First off- we escaped the heat of the desert and took off to Hawaii!!! Dave was so impressive competing in his first Ironman. I could not believe how tough all the people are who do that. It was amazing!

Maybe it was the coach in me (maybe I shouldn't have quit coaching! lol) but I couldn't help but cheer for every person who passed us. It started out that I was just cheering for Dave, but then I couldn't help it because I could see them working their butts off and in pain in the heat but still so determined so I was just basically yelling all day at random people. But they seemed to love it!

We made a video compilation of the day and it turned out pretty cool! It was fun to make too. We love going into that little film-making mode where we're trying to think of interesting shots to get and stuff.
After that we went and checked into our hotel and it was beautiful!
Then we went back to Dallin's favorite beach from our Honeymoon. It was so strange being back there 5 years later because it doesn't feel like it was that long ago.
And this is us now on the same beach! haha Dallin's hair re-located but other than that we look pretty much the same. It's obvious by these pictures he still makes me laugh just as much as he used to. And I think it's obvious that cameras in phones are better now because the pic from our honeymoon is super grainy!

After that we shopped and went to eat in the cute down town area of Kona. I love that place. Of course we had to get some coffee and I got a new hat
Back at our resortWe drove to the wet side of the island, ate and saw the sights
Can you believe this? Breathtaking!
This is a sacred place or something like that. I didn't read the plaques lol
This was the view from our room and our restaurant table
The food there was divine!
This was the restaurant guy showing us how they "saber the champagne" lol feels fancy right?
We went on a catamaran and snorkeled! I felt like we were on an episode of the bachelor! I didn't even know what that word was at first and I was saying lots of other weird words that were not that when I kept trying to remember what it was lol we looked like such tourists I'm sure
"Look I'm on a Cat-A-Verran!" "OMG Dilly look how pretty the view is from this Cabana-ran!" lol
They told us all about the fish, one of the guides was Zac Efron's doppleganger (I kid you not, and Dallin whispered "Is that not the most good-looking guy you've ever seen?" lol), and they gave us lunch, drinks, and one of the other guides swam down really deep and got us a cool shell that these one urchin things live in. (That's not right, I can't remember what they're called. But they look like french fries.)

Aren't these videos so cool! I felt like Ariel. (Except in real life I was not that cool. I loaded myself up with like 3 floaters and the guy was like "Can you not swim?" lol And it took me like 10 minutes of re-adjusting everything on the ladder while everyone waited on me before I would just get in the dang water.... but any who...)
It was so fun. And even though he could have thought I was an idiot, instead he brought me cookies and water on the way back! hahah
The obligatory beach-sunset photo that every other guest at the hotel was taking at the same time as us .... lol
Dallin got sushi one night
This was me paying because he had no faith in my ability to figure out what the tip should be. To his credit, I do the math wrong probably 70% of the time.
We went to the pool pretty much every day. (And pulled up silver dollar sized pieces of our own skin every night. Usually it came with him quoting that movie and saying, "That's a keeper" or me saying, "Oh YEEEEAH!"
Oh, and we people-watched a lot. I don't know what it is about getting old, but it ends up being entertaining. When I was young and I would see my grandparents nosily and seamlessly people watch in restaurants I thought it was weird and embarrassing. But now I'm turning into that. (And also they used to just "go for a drive." They would point at buildings and say "oh that's new, I wonder what they're building there, looks like there's construction, that place got bought out, oh look who's moving, etc." Which as a teenager is like torture to endure, and now Dallin and I totally do that. It seems weird that we even care to wonder what the building under construction is going to become, but evidently it's the circle of life.)
Anyways, I watched so many older couples who went an entire meal without saying a word to each other. That worried me a little because I don't want to become that. I saw families with kids where not a single one of them looked up from their electronic devices once the entire meal. Why go on vacation at all? There was a lady at the pool talking about how sunscreen kills the wildlife in the ocean and all the juicy details about her past drug use. There was a gay couple on their honeymoon who were already planning their vow renewal. lol See my eavesdropping problem? I'm hopeless.
The spa without walls!!!!
If you know us, you know that our favorite things are trying really amazing restaurants and going to spas. So we got a brand new experience this time- a spa that is completely closed in by plants instead of walls. It was amazing. So this was when we first got there (it was at a different hotel).

