Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Best Moments with the Best fam ❤️

Hey y'all! This post is for April 22-may 22 😊 
We have had such a fun month over here- hope you have too!

OMG I'm so frustrated I just did this whole thing and it didn't save and so I am writing it for the second time. ARRRGG.  😾  Here I go YET AGAIN.... (I’m going to use talk to text to get this done faster so excuse any mistakes you see.)

my goals

My 66 days of tracking food is almost over and I’m proud of myself for that. I’ve learned a lot and it’s so satisfying to set a goal and follow through. The exercise goal is going well and Dallin and the kids join sometimes as well.
The app has a picture thing that comes up at the end

Our goal is to eat out twice a week or less. I love when I find something easy that we still like so we loved this with chicken in it
And this was all made and u just heat and throw together so I was in love. I hate cooking but the alternatives are usually unhealthy or expensive so I liked this 
Made Barbados bowls and tacos another day and we loved this meat

sorry about all the gushing about how awesome and cute my kids are....... but it's true soo...... 🤷‍♀️ 

We love Di, savers, dollar store, five below and other cheap stores. The kids are really well-behaved in stores and I love that! Anyway, this book was some thing we scored in savers for five bucks but if I bought it on Amazon , I would’ve given it a five star review. It’s very educational and it entertains him for a really long time. There are a lot of modes that you can change it to. anyway one time we were all playing outside and Cooper kept asking to come in. finally, he just went in by himself and the three of us just stayed outside with the dogs. When I came in to check on him, it had been a long time and he was just sitting there with his book and a bag of chips to happily playing. I asked him how he was doing and he said “outside I itchy when I inside all better.” And so I immediately felt bad because I have been having insane allergy symptoms as well and so I felt bad that he had to be inside by himself, but it was also kind of cool that he was smart enough to realize that outside was what was causing it. So I said “oh I’m so sorry you have allergy symptoms” and he said “it’s OK. I’m happy with my book and my chips!”  I love how positive and resilient he is
This was McKinley‘s reaction to grapes lol she loves them! She makes the cutest facial expressions
Her favorite book is good night moon and we read it every night before bed. She can count the bears for you and name everything on every picture lol so she even asks to bring it with her into her crib and I see her on the camera reading it. 
Coop saw me taking a selfie and said “no wait mommy I need my clothes on!” And I thought it was funny that he understood that he needs clothes on for pictures but he will still just strip naked when we’re at home. It’s like he’s old enough now to understand that he needs clothes on when we go places and for pictures and stuff but it’s ok to be naked at home. So I was laughing that he said that and then he understood he was being funny so he put his hands out like a pose and I think it made it even funnier. As if he was saying “I wasn’t ready for this picture but here we are cuz my mom’s a weirdo.” 😂 
The still nap at the same time. One day coop woke up before kinley did and he heard her crying and said “kinder sad! Don’t worry I will save you!” And I watched him on the camera he ran in and said it’s ok and patted her on the head. She stopped crying for a second and then realized wait I’m stuck in here and you’re not lifting me out so she kept crying and he just covered his ears and ran to me and said kinder’s sad. Lol
He still goes through phases of carrying something around and sleeping with it. For longest time it was his sword and he seems to be over that. He is also kind of done with the cape-wearing phase too. Whatever he does he hits it hard and then moves on lol can’t blame him for that I kind of do that too. So anyway he is kind of in a “telescope” phase right now (I know it’s actually a monocular but he calls it his telescope.) He is also in the phase of losing things so the obsession plus losing his stuff often equals a bad combination lol Anyways he lost his telescope and was beside himself about it for a few days so I finally bought him a two pack on amazon that was like 6$ and he waited in anticipation for it for days. Every time he woke up he would ask if it was here yet and he talked about it non stop. When it finally came he was absolutely elated. He was so excited that there was two because he could share one with kinder and she was so excited to be apart of the excitement too lol So then naturally we found the other telescope within the next few days and now he has 3.... 😆 
He is still in the French toast for lunch phase. Today he ate 5 pieces. He doesn't mess around! McKinley likes that too but also meat and cheese, yogurt, and hotdogs. They both like cereal and grilled cheese sandwiches still. And chicken with dip. We bought the chick fil a sauce from the grocery store and it's a game changer.
My mom gave us our old big thing of legos and the kids were in love. For like a week after that they played with legos almost exclusively. 

Mother’s Day

I think this year was my favorite Mother’s Day I’ve ever had so far. The day before on Saturday, my mom and I dressed up in matching outfits to go to High tea at the grand America. It was really fun and it was a surprise for her so I enjoyed that. And of course the food is amazing and everything is beautiful and there’s a harp player so it’s just a really fancy experience. I’m really glad that we went. It was really fun.

