I put off blogging so long this time that there are 85 pictures plus a few videos. Since I know this is going to take forever, I'm going to make the writing as short as possible. Please do not think that I am not enthusiastic about my life right now because of the way that I'm writing today. I am truly sooo much happier in stage 3 of this move than I was in stage 2 or stage 1. (Stage 1-packing and moving
Stage 2- Clearlink house and moving to the rental
Stage 3- finally feeling like life is back to normal again) So, the title is the title because our grass (from my point of view) is finally green again.
Anyway, now starts the super short writing thing.
Dallin's fav song currently.
Our fave breakfast place right by our house.We've been watching the Olympics and it's AMAZING!
Since I know Whitney and Shad read this, when I found this gem I wanted to put it up so that they could see the embarrassing photo of Dallin I told them about.
When I was at home going nuts because I was so bored, I decided to go explore and I found the "Superstition Springs" mall. It was really pretty and it has a Chick Fil A!
We went swimming in the morning before Dallin went to work a few times. Awesome because no one was there and I impressed Dallin with my fence-jumping skills to get in.
We saw this and liked the jokes but hated the message that all men are monsters.
Dallin & the kids.
Me and the kids.
Me n' Jake
Me n' Jo.

Why does he do that with his legs?
We got a cooling towel and Josie loves it.
She sleeps like a lady.
I don't care who you are. THAT'S CUTE. They don't really have their own room in this house and that sucks, but they loved it when I unpacked all their stuff and toys and beds. They got right in lol and started playing with all the toys they missed for about a month.
In this video, Dallin got in the pantry and meowed to see how crazy it would make Jake and Josie go. lol
The cooking thing stopped. I tried to make this and it was a chunky, melty, hot mess. So I got frustrated and I quit and we're back to eating mostly frozen stuff. You all probably called that would happen because each time I get into cooking it only lasts about 2 weeks before I give up and decide that life's too short to waste time in a kitchen.
For our date we went to see the indoor football team play! It was really fun!
This is a video of the wild cheering that ensued after every touchdown. There were a lot because they won.
Really cool big stadium in downtown Phoenix.

The Dog Days Are Over and The School Days Are Back!
So excited. I'm a PE teacher for K-6 at an elementary in Gilbert. Had about a week and a half of training and then we just finished the first week of school. This was at training.
I took a picture with Miss Elizabeth, who is the school music teacher. She, along with all the other teachers at the school, is great. Everyone is really nice, and the admin is so enthusiastic and understanding and supportive.
This is what the school looks like. 4 different buildings on the campus.
Best part: the schedule of being a teacher. Hours=miss high traffic times.
Spring break, fall break, christmas break, summers off= "the bomb-diggity" (as trenden used to say when he was 16. trying to bring that back.)
This is the sign. It's called American Leadership Academy.
This is the view from the parking lot of the school. And I thought I wasn't in Utah anymore... lol
I really like the school and the students and the job. Every class has PE once a week and the classes are 45 minutes long. So my day goes by really fast and they all love PE because they're little and still super active. The only challenge for me is the kindergarteners. They are still getting used to being away from their moms for an entire day, so they have no idea how to raise their hand or stand in a line.

One girl will randomly burst into tears because she misses her mommy, and I've learned that once one kid goes to the bathroom they all have to like it's contagious or something. The theory that I had before that elementary teachers have the hardest job has now been proven in my mind. (K-2 mostly) I feel lucky because I just get to play games with them for 45 minutes and then they peace out. lol
This school district is super into speed stacking. Which is stacking cups really fast. Good for the developing brain, look into it if you're interested- but all the PE teachers do it so I'm trying to learn. Look at how fast the world champions are!
We went to an amazing mexican restaurant to celebrate that I got a job and when we both got there to meet for dinner we saw that we were matching that day! Weird, right?
Dallin is obsessed with catching pokemon.Crazy Arizona Weather
Tried to go to a park. Got caught in the storm of the century. Had fun anyway because it was amazing that it was hot but still storming. So cool!Us at the park in the rain!
Thought AZ was a boring, hot desert before. Turns out, the weather is a lot more complicated than that. Random dust storms, lightning with no rain, and a storm warning on my phone like every day.
Look how crazy that looks. It's cool, I think.
And there's more where that came from.