I mean... come on. DOES IT GET ANY BETTER THAT THIS!?!?!

This is my "I could get used to this" face.... ahhhhhhhh.

Our last day we were sitting at our pool cabana overlooking the ocean and we saw a lizard.
This was the fancy restaurant we went to after our massage. It seriously rocked my world. I think it took Joe's spot for the title of my new favorite restaurant. Every single bite was like heaven and I wished it could never end. Those flowers in my hair are real by the way! haha only in Hawaii would your uber driver offer you a flower for your hair.
Those rolls.... as dallin would say, "mm papi"
Can you believe they wrote that on that plate! This was a combination of oreo crust, ice-cream, cookie dough- and I don't even care what else was in it even if it was crack I could not stop eating it. So since it's tradition I ate till my stomach hurt.
Post-Hawaii life
We missed the kids of course. My dad, shelly, and sue watched them for us, and both flights made me remember how much I hate flying. But anyway look how freaking cute they are!
This is where the title of the blog post comes in.... NO HEAT HAIR
This summer has been a heat-less hair summer. Not because I planned it that way or anything but I just realized that I haven't done my hair since end of the school year. I just decided to live it up this summer and completely relax! Haha life's too short to waste time on silly things like washing your hair. So anyway one night i fell asleep with it wet and woke up to hair like this. I'm living my best life you guys. Lexi said "It looks like dreads!" haha and it reminded me of all my kindergarten pictures. They're bomb.
Because I was getting sick of the same old bun I've had every day since may 26th, i went for braids once or twice.
Escaping the heat of inactivity
Okay I know that one's a stretch. But what usually happens to me during school breaks is that my brain breaks too..... lol
It's like the ability to lay around since I have time for that takes over and then I can't get myself to do anything at all. But this summer I just went ape-shiz into a bunch of different fitness directions. (Actually I probably went too far with it.) We still have our personal trainer wendy, I signed up for a bootcamp class and dance class with Lexi, and all the wake boarding and knee boarding take a toll too. So I strained my hip flexor and pulled my left pec.
Here we are with Wendy at the gym.
Speaking of the gym, there's this place next door called fat straw and I'm obsessed with it. Their protein shakes are so good, I don't even go there because it's healthy I literally crave it. That's enough motivation to get me to the gym so I can get a reece's shake! haha They're only like 250 calories and they keep you full for like 4 hours!
Since I go from bootcamp, to swimming, to gym, to dance, I pretty much never wear normal clothes. Being in workout clothes all the time has made me realize that I have a lot that's too big or too small, or just disgustingly stained. This shirt is clean and it still looks gray in the pits. So I'm using it as my reward- if I work out 5 days a week all summer I get to buy new workout clothes at the end.

This is me and lexi at our dance class. We go to wagner dance arts in mesa 3 days a week. It's really hard actually. They're all younger than us and have been dancing all they're lives and we're rusty so I was so sore after our first day I couldn't go up the stairs. haha but we're used to it now.
This is lexi doing one of our combo's. I got my new schedule for next year and it's cray cray. lol I may forget whether i'm teaching regular or social cuz it's all over the place. 

