This is so weird- but awesome. I can't believe I'm a married woman!
I literally had the fairy tale wedding. It was so beautiful, and I still feel like I'm going to wake up from this dream!
I don't have all the pictures yet, but I will put them up here as soon as I get them. Here are the few I have.
My cute bridesmaid, friend, and professional dancer Kim Campa gave us a little dance lesson with her partner for our first dance. This was the video they gave me to help us remember it and have to practice with. We'll see when we get the wedding video if this is actually what it turned out like! haha
This was right after we got our official marriage license. It was so crazy making it official and everything. I look deranged, I know. It was early. And the few days before the wedding I was a basket case.
My last pedicure before the wedding!! I am wearing pants I promise. Everyone at the salon was so excited for me!
I felt like it was fate that I got this fortune right before getting married. Married life will be an adventure and I can't wait!!
This is my last selfie as a single girl!! I took this a few hours before the wedding. I was sooo incredibly nervous. (Had a wonderful deep conditioner thanks to mickie anderson) |
This was my beautiful, perfect, fantasy wedding that I loved! It all went by so fast. It was like a blur and things were happening before I could stop and cherish them. I wish I could go back in time and talk to everyone and be more present in the moments, because I was almost in disbelief the entire time that it was even happening to fully enjoy it! Glad we had a videographer Dustin and photographer MJ to capture it all for me!
This was right after arriving while getting a rental car. It was so funny that everywhere we went people could tell we were honeymooners :)

My hair was crazy with the humidity. It looked like I had a fro!!
Those of you who missed the wonderful wedding, you missed a killer slideshow. It was so long because I had to include everything Dallin's mom had because he was so dang cute. Look at those arm rolls!
And yes I had blonde hair when I was little, the one on the left is me! haha

We got to go parasailing, scuba diving, to a luau, snorkeling, paddle boarding, and to amazing restaurants in hawaii, but we still missed our kids of course!
This is Josie all worn out after being so excited that we came back. They both missed us so much.

Okay, so I told some of you that I'm chopping my hair off to one of these 2 looks....
I chickened out. This is what I ended up doing. But only for a few weeks. I'm working up the courage for a big change. Either I chop it off, or get highlights, or both. We'll see! Being married and not doing pageants gives me so much hair freedom!!
This was my gift to dallin on the wedding day. It is a card that Kim Campa makes on her etsy shop "Campa Creations" that he can put in his wallet. It says a part of my vows on it. This way he can always remember what I promised him and always have a part of me with him wherever he is. It is so cute. I'd defintely recommend it as a gift for engaged couples. It's sentimental, but also doesn't cost that much. And it's punched into a metal card, so he'll have it forever.
Here's the link to Kim's cute shop! She makes jewelry too!
I was so tired of taking pictures. I just wanted to party!! And Eat! Honestly the taking pictures was the only part I didn't like because it was tedious and chaotic with so many people.
This is me and my cousins who flew in from Illinois to be bridesmaids. This was after the rehearsal at the rehearsal dinner. It was so good to see the family who came from far away.
This was minutes before putting my dress on and getting married! I was so excited and freaking out!
In hawaii. Thank you so so much Grama Sally! Best honeymoon ever thanks to you! We love you!
I've been unpacking and getting everything situated and decorated in our new apartment, and I was trying to find the perfect spot to put Jakey and Josie's stuff. While I was trying to figure it out, I found them both cuddling on the floor of this closet! I figured it was perfect! So we took off the door and put their beds and clothes in there!
Literally the day after getting back from Hawaii I started my student teaching at Pleasant Grove Junior High. I have loooooved it!!! I love being a teacher! The students are all so nice, I love teaching health, my cooperating teacher is awesome, and it's so nice knowing that I graduate in only 13 weeks!! This is our health classroom. (I have to admit, being called Mrs. Graff by all the students takes some getting used to.)
My new sister in law and I shanna, along with my cooperating teacher jessica will be running a half marathon on Thanksgiving day! I'm so excited to officially do my first one! I've done 13 miles before training for a marathon, but then never did the marathon, so it will be nice to actually get the sense of gratification and accomplishment this time. And I have 2 veterans to train with!
Anyway, life is finally slowing down, and I'm so glad. I didn't think I was going to make it through this last summer. Literally the craziest summer of my life. The good news is, I got my last classes done with good enough grades, passed the praxis, competed in miss utah, planned the wedding, and now I have my sanity back.
Thank you all for all your support and love during this hectic, exciting period of my life.
Now onto being a newly wed. I think that means PDA hahaha
To quote Jo Dee Messina, " These are the days you will remember for the rest of your life. So pick your flowers, count the seconds, roll the dice, But baby, don't wait ‘till its too late. Put a smile on your face. These are the days."
-The New Sydney Graff :)