On the actual Mother’s Day, Dallin worked really hard to make sure that I didn’t have to lift a finger at all and the kids were really well behaved and then we also had breakfast ordered in and we went out on a date that night and my mom babysat so it was like the perfect day lol my stomach hurt from eating so much, but it was so worth it

dino museum with GG

This was one day that we took my mom to the dinosaur museum before she went back to work. She was supposed to have 10 weeks off and all of sudden that became 3 and she’s back at work ….. corrupt system if you ask me but whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️ she seems to be doing okay.

lighter hair

It’s still subtle so not blonde completely but definitely not as dark as I was in September 
This was me coming home from my hair appointment today! AH so glorious. Getting the afternoon off to just chat and come away from it with no grays- it's rejuvenating. 


Girls night out with Michelle in slc we went to aubergine and it was fun!


The GNO acronym made me think if girls night out is said then couples night out can be! Haha so here are date night pics!
This day we went to stk  (obviously 😂) in slc
This was kimi’s chop house in cottonwood heights. We loved both places!
Soooo good to get out and be kid free and enjoy amazing food 


This is “dog day out” hahaha Jake went on vacation without us! So rude I know 😂 jk I got this pic of him lounging on the porch and edited him on a beach. Turned out funny. He always did love warm weather and basking in the sun ☀️ 
He’s almost the human equivalent of 91 years old so he is ancient and he definitely has the attitude like “I’m too old to care.” He will openly pee on anything now and he’s never done that. Even just in front of you just pee and not feel any remorse. And he will look at you when you call him but walk the other way. He is the actual definition of a crotchety old man. He will fight Sadie over food. He has gotten a little difficult to say the least.

my boy 👦 ❤️ 

I think it’s so adorable how he likes to act out shows or books that he sees. He also likes new stories and he’ll ask for stories to just be made up for him (“mommy tell brachiosaurus story?” on the fly etc.) and he loves the especially if you use his name. So he will also ask for me to sing “monkeys jumping on the bed”, but instead of saying monkeys, I say Cooper and he’s jumping on the bed and he thinks that’s hilarious. And Dallin wrote a song for him that he sings that says Cooper in it and he loves that song and he asks for “Cooper song”.( Dallin also started doing that for for Kinley too and he’ll say do you want McKinley song and she says yes so they both seem to like that.) But this picture below is One that I took on the baby monitor of him and his room acting out being a superhero because it seems like they always have some kind of a wrist communication device of some kind. So he watches Andy’s dinosaur adventure, and Andy wears a gizmo on his wrist where he can look up dinosaur facts and record things or whatever, and Spider-Man also has one of those and so does paw patrol and what not so he found a little remote that went to an electronic candle and he was trying to find a way to like strap it to his wrist and he was walking around pretending to like talk into it and look things up and I thought it was hilarious. His imagination is wild. He will say “oh no they need help! I save you !” And start running and then say “oh look out! “And then duck under some imaginary flying thing lol
It’s funny how at a young age he already knows what is kind of against the rules, but not totally if that makes sense. Like the fact that he understands the subtleties and the gray area. 
So he found this marker and took the lid off and like looked at me questioningly and then moved it slowly toward his shield, but didn’t mark yet and looked at me again questioningly and when I didn’t say anything, he just started coloring on his shield and I said “oh what are you doing?” and he said “I’m coloring my shield!” and I was like “ oh that’s a cool way to decorate it.” (This was a shield that we found at DI for like a dollar and I thought it was cool that he was super into it because it’s obviously homemade out of wood to look like Captain America’s shield and he was obsessed and I was thinking this is actually perfect for him so it’s cool we found it.) and then he started coloring his face and he kind of did it in the same way and I just decided it really doesn’t matter who cares let him color his face and it was so funny that when I went to take a picture, he popped this pose like he was being funny and so proud of himself and he knew that what he was doing was funny 😂 
(I read somewhere that the opposite of controlling is trust and when kids grow up feeling that they have trust from their parents they’re more willing to comply. It’s the same thing as an adult working for a boss that’s super micromanagey- of course you don’t wanna go above and beyond for bosses like that. so it was a parenting tip to let them have some control when it’s not damaging anything or dangerous. And I agree with that-so often I see moms not letting their kids jump in puddles or color on themselves and I think “who cares we all know that is washable!” Like that country song- let them be little!

