It's Birthday Season!!
So many people we know have birthdays this time of year. Happy birthday to kaylynn, trenden, me, my mom, dallin, and my dad! 🎊🎁😃🎈🎂
It's so much work but also so worth it at the same time. Those early mornings and long days really bond you with the people around you.

After running in the rain
Beautiful morning!
More House Projects
I was getting frustrated recently about how many projects there are in this house and we passed the "garden homes" on the freeway. Dallin reminded me how we thought about buying one of those. They are literally a foot away from each other so even though it's all updated and you don't have any projects, you have 0 yard and 0 driveway or space of any kind. After realizing how much I love our yard and pool, it puts it all in perspective for me and makes me grateful. We are out there every day and love it so much. So all the hard work is worth it.
I tried to save money and not buy a new faucet so I just painted the one in the powder room and laundry room. It turned out good.

Jon and Brian were in town and they helped Dallin put in the oven. They had a blast that week by the way. Dallin didn't take any pictures but they went to the casino, dave and busters, had gaming nights, etc. They turned off the power to the whole house because they were nervous about hooking up the new oven. Since Jon had to "strip" the wires, Brian turned on that "strip that down" song and that's why Dallin's dancing in this picture. lol
Check it out! I love how it turned out! The whole thing for only 500$ instead of 5,000$ haha woohoo!
Next project was one I procrastinated for a long time cuz I knew it was gonna suck. But I did it! I painted the tub and covered it in contact paper!
This was the tub after I finished covering the top with contact paper. See how yellowed the basin had become?
I'm pretty sure I sprained my wrist in the process, there is a film of white spray paint over everything, I felt like I was gonna puke because of all the fumes, but it's done!
Here is how it turned out.
My 28th Birthday!
I felt like a celebrity! XC decorated my car, dance co decorated my room, students and the team brought me presents, presents from co workers, lunch with savannah, etc. So great!
I got my hair done for my birthday. Dark!
A former student came and blew confetti all over me and said "now it's a party" lol
I felt so loved!
The high school class got together to plan something that wouldn't be cliche, and they decided to get me a class pet! It's a beta fish named Harry and I couldn't believe it! So thoughtful I love it!
They are seriously the best! I can't believe how nice they are. Such sweet teenagers.
Chelsea and Riah got me cookies, Dallin got me new headphones for running
haha they gave me a yellow card for being "too amazing" lol
We love Jakey
It weirds me out when I realize that Jake is getting old and we won't have him forever. When Verl was coming over to work on the oven he bonded with Jake and says he wants him. They played and played and Verl refers to him as his dog. haha
He ran away a couple times in a row and I kept finding him in the same place so this time I filmed his reaction. He knows it's wrong but can't resist.
So we kept leaving the front door open and the gate open to tempt him and hide out in front and then get him in trouble when he tries to walk off. It happened a few times and then we saw him like this. Haha he was so sad. Just laying there staring out longingly.
He is truly the best cuddle buddy in the world.
Friends make life fun
I'm so glad I've started to make my social life more of a priority. Dallin and I start to get so busy with work that we realize we haven't done anything fun in a while and then I reign it in and then it gets busy again. But lately, I'd say for the 7 months or so, we've done really well at prioritizing our social lives. After all, "You only YOLO once."
Dad's 58th birthday!
I went down to Sierra Vista to check out his new town and to celebrate his birthday with him. We went on a 5 mile hike, hung out, watched movies, worked in the garage, and saw the town.
This was us playing the game heads up on my phone lol
As soon as I got out of my car I found a snake. It's really cold there because of the elevation!
I got him a speaker for his present and I went to see his school/office.Dallin's 30th birthday!
It didn't go as planned, because I thought we were gonna go on a trip, but I still think he has an amazing birthday month. Like I said, he had an awesome time with Jon and Brian, he is getting a new office for his birthday, (Picture below is the inspiration for the wall), we're going on a trip in a couple weeks, he's going to san diego for the clear link trip....
And I threw him a surprise party! (below is the invitation)
I made this for him and he got so many cute/funny memories from family and friends. I asked people who weren't at the party too.
It's crazy to think Dallin and Brian were once that small. Dallin was such a cute baby.
I copied tons of old pictures from him being born to now and put them together in the shape of a 30. Saw it on pinterest of course. It took so long but it was worth it I think. It turned out cute.
We were actually able to really surprise him! I've never been able to keep a secret in my life but this time I did! woohoo! haha he loved it. Here's a video of his reaction.
We had a good turn out, everybody had fun, and Dallin felt loved. The best was that Jon came specifically for the party but didn't tell Dallin that. He had Dallin take him to the airport and then uber'd to Josh's house so that dallin would think he was gone. Dallin was so shocked that Jon was there!
I am so grateful for everyone who came and everyone who helped me do this. It was really a collective effort and I could not have done it without Justin, Jordan, Michelle, Lexi, Nick, Gianna, Jon, and everyone who helped spread the word.
End of Quarter Assembly
I can't believe the school year is already a fourth of the way over. It seriously flew by!
They had all the fall athletes try to pop each other's balloons. It was kindof funny
The Breakfast Club
I was finally able to go with Brian and Jon! I love Fall break! haha and that place definitely lives up to the hype.
She has such a good life. Just naps, swimming whenever she wants, eating, and her toys. The picture of her swimming was literally yesterday. lol She thinks it's still summer. And I think it's funny that she left her toy right by the pool to wait for her while she got in. lol

Spontaneous Night
We went over to Nick and Gianna's for homemade pizza and to hang out, and we ended up booking a trip! But hey, we're young, might as well live right? YOLO! It was exciting and liberating!

I blocked off the pool to preserve the groom for as long as possible. They both slept the entire day afterward. They hate getting groomed. But they look cute!
The weather ever since it turned October has been the ultimate dream! It's perfect! Check out that sunset.
Aren't these to die for?!
A student made this for me and then an xc runner lost my keys. I'm glad I documented this before it got lost. It's harry potter made out of rubber bands!We went to pacinos and just ate and talked for a long time. It was one of those unexpected, really good times. We were just reflecting and it was good for our emotional health to take time and reconnect. And dang those cannolies. lol
Josie is so fat the couch slides apart on her. lol I just laughed because she sat like this for like an hour. Didn't seem to bother her that much. Or maybe she just couldn't get out. hahaha
I guess I will go enjoy the rest of my fall break! I hope you guys are living your lives to the fullest and enjoying your life instead of just working your life away. That's what I've been learning lately.
-sydney the newest 28 year old on the block
(literally because this whole neighborhood is 50 and older)