Hi there, readers. We made it to March, and March is the only month of the school year without a single day off. Usually we had President's Day, Labor day, etc. to fall back on when losing our energy. As I was putting up the calendar for March in my room in the morning before school, I was talking to a few of the students about this sorrowful fact. One of them said proudly, "This is the incessant month! I just learned that word." I laughed and decided to adopt the name for this post.
Last Night
We made plans with Becky and Kyle last night, and I'm so glad we did. It was so fun to see them because we hadn't seen them in over a year. The 3 of them (Dallin included) definitely kept me laughing. While we were in the restaurant, what Dallin refers to as "the aggressive laugh" came out. Anyway, we went to PF changs, then to get frozen yogurt, and then bowling. (Dallin showed all of his bowling skills of course.)
Recent Nails
House Obsessions
It's so hard for me to hold myself back when it comes to the house. It doesn't make financial sense to make a lot of changes to it if we don't plan on staying long, but it's so hard not to. Anyway, I talked to my mom about helping me make a shower curtain because apparently if you want a ruffle on it, people think they can charge upwards of 80 freaking dollars. So this is the plan to make.
I got a new table runner and Dallin actually noticed and actually loved it! lol I love it too. I just want to change the flower thing in the middle to something more understated because that kindof looks odd to me.

I took everything down in the kitchen that I used to have up, and I'm starting over with that room. I'm over the red theme that was really popular for kitchens a few years ago, so now I'm trying to figure out how to fill that gap above the cabinets because it bugs me to no end. I have about a thousand pins with ideas, and we looked into adding more little cabinets or lighting or something because I seriously hate it so bad. So anyway, in the mean time, the kitchen is pretty bland. When I talk to Dallin about decorating stuff he actually has really good ideas. I'm lucky that our styles match because it'd be really hard if everything I liked he hated.
This is the only thing that I've changed so far, and I don't even know if I like it that much. I just want things to look more neutral, but now it might be boring. I don't know. I also hate that gap above the fridge. Those are probably things other people wouldn't even notice, but I hate it so much I have been obsessing lately.
We finally hung curtains in the bedrooms. Lol only took us about a year of living here to do that.
My Half Birthday Present
My mom gave me this cute easter decoration for my half birthday. Even though it's not for a few weeks, I love it! Lol I'm like an old lady because I get so into holiday decorating. I still haven't decided on a certain spot I can put all the holiday stuff up yet in this place, so it's kind of all over. That handkerchief is so cute and I think I might make Josie a dress out of it.
I laughed at this picture for about 10 minutes.
Maybe I'm weird though. Dallin barely chuckled.
Summit Stuff
Yesterday we had our faculty versus basketball team game. I seriously felt like I ran a marathon back and forth. I counted that as my workout for the day because there was so much sprinting. They combined the girls and boys teams and we had all the teachers, admin, front desk, councilors, and basketball coaches. We ended up winning by 8! It was pretty competitive. I set a screen and ended up feeling bad afterward because I didn't want to hurt anybody. But the kid was really cool about it and said, "Not a big deal that's just basketball." So I felt relieved. I just did it without thinking and then after thought, "why are you trying to knock over a little kid!?!?" lol
I was pretty good at passing and defense, but dribbling and shooting are hard for me. But at least I didn't feel like I made a fool out of myself like I did during the volleyball game. Since then I've gotten a lot better at Volleyball because I've been playing with the students in PE.
It's crunch time for the Yearbook Staff!We don't have that much time left before our deadline, so we've been editing like crazy and doing all the last minute stuff. When I wrote this on the board I freaked out a little inside...
But then it got better. The yearbook students work really hard. They're the best.
So now I think we'll be able to do it no problem.
We've been making posters for people to send in pictures, get their parent permission slip signed to appear in the yearbook, or to buy one. They weren't doing anything, so instead we've started making memes. They worked! In only 2 weeks we got all the signatures we needed, and all the students thought they were funny and read them. This is what they looked like.