It's so heatless dallin's wearing hoodies
haha jk. We had a ginormous wasp nest he had to kill and his life flashed before his eyes... but it went fine. lol
I'm an Aunt
I think you already knew that. haha
Kaylynn and her kids came over and we played for a couple days. They're cool 😄 it was fun. And Melanie is the cutest little chunker.
Heatless Nights!
Soon after my last blog post we moved upstairs for our bedroom since the downstairs gets sooooooo much hotter than the upstairs. It's been a game-changer. We can leave the downstairs level cranked up to 84 and upstair feel cool as a cucumber. So we've saved so much money on our electric bill. Anyway I lasted about a week up in the guest room before I broke down and simply HAD to decorate it. It goes against every fiber of my being to not have a room matchy-matchy and cutie-cutie. Dallin couldn't give 2 craps what decor we have up, (I don't even think he notices lol) and everyone on the planet knows I lose control in hobby lobby, so I took this as a challenge on how cheap I could do it. Well, ladies and gentlemen, after the whole room was said and done...... I only spent a total of 130$! wooohoooo! It's so cute too.
I painted caddies we already had, rearranged decor pieces we already had, and only bought a few things. But technically, that number isn't counting the new ceiling fan. That was 150$ ish I think. But that doesn't count as decorating, that goes in the home improvement category right? haha
We got a wall mount for the tv in there, and w could not get it to hang. It was becoming a nightmare and we had to leave for Hawaii so Dallin finally just got sick of the whole thing and flex-taped it. Hahahaha i thought it had to be documented.
It fell down so that's why now we don't have anything there. The holes for the screws don't line up with where the holes are for the "universal mount" lol
Poor Jo Jo
She went to the vet to get her shots and they said she has a heart murmur and needed a few teeth extractions.
Without the Heat of work
we can go to lunch together now! Dallin working from home is the best thing ever. We tried senior taco and it rocked. He asked me if I wanted a bite and then proceeded to dump it in my lap. I went to home depot after that covered in sour creme.
Shelly and me swimmin' it up! You're definitely "heatless" with 100 SPF, the pool, and misters on!Juicy Josie keepin' it heatless
She goes swimming probably 3 times a day because she's living her best life and now we have a rule that she sits by the dog door on a towel when she comes in. I just think it's so cute because she is so obedient she will sit outside the dog door for sooooooo long until she's invited inside and then when she does come in, she sits in that corner and stares at you until you tell her she can move. So obedient (She could teach Jake a thing or two).
Another one of the Game nights
Brian and Jordan and dallin gaming
Girls night!
We're watching Caitlyn's old season of bachelorette and Lexi fell asleep HARD. lol
The quote of the night.........
"Are you drinking chamomile tea?" -Tina
"Oh yeah. I can sniff out a good Chami from a mile away." -Me

The heat is off my wallet
The budget blasting 80$ a month on eyelashes is over. I finally decided to give it up, and I know you're thinking I'm not going to stick with it, but I swear this time I am! haha I got this stuff that's supposed to help them grow back. When they were still falling off and they weren't all gone I was putting on strip lashes to fill the gaps and now I just wear mascara and my lashes are starting to look more healthy. It was so annoying waiting for those last few to fall off. I got the most powerful glue ever and they stayed on for all of Hawaii with the pool and ocean and everything.
Josie is smarter than we thought
She can do new tricks! You can't see very well but in the second picture she is balancing a bone on her nose.
That's a Keeper!
Look how peel-ey my back was! haha
hawaii+boating+pool= my skin saying "why?!"
This is what I did to my reading chair just by sitting there. Speaking of- that's the other awesome part about summer break is just getting to sit and read and watch shows whenever I want. It's so relaxing. I'm just finishing "Unraveled" from the "Perfected" series and its really good.
Clear link floats the river
Clear link people are funny. They complain they want together-ness but then don't show when they create an event. lol
When you teach, you might get one or 2 little parties a year and that's it. Clear link people have it made, they do events and trips all the time it's incredible and those employees don't even know how good they have it.
Nonetheless, the few who went had a good time and those were the BFFs anyways :) lol
Boat Till you Drop!
I used to love floating the river but now I'm all about the lake. I love it so much more. The gross river water freaks me out a little. Sooooooo here are all our boating adventures.
This was on Father's Day. We took the kids out just us and Josie (I kid you not) jumped in the water on her own off the back when we weren't even stopped yet! haha it was crazy. I wish I had it on film. It was a huge drop for her and so out-there because she just likes to lazily float not actively swim. So we got freaked out and I jumped in after her to save her. (Not really save her, she was wearing her life jacket, but if we're being honest with how fat she is, she couldn't last forever.)Once I got in, Jake jumped in too! So that's this picture. Me holding both of them right after I gave them the, "Don't do that you psycho's, are you trying to get yourself killed?!" talk.
When we were trying to tie the boat and park it and stuff jake got off and ran onto the Desert Belle tour boat and some old lady from Ohio fell in love with him and thought she was taking him home. He didn't get far cuz we were parked right next to that tour boat but still..... we decided we're not taking them boating anymore.
G- Money knee boarding
Jess standing on the tube while I sat like a scared-ey cat.
Nick knee boarding
Gianna's birthday boating trip
A different day with Lexi & fam
Her and I decided to jump off the rock
Here we are jumping off- don't worry, I saved the sun glasses :)
Dallin "teaching Addi how to drive the boat"
Olivia "driving the boat"

