Happy October!!
October 8th was my dad's 54th birthday! He is exactly 30 years older than me, and we were both born in Swedish American Hospital in Rockford, Illinois.
I sent this to him on his birthday, as well as "They say it's your birthday" by the Beatles.
Dallin's birthday was the 14th, and he turned 26! He got some gifts from his reps at work, I surprised him when he got home, and we spent all day Monday together. Here are some of the festivities!
(You'll notice most have to do with food...he's a simple guy who loves his food.)
For his birthday, he got a bunch of gift cards because he wants to go clothes shopping for his presents. (haha such a girl. he always wants clothes)
We watched his fav. shows, he played his fav. video game, and we went to his favorite restaurants. (Including Applebees, Zaxby's, and Twigs)
This is how we spent our Saturday morning! The new buyers for the house wanted the whole yard to have grass, so we laid sod. BIG thanks to Matthew and all the others who came to help us. It went by pretty quick with all the help we had.
I recently found out one of my besties is having a baby girl! (Can't name names ;)
I got so excited for her, that I decided I'm going to make her all these things. (or try...)
We're going to make the headbands together. I want a baby girl so bad!!! I feel like everyone is having babies. I'm sure the baby craze will end soon for me. It always does haha
I love my new Miche bag! The other shell finally came and I love it! It was so easy to switch! I want more! If you're interested in getting a miche bag, here's the link! https://lisapeters.miche.com/Home

I am making most of the christmas presents we're giving this year, and one of them is a photo cube. I simply painted the cube, printed out pictures, and mod podged them on.
I miss getting my nails done! To attempt to fill the void in my life (it seriously might be an addiction) I do my own nails a little too often. And I am getting better at not biting my nails anymore!
Another project I'm doing soon & I'm stoked about! Tile coasters!
Poor Jakey & Josie needed shots. Josie took it like a champ, and Jake freaked out like a baby. Josie's used to being in pain unfortunately :(
She has a torn ACL and a displaced patella and needs surgery.
I thought this was funny and true about our culture.
Our bedroom is coming together! I got the curtains, a new lamp shade, and we hung a shelf above the bed. Now I'm making decorations to go on that shelf and then it will be done! It's paris themed, and I love it! This is one of the pics that will go up
We hung this cute vinyl the other day too!
Just me chillin in a onesie, cuddlin' with my kids. Nbd. :)
Dallin is doing really well at work, and thankfully, I've been doing really well on my evaluations lately. I've had 4 so far, and all of them I've done really well and gotten compliments. Hope the trend continues, I have 4 more to go!
When we were in Hawaii on our honeymoon, we got a disposable camera and took these. We just barely got it developed, and here they are! I want to go back!
I finally got the CD from Miss Utah of the pictures. It was soooo overpriced. But it was an amazing experience, and I wanted to have those memories.
Hope you are having a great day!
-Sydney :)