This was my list of signatures to get, and people who've bought a yearbook and pages to finish. Holy cow! Yearbook is challenging, but I obviously love it. If there was ever a person who should teach yearbook, it's the person who spends hours making shutterfly photo books at the end of each year and blogging each week. lol I seriously have so much fun with it even though it is stressful sometimes.
I got my first official free teacher shirt! Now I look legit! I can't wait to wear this!
This "T" arm exercise has become tradition in PE. We've been doing it all year, and we do this game called Pressure Cubes where they put their arms out in "T" position in groups of 4 so that they are forming a square. If a person in their cube drops they're out, and the last group in wins! They get competitive about it, and we do it every day. It's a love-hate relationship I think lol
PTC #2
We had parent teacher conferences last week, and I was excited to dress up again. This semester I've been teaching mostly PE, so I wear sweats every day. I wore my new outfits, and I got lots of compliments from the students. I forgot to take a pic in my yellow dress, so that's from the website. (I think I need to sew that waist band in a little bit now that I'm looking at the picture. I love the fact that I can sew more now!)
To be honest, PTC was a little less magical for me this time around. I didn't feel like I had a lot of parents coming to talk to me, and when they did, we didn't have much to talk about. PE isn't super in depth, so I would usually just explain what we're doing now and what their grade is based off of. I felt like it was pointless because they could've gotten all of that off of the website or online where they see their kid's grade.
This made me laugh.
The main reason why I like working with Jr. High rather than High School is also a challenge for me sometimes. Their excitement for life! High schoolers always seem so apathetic to me that it bugs me. With Jr. High, they still get excited about doing different, fun things in school. It's awesome, but in PE, sportsmanship is hard for them. They all get so competitive and go crazy over everything we do. It's really entertaining to watch most of the time, because when they're racing or shooting, they're actually really good!
Witnessing a Proposal!
We were invited to Aeron's proposal to his girlfriend! (Aeron and Dallin work together and game together.) It was so cute. They like country dancing, so he told all of their friends and family to come to the place where they go country dancing. At a certain time, we all made a big circle around them and they played "their song" and he proposed. She was really surprised and they danced afterward. The ring was beautiful and they looked so happy. "CAAA-UUUUUUTE"
I love this show.
I watched several episodes in a row one night and did not stop laughing. He's a magician who plays tricks on people. Hilarious.
Update on my New Years Resolution
Since it was the first of the month, it was time to measure again. I know I didn't do the best I could have in February because of Valentine's day, and going out to eat a lot and the Clearlink party. Luckily, I didn't gain anywhere. I stayed the same in 3 places, and lost either an inch or half inch in the 3 other places. And then lost a pound.
So it was not horrible, but I know I did not do my best. I'm really proud of myself though because I feel like I'm finally making a lifestyle out of it. I don't think that I'm setting unrealistic expectations, and I don't usually feel deprived or overly sore. I'm hoping to set habits that become easy to maintain and stay happy and healthy. When I think of the times that I "looked" the best, my methods were definitely not sustainable and I was miserable throughout the process. Now that I am wanting a different outcome (happy, healthy life) I have to get used to getting slower results.
I haven't gotten sick of it yet so I think that means I'm not over-doing it. So that's good. Whenever I've thought that 2-a-days were a good idea that was when I boomeranged 2 weeks later to a completely sedentary lifestyle.... lol
My Delightful Doggies
The following pictures are guaranteed to brighten your day. You're welcome.

I am so happy the weather is getting better! We can actually go on walks now!
3 walks in one week! They are so happy!
Sewed by yours truly.
We went back to our field for the first time in 2016. They were elated!
This is one of the only places I've seen Josie actually sprint. lol
Our Spa Day
Since PTC was Wednesday and Thursday last week, we didn't have school on Friday. We decided to make the most of it and we went and got a couples massage. It was awesome!
Afterwards, I got a pedicure to get ready for the clearlink party. Since i was wearing open toed heels and a black and silver dress, she painted them silver.
Clearlink Winter Party
This year the clearlink party was masquerade themed and they made it like cirque du soliel. It was soo fun!
I ended up loving the dress I rented. Dallin got a silver tie to match.They had a lot of cool entertainment!
Look how hot Dallin is in this pic! haha
Giving the classic smolder with his buddies.
Dancers performed on stage.
Duck face!Like usual, they had food, gambling tables, shows on the stage, cartoonists drawing people, and a raffle at the end.
It was good to run into kyle and becky because that was when we ended up planning our double last night!
Another performance.
You can't even tell, but she's prego! Sophie rented her dress from the same place I got mine and she looked beautiful! Jon ended up killing it at the gambling tables and had like 19 tickets for the raffle!We had our masks at the beginning but ditched them pretty quickly because they're annoying to have on your face. But I like them, and I like how they went with our outfits. Dallin picked them out!
We drove with Asia and Kevin! They're so fun as usual!
Before we left at the end, we took a few more with Tara and Shilow, and Lexi and Justin. Lol "I whip my hair back and forth"
Shilow took a picture of us on Dallin's phone and accidentally took one of himself because it was on the front camera. Lol this is accurate.
Armin, Justin, & Dallin workin the camera.
The party was really fun. We always look forward to it every year. I love any excuse to get all dressed up, go out with the man, and socialize.
This Guy's Birthday!!
Holy Cow Brian turned 30! They came over for dinner and I tried my best. Maybe not the best he's ever had, but at least Michelle brought cheesecake! lol
(I forgot to take a picture so here's a throwback for ya.)
2 Hour Hobby Lobby Trip
Hobby Lobby stresses me out. Big stores like that (Bed, Bath & Beyond) are sensory overload and I can never find anything because there is so much. I looked for that stupid apple for like a year, and then after that I was just debating over several different things trying to justify the cost. I ended up just doing like I always do and taking pictures of what I wasn't sure about so that I could measure and look at the space I have at home to make sure before I buy it. I'm always worried I'll spend the money and have it not even look good.
I got a bunch of the stuff you see here because I am having a crafting night tonight, so I wanted to make a "Back to School" wreath.
After I went to in and out (great for the diet, I know) because I felt like I was going to pass out. I'm not as into shopping anymore. It just feels like work. lol
This was how the sign ended up looking in our room. I like it a lot better than what was there before. Still not totally done with that room though.
One of the things I got was a chalk board marker. I've had this sign for a while but we never actually used it because I hate the feeling and noise of using actual chalk. Now that we have it, I love it!!
I almost died the other night.
I saw this cute idea on pinterest where you put your mouth wash in an oil bottle so that it looks less hideous sitting on your counter top. I did it, and it looked cute. I didn't think about the fact that there is no lid. Long story short- I had this bug in my mouth the other night! I spit it out after I realized, but there it is in the sink!
So today at hobby lobby I got a new bottle that has a lid and a little chalkboard label. Here it is next to the old one.
I was just looking through the old pics to find one of Brian and I realized how often I used to take selfies. lol I'm glad that I have a job now that keeps me busy rather than sitting around taking selfies.
Anyway, this sentiment will be important for us teachers to remember during this "incessant month."