Lexi's birthday boating celebration
I wish it was summer all the time.
Then I could just do lunch dates with Tina at amazing scottsdale restaurants all the time. So freaking nice. (Same bun I have had in my hair all summer.)
Eating struggles
Jake refuses to eat and Josie has been caught multiple times eating Jake's food. I'm starting to realize now that she is getting legit health problems from her weight so we're really cracking down on it. Anyway, Jake will eat his food if Dallin pretends to eat it first. lol
Babysitting Harley
This is my coworker Jeff's dog Harley. Jeff and his family are my favorite and he has bailed me out a bunch of times at work so I feel like I owe him so much! hahah he rocks. So we watched their dog while they were in cali and Harley was such a sweetheart. We all slept in bed together it was a little tight. haha
He played so nicely with Josie because he made her believe she actually had a chance haha
Dallin was in love because Harley was so affectionate and sweet with him right away.
This is a video of us running around with him.
Jake was a little jealous of the whole thing.Josie's health
It has become apparent that her health is going down hill. She gets really cuddley when she's in pain and her snoring is so loud you can't sleep.
And I know that we all have a picture like this, it's just a bad angle and not flattering. But I mean really, look at that belly. I took that pic because Jess and Lyle were laughing so hard at it. They came over and taught us the game Nertz (and it was really fun btw). They are so sweet with Jojo I am convinced she knew them in another life.

The heat is on for Dilly-Bo-Billy
We have bet that every time he leaves a drawer or cabinet open I get a dollar. Every time he does it I take a pic and I have 3 so far :)
Brunch at the Duce
omg this is why AZ rocks. This food was sooooo good and that place was so cool. It's in phoenix by the D backs stadium and they did a hip hop class right after we were leaving. I think they have a lot to offer so I'm definitely going back some time. That avocado and eggs was to die for.
Game Night!
Good ol' fashioned game of "the Board"
It's so weird that this was so long ago. The consignment shop that has all my dresses (probably like 11 dresses in all) emailed me asking for pictures of what was mine and so going through these was like a trip down memory lane.
Casino Night with the Homies!
haha I'm not cool enough to use the word "homies" am I?
Anyway we went and did bingo and a few other games, it was fun! (Besides the emphysema that we ended up with because of all the dang smoke!)
Dallin's work trip to Utah for 3 days
I just don't eat when he's gone. That's the diet plan I'm on. lol
Breaking news: We got the boys to dance with us!!!
My students would love the fact that my elbows are up in this picture. lol We finally wore them down and the boys danced with us. It was so fun and dallin was so good at it! I was like the heart-eyed emoji all night at him because he was so fun and paying attention and trying so hard. It was really cute he wanted to be good at it for me.
We also went to BJ's for dinner after the class and that cookie-zookie is no joke.
We danced a few times together but we were a little intimidated because the class only taught you like 4 moves and then you're surrounded by veterans who do this every night. So dallin said he wants to practice at home and then go back :)
I watched the girls for her present so they could go on a date. We painted pictures :)
Ditching the Heat of regular pricing :)
We hit up the sale and got ourselves some sweat shorts and patriotic gear.
There was no Heat in finally losing my growth on my eye!
haha that sounds sick doesn't it? Well the milia thing was not as painful or as weird as I thought it was gonna be. I literally just scratched my eye one day and it was gone. And I was just left with the spot where the milia used to be. Weird right?
Cue "Your body is a wonderland" by John Mayer. I'm sure that's what he was talking about when he sang that song.

