This post is about us slowly progressing. It's hard to always have patience with the process, and also it's hard to have energy for it all to get done. But it's happening, slowly but surely. (I'll explain more below...)
This is us grilling hamburgers and eating outside. I love our yard and this weather and this guy. (and hamburgers lol)
We try to go on bike rides to stay in shape but to be honest they are becoming more and more rare since we both have mile-long "To do" lists and a lack of energy to do it. Plus I am wildly out of shape now that I am like 30 pounds heavier. So that makes bike riding a little less fun.... lol
Anyway every time we go and we pass this tree it smells heavenly. I took a picture because I decided I want 100 of this tree.
Jake was trying to help the pool guy and I thought it was funny. I just imagine him saying "hey dude, haven't seen you in a while how've you been? Oh what's that? Can I help? what does it smell like? What are you doing? Why are you back there? Did you know there's lizards in that bush? etc. etc. " lol and then Josie doesn't even notice someone is here at all.
I looked in Dallin's baby book again and I thought his mom's captions were funny. I thought it was funny that Brian called Dallin "Gollin" because it sounds like Gollum from lord of the rings.
Also that she wrote he is a swinger lol
Some things never change. These 3 brothers are so close now too even though they're all in their 30s.
This I thought was especially funny. She meant to write 1990 but she wrote 2000. So that was what Dallin looked like when he was 12? Woah! haha
This cross word puzzle was one of those challenges that bugged the crap out of me until I could figure it all out. Once I did it I was super proud of myself so I had to document it lol
Slow progression on the bathroom
Yes, this nonsense is still going on. What can I say? I like to hire incompetent idiots apparently. The "2 week" job has now become 4 months long because they lie, won't show up, don't do the work they're supposed to, or they do it wrong and have to come back and re-do what they did. It was a colossal mistake on my part to do this bathroom renovation at the same time as dealing with my biggest fear in life.... 😂 lol
Here is the progress.
my dad and Dallin put in these new light fixtures and fandelier
I love that fandelier soooooo much it's so cool that it's a fan and chandelier at the same time and it dims and you can control the speed!
You have no idea how much joy this new toilet brought for me hahaha it sounds crazy but with how long I have gone without one while I wait on this ridiculous contractor, it made me miss it. I have to pee a lot in the night so it makes a difference. Plus that light is so cool. Dallin is really good at putting in lights now he has had to do so many (poor guy)
And this is what our powder room has looked like in the mean time. For 4 long months we've been getting ready in here and using this as our solution.
We have progress in the rest of the house too! Several fans went in, and we picked the paint for the kid's room! We are starting to paint tomorrow and Dallin is putting up shiplap.
I think I was kidding myself when I first said that all house projects need to be done before the kid is born... that may not be possible. But we are definitely trying and stressing in the mean time.
OMG look how cute!
Jake made a mess in his room. It was clean before.
Josie was a little sick for a few days and we almost took her to the vet but then she was back to being herself. It's a big deal when she's not eating that much or interested in her toys! She just laid in her bed for a couple days. But now she is fine.
I did the book from 2019 and it turned out sooo thick because the site wouldn't let me add more pics per page
This is me using the mermaid blanket my mom got me for Christmas
Maternity Pictures
I was thinking how stupid I am being about feeling too fat to take pictures and stuff. The whole reason I do this blog and the books every year is so that I can look back and have the memories. Not everybody is able to have kids and who knows I may not be able to be in this situation again so this might be my only time, so it would be a shame to not have any memories of it because I was being insecure. So I decided to buck up and just do it. Money is kind of tight with all of the expenses of a kid and getting the house projects done, so all the photographers I looked into seemed super high. So I asked Jess because she has an amazing camera and it turns out she has photography experience too! It was so nice of her to do that for us and it turned out so good. Here are the favorites.

We just went to agritopia farms in Gilbert and it was a pretty area and pretty sunset. It was so nice being with jess because I was actually kind of nervous and she made it really laid back and low key.
I'm so grateful for her!

This is me trying to get over my "I am a whale" mentality and take pictures.

So many classes!
We are going to a few different types of classes because we don't know what we're doing and at one they made this guy wear the amount of weight that is on a girls body haha it was funny
Our tradition is to get crumbl cookies after a class (Even Dallin eats these so you know they must be amazing)
We got a new entertainment center and I am SO in love! I have wanted that for about 5 years!Hot date with a gift card (Thanks Tina!)
Bachelor is back!
Meeting up to watch the bachelor is the highlight of my week with these peeps!
This is me going hard on Welch's sparkling grape hahaha in reality I took this picture to be funny, had a few swallows, decided it was too sugary and didn't finish it.Decorations! January style
We are looking forward to our little party! Our friends and family have been so generous with this because the list to the left was possible expenses and me adding them up made me freak out! haha so we are so grateful for everyone's help.
My dad is so cute. I mentioned that I love the Panama Peach flavor of Bai drinks and he will every once in a while just randomly send a box of them to my house from amazon. It really makes my day because it's so thoughtful of him. And I love those!
We got new pics of the kid but he was so squashed up against something or he had his feet in his face so finally they gave up trying to take pictures lol he's apparently just as flexible as me!Dallin has also been traveling to Utah for work off and on still so that adds to his busy- ness and trying to get everything done. This was them at a jazz game up there.
Guess that's it for now!
I will write again in a month!