. I just have 8 light fixtures left to save up for, buy and install. lol nbd.
Our trip to Utah
I was deathly sick. We stopped in page for the night, took that pic at dinner cuz we realized we were matching lol I got an iPhone for Christmas! its so cool!
Jake wasn't a fan of being in Utah because he gets all protective of his space. lol the 2nd pic we want to make a meme.
The dogs mostly got along, there was one incident but everyone is okay.
It was cute seeing Mozzie and Jake play lol Jake ran out of energy though, I think he is getting old.
We went to see Jumanji 2 with the Davises and my grandma and after went to Texas road house, it was really fun!
Since I make the book every year shutterfly really wants my business so they emailed me this. I couldn't believe this was 5 years ago! It's crazy how time flies. Anyway I used to spend 70 or 80 bucks on the book and now that I found printer pix on groupon I spend like 15 and it's just a good quality so sorry shutterfly...
Loved my festive nails this time. I figured out what to do, I get dip once a month, and then in between nail polish over it to cover the growth. That way I'm not spending a fortune and they 're still really hardy and not falling off
Poor Dallin was throwing up so much and so sick he had to go to urgent care. Luckily it wasn't what web md thought and he is okay. He is getting better and better every day.
The Roof!
I love this tradition. Good food and getting to dress up!
Dallin and I did the game this time and it was music themed in teams. These 2 won!
Our traditional photo by the window. I wonder how many of these we have.

The Drive Home
It was way better stopping and staying in page, I will never drive straight through again. Jake and Josie don't love driving but they do okay. We gave them benedryl and this spray stuff. Josie likes to sit right on top of Jake. Poor guy.
Me and Jake
Me and Josie making the same face
Can you believe Dallin's mom made these! They're incredible, all from things she found on the beach!
Christmas photo with Santa
Next year hopefully we can get my dad to not wear a bright orange shirt and we will also have a little boy to bring to be in our picture! So exciting!
New Years Eve Partying
We hosted and did minute to win it games like this...
It was so much fun and so easy to do! We already had all the decorations from before, I went to the dollar store in Utah with my mom for all the supplies for the party and it was only 18 bucks! A lot of them were hilarious to watch and everyone got really into it! haha
This mini ski ball was Dallin's white elephant gift and we made it one of the games
We watched the ball drop and we ate
We did sparklers and cazoos
All the dogs :)
Jess' new camera is incredible and we're jelly! It was fun to have and take pics with!
Video of the last game
Toasting at New Years!
The girls
The boys
(this is my favorite picture because they look like 2 gay couples posing with their dogs lol )
The party left us all wiped out! We have just been laying around all day today.
It's so exciting to think that in 2020 we will become parents! I think that's what we are looking forward to the most. It's strange to think that it's been a decade since we met, time seems like it's moving faster and faster as we get older. Now that it's a new decade, here is our picture comparison.
We've aged a little bit, but we are even more in love, have the best life, and have just as much fun as we used to back in 2010. It's pretty good already and we have nothing but good things to look forward to in this next decade.HAPPY NEW YEAR!