We were talking about what it would have been like if we hyphenated our last names or combined them. My favorite sounding was the Flaffs lol
Dallin feels free as a bird now! He shaved his head! He says it feels so much cooler!
Dallin went without me a couple times and I went once. I'm not as into it as he is. I like it maybe once a month but they could go every week! Anyway, we had a blast and him and ant jumped off the cliff!
This was when they went without me. Of course the time I don't go they get that close to horses! After they came over to swim.

Go Eagles!
Friday night lights and dinner at an amazing new restaurant. So fun!
Separating the men from the boys
pool dive clear link incentive. lol it's pretty hard because they have to swim down to get the money and back up. They also did a belly flop contest lol
Not that this has anything to do with the subtitle..... but jordan brian and dallin decided not to mountain bike this time and just played at a gaming cafe. How very "manly" of them..... lol

company car
Money can't buy happiness...
but it can buy you a neck massager from brookstone. And that's pretty much the same thing. I use this thing every single day.
We also got this bed fan there and that's a game-changer too. Dallin was reading the reviews and was saying it's just not good with "flatulence" hahah and he said instead of a covered wagon that's a hurricane katrina! hahaha
Date Night
This was a U2 cover band and they were so good!
I am not getting better by leaps and bounds but a little here and there because I am mostly staying with runners to help them. But about once a week I really try just for me and on this day I went farther and faster.
We got tickets from Elizabeth to go to a D backs game and it was so fun! Loved hanging out with all 6 of them. we're funny ;)
50 shades of Ivory
Renovating little by little has our house looking really..... unique. lol Avant guard. Have you ever tried staring at a hundred little priced of ivory and picking one? Lol i have no clue if I picked the right one I was just sick of looking at them.
When it's done it will look cute. But for right now....

Am I asleep or am I awake?
I have been so tired lately because work has been really busy and kindof a lot. Same for dallin so we practically never see each other. Anyway,
first pep rally
Full on fog machine and disco lighting while they introduce each football player one by one..... no mention for the cross country team. lol but I'm thankful that my athletes don't need all that to still work hard.
We did 4 weeks in the classroom for PE.
That meant that sometimes we were creative and used the media center, hallway, sidewalks, etc.
Cross Country Flying Eagles
first meet :)
morning practices- still unable to shower before school until a couple days ago. So again we get creative ;) lol baby wipes and a lot of perfume.
This isn't everyone- we have a pretty big team for our first year. We're missing 6 people in this pic. They are all my favorites :)
Father Flanigan comes to visit
He didn't like the massager as much as I did...

I took him to see the school and of course we went to costco
We had to swim too!
Us and the J's
He brought us his BMW convertible to sell for him so we drove it a couple times :)

Dallin and my dad hung up a new chandelier in the dining room so it looks great!
Bridal Shower
I got to host my first bridal shower for Elizabeth! It was so much fun and it was a hit! Thanks for letting me borrow some decor Mary!
this pic was when I was still trying to set everything up, so it ended up looking cuter. But the next picture we got the table is full of gifts! That's how you know it was a successful shower. We had a great turn out
I made them a cute slideshow of all their pictures
Fantasy Football has begun
That means Sundays are dedicated to football and football only. Even while swimming.
Josh made us ribs and we stayed in front of the TV for an embarrassing amount of time.
Go Miss Utah!
Jessi Kate didn't make the top 10. We were bummed and confused about that :( She is the best.
More XC
We got a sponsor to donate t shirts that say "we run the world" and we have a running shop who donated 2 new pairs of shoes for our top summer mileage runners. We have a team manager now and a full booster board. So we're legit! lol
I'm so proud of them. They've all improved at every meet- we have one girl who placed 3rd out of like 600 people. They get up to come to practice at 6am and work their butts off running mile after mile after mile. Even on weekends. Cream of the crop right here peeps.
I fell one morning so now I've joined the club lol we have a few with battle wounds
Dallin liked coming to one meet so he's gonna try and come to more
This was added to until it filled up both boards and had little stories and stuff. lol I love them. They're the best.
Coco's bday on friday so we made him wear a crown and made him a sign and got him a gift.
Jake is seeing things.
He will not come away from that bush. I swear there is nothing in it. But he stares at the bush and gets inside of it and stays there. It's so weird.
Jojo loves that he does that because it means she can get new branches.
Topher's wedding invites came! I love their colors!Get ready for a laugh
Soooooo I broke down and bought a carrier for Jojo lol
She loves it :)
Jake was getting so jealous and acting so weird so I finally just put him in it. After that he wasn't jealous anymore. I think he hated it. lol
I guess that's it. I'm not sure because I'm definitely not as organized this time around with photos. I swear dropbox is against me. Anyway have a great month!