The dogs are going Heatless with their new short hairdos.
The obligatory after-grooming photo. They pretty much know to sit still right after walking in the door from every appointment.
Swim day!
Work it out!
These boot camp people are hard core man! It takes everything I've got to keep up! But it's so fun and I get to go for 7 weeks for only 30 bucks because of groupon so I'm taking advantage of it!
I missed game nigh at the casino for Dance :(
See? Too many hobbies now! It was sad missing Chaz while he was here.
Speaking of dance, these are some of the dance girls on our 4th of july themed dance day.
(..... I act normal, right? lol From this pic it doesn't seem like it.)
Another boot camp sesh.
Me stretching my old tired butt while Jake's busy being a cuter
This year the 4th wasn't lame for us! Yay! That hasn't happened like ever! haha usually we don't do much or it's last minute when we try it turns out lame. We had over 12 of our friends and I love them all. It feels so nice to feel that sense of community and like you have people who care about you. I have found that being social with friends is the #1 biggest contributing factor to my happiness without a doubt. When you feel alone in life it doesn't matter if everything else is going right. So I really really love all of our friends. They have been a huge part of why this summer has rocked for us.
Anyways, heres who came: Josh, Jared, Lisa, Jodie, Lexi, Justin, Tina, Olivia, Addison, Nick, Gianna, Peanut, Pretzel, and me and dilly. We grilled, swam, ate, watched fireworks, sparklers, and Josh made us a cake from scratch!

Videos of fireworks
Josie's Big appointment
The night before I couldn't sleep and went down the rabbit hole of google (big mistake). I ended up looking up how tall Mila Kunis is, whether or not Derek Hough is gay, celebrity wedding pictures, etc. Since I was on 3 hours of sleep, the morning I had to take Josie in I had my shirt on backwards and didn't notice until I got home. Anyways she was so scared but she was being so well-behaved and it was so cute and sad. I was totally fine until they started talking to me about some of the possible complications and made me sign that they have permission to give cpr, etc. It was so traumatic because she was staring at me while the vet tech pulled her leash back into the back while I walked out the front door. To be honest, I cried a tiny bit walking to my car.
I wasn't ever like that before with her other surgeries or health problems, it was just very apparent this time that her health is going downhill and it scared me. The vet had to call us 4 times to tell us what was going on, options, and have us choose. Josie's heart is worse than they thought and they did a chest x ray and sent her home on heart meds. She ended up needing 2 extractions instead of 1 and one tooth was cracked and they just sealed it. The arrow is pointing to one of her extractions.
She ended up at the vet for 10 hours and didn't eat for almost 24. This is her loopy from the anesthesia. She was just staring and not moving much.
This was right after we got home. It was so sad because she was obviously uncomfortable. She just sat there looking at you and crying quietly. You can see where they shaved her for the IV on her arm. And of course to make things more complicated she has another ear infection and it hurts her mouth to put the medicine in her ears. So she's just been sleeping a lot. We are both really watching her food intake because her weight is not helping the heart problems. Dallin was an even bigger softy than me believe it or not. He was carrying her around and staring at her, cuddling her, talking to her, etc. Haha we were both so anxious all day too. Jake wouldn't eat and kept looking around trying to find her. And when she came home he was so excited to see her and didn't even notice we came in. lol Anyways. She will be fine it was just a scary day.
Tonight is date night! I'm excited. I hope that the next few weeks go by slow so that I can keep enjoying my summer break! Bye Y'all!