That, my friends, is a wall of dust coming from the left.
No warning. All of a sudden it's a down-pour! For some reason I get overly-excited about rain and storms and stuff.
The park
We went to the park, tried to take a picture, it turned out bad. Dallin got mad at Jake because he was pulling on the leash, and it was insanely hot.
Our door stop :)The McCutchen Manor
Jon and Sophie's new townhouse needed a ton of work so we were helping him. Poor Jon had a TON that he took on himself. This was when we were painting.
a bunch of clearlinker's helped.There's Down painting.
Dog Door
Doggie Doors are the most amazing invention and they love it soooooo much.
Below- right when it was first installed.
Jakey sunbathing whenever he wants cuz he can come and go as he pleases. They also have a little kiddie pool out there that they love.Nails.
Harry Pot-Pot
Dallin=sweetheart. Surprised me with this and I read it in one weekend. Blew my mind. Loved it. AAAAHHHHH!
Jon, Sophie, Nixon, & Indie stayed with us while their house was getting fixed up still. It was fun having friends in the house and partying with the kiddos.
Jakey loves babies. He would just stare at her.
Nixon loves the J's. He's feeding them chips lol
BACHELORETTE FINALE. the tv we got here rocks. You can talk into the remote and you can watch old stuff whenever you want because I'm just now learning about what the "on-demand" thing is and it's the best thing that ever happened to me.
What?!?! :)
He's the best, he brought me this!
School Time
Back to school night. AKA Meet the Teacher night. This was my table.Someone gave me these cake pops. CUTE. Elementary parents are the best.
First day of school pic. Had to do it of course.
First day of school Down left me an adorable note on a paper towel that I could see when I woke up.
The schedule is pretty nice because I get a decent amount of breaks too. Only thing that I don't love is after school duty. I direct traffic and it's freakin' hot.

I have my very own office! Never had that before!
Got a cute card from the Art teacher saying it's good to have me there. so nice.Our gated community has a field-type thing.
It's not the same without grass. They still liked it a little though.
Joined a gym.
Dallin's gettin' "swole." I'm just doing teh bare minimum and not trying that hard cuz I'm so tired after teaching all day. Dallin made fun of me hard core because we were on the phone and I told him I was on my way to the gym and stopping at Wendy's for food. LOL
Started off this year with so much motivation, and now it's gone and I've gained weight. So that's nice. But the gyms here are nice, and Dallin's lookin real good!
There's a LAKE 2 seconds from our house!
Saguaro lake. It's awesome. We went on a music cruise for our date a few weeks ago. SO FUN & SO PRETTY.
"So much LIFE is just hitting me in the face right now." -Dallin whilst marveling at the lake's beauty
The inside part was air conditioned, the outside part upstairs had a band, food and stuff. Best of both worlds.
I was trying to trim her bangs a bit and I accidentally cut off the whole chunk by her eyes. So she's mad. I made her a grooming appointment to try and fix it. My bad Jose. on top of that she's got a bad ear infection again.

Salt River
Floating the salt river= relaxing, fun, and stupendous. We've gone like 4 times now because we fell in love. Bus ride up, tube down. These are pics from all the different times smashed together.
Chaz and the clearlink crew.
our 2 person tube has a cooler in it!
Sometimes we take the dogs and sometimes we don't.
Dared him to jump off the cliff with some other people who were doing it, and he was too chicken.
Here's a video of the river and of someone who's about to jump in from the rocks.
Josie loves relaxing on the tube. She always falls asleep.
Beautiful scenery and we saw a WILD HORSE!!!!!! first in my life.
river rides wear ya out.
Trying to find a picture to give to Dal's parents that they can hang, but all of our photos are horizontal. Found this one but now it's printing all fuzzy. work in progress. Anyway look how hot he is! lol
Our anniversary is in like 3 days!
That did not take as long. I should always write that short.