Cooper saw that Dallin had donuts in his office. (Dallins office is where all the contraband is hidden 😂 contraband meaning sugar because Dallin is the one that buys all the candy and crap that a person shouldn’t eat lol and the kids know that ) anyway coop went in before he was going to bed to say good night and asked for a donut and since it was so late he told him he could have one in the morning. So coop says ok and we are halfway up the stairs before he says “I bring donut to the counter?” And it took me a minute to understand what he meant but he went back in and explained that Dallin wakes up before cooper and then once he’s working in there no one is allowed in so he won’t be able to get his donut so he wants to move it to the counter in the kitchen now so he can eat it in the morning. And I was like 🤯 !!! Woah!!! He has that much foresight as a 4 year old to fully think that through!!! 😲🤩 We were both very impressed because that wasn’t even something Dallin or I thought about. So we brought it up to the kitchen and put it in a plastic bag and he followed all directions quickly and easily and went right to bed. of course the next morning when he woke up, the first thing he said to me was “I get my donut! Yay donut!” Haha like he had been thinking about it all night long. He has an amazing memory. He can tell u when he hears “Belle” song from beauty and the beast that she’s wearing a blue dress.

my girl 👧  💝 

She learned the saying, thank you so much but her way of saying it is thank you much so it’s really cute to hear her say “thank you much pooper!” When he hands her something. It’s really cute to watch her play swords and dinosaurs because that’s what Cooper is into.
This is us matching hat and sunglasses 
I think it’s amazing how she already can tell you exactly what she wants and when. I know that may sound sarcastic or whatever but I just think it’s cool that she’s not even two years old yet but she’s really decisive and can tell you what shoes she wants or what food she wants to eat or which jacket to wear and all of that. This is her walking with her bottle. It’s kind of more like a sippy cup because we transitioned out of bottle-bottles. But it’s her equivalent to a pacifier because even when it’s empty, she’ll just hold it in her mouth and she just loves those bottles. But she’s really really smart because when we explain to her, “we’re gonna challenge you to try a different water bottle this time during the day and try and just save those for night time” she goes “OK” and like sometimes even if she cries, you can tell she totally understands what’s happening which is amazing
Her hair is starting to get longer and thicker so I got her these clips and I think they are adorable. It’s so cute how sometimes when we’re going out, I will ask her. Do you want a bow or clips? And sometimes she’ll say no other time she’ll say bow, other times she’ll say clips. And it’s just another one of those times I just think it’s so cute that she’s so smart and decisive already at such a young age. 
These are her new pajamas that Shelly sent from North Dakota and I think they’re really cute

Miss orem alumni dinner

Every year, Miss Orem does a dinner at Olive Garden with the new royalty and all the past Miss Orem, and the committee. This is the first year that I’ve been able to go and it was really fun!🍽️

Warm weather! The beauty !! Amazing 🤩

I love getting out and walking on the trails around here. We are so lucky to live in a place that has tons of trails and parks. I’m gonna miss that about this neighborhood when we move. McKinley doesn’t always love it so I have to try to keep her entertained and in the stroller so I can’t do really long walks but when it works out, it’s glorious! Now that preschool is over I think that is going to be harder to come by 
Coop was experimenting with what would happen if he poured his water bottle into the bubble maker and it made the bubbles enormous! lol it was pretty cool!
One day when McKinley and I picked up Cooper from school in the one only stroller and he just climbed right in there with her lol poor and there was squished but she was nice and didn’t say anything. 
I love how resourceful Cooper is lol he pulled the chair over to the fence and then climbed it. He was having a hard time climbing it and it was after school so he’s wearing school uniform so he took off his uniform pants and his cape and his jacket so that he could have enough movement to be able to climb the fence and he totally did it on his own! He’s a smart and athletic kid 
So it’s funny we end up with a pic of a 4 year old in his underwear on the top of a fence
The neighbors are fans of the Big Bang theory so they have two dogs. One is named Howard and one is named Bernadette. They call her Bernie. And for some reason, Cooper and kinder are obsessed with Bernadette. She is this really big Saint Bernard dog who is just amazing. She’s technically a trained therapy dog, so she is just incredibly nice and so cute and calm and never barks. So even when she’s not outside, they just go over to the fence saying Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie Bernie lol and then when she is outside, they want to get up on the fence so they can pet her lol  
Probably frowned upon to put a one year old on the top of a fence but she is no ordinary one year old lol she has the might and mind of a 5 year old and she will get what she wants end of story so she has a death grip on that fence

"It's the heart of tefiti in the nest. gotta keep it safe. I'm maui I'm strong and brave fight Te Ka." -Cooper

detoxing & health

I got this stuff to do a heavy metals detox for the kids and they’re so used to it now they just open right up to get a spray and drop at every meal lol the way coop says detox is so funny
He had his well check and his first parent teacher conference and both said he is perfectly healthy and on track 👍

Potty training is coming 😧 

McKinley and I were at the park and she was climbing away from me up to a different part of the park and every time I tried to get closer, she said “no mommy go away !” and I said “are you pooping?” And she screams “no go away!” So I said “it’s not nice to say go away-say privacy please” and she screams at the top of her lungs “NOOO! GO AWAY!!!” 