Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Domestic Life

 I'm cooking and cleaning and getting all moved in and decorated! I'd say I'm a pretty dang good wife! Only mishap so far was making my first pot roast. That ended with the kitchen a wreck, and dallin having to do the rest because I got so frustrated. I was even crying! (Okay it was only because of the onions...but still! I'm never making pot roast again!)
This is a pic of a little date night we had. We rented a movie dal liked in his childhood and ate dinner. Cheap and fun.

We read our advice and date night jars from the wedding. Some were so funny! We got this one in the date night ideas...Amy Dymock is hysterical. Of course we looked up who's number that was lol
We also got one in the advice jar that said, "Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty" 
Oh dear.
I made this a while back and I love it. It's a painted wood board with ribbon for an extension holder. They really stay in the best shape if they're hung, and I hated them laying around everywhere. This is easy and keeps them out of the way when you're not wearing them!

 These two I wanted to buy but I've decided I could definitely make them for cheaper so I'm going to try. The only problem is I don't own a cricut machine :( Anyone who is experienced or has one- help is much appreciated!

 I'm getting my hair done on Tuesday (which is perfect timing because wed. is parent teacher confrences). I'm getting highlights like this and a shorter cut. I'm so stoked!
 Officially got the Halloween decorations up! This little table that I used to use for towels in a closet will work really good for my seasonal decorations. I got dal's costume ordered, and mine's completely done too. I'm excited to wear my costume to school and see the students costumes too! I'm trying to resist buying a costume for Josie...

 We finally got everything organized, decorated, and unpacked! Feels a little more like home now! Here are some pictures. You may notice I am a bit of a decorating freak. It bugs me when a wall is empty....
(I still have 1 wall left!)

I'm not putting the bedroom on here yet because it's not done yet. This is our new bedding, and it just came and I love it! Now we just need to switch the colors for decor around the room to match the new bedding. 
I should be making a worksheet for my class right now...
Over & Out!
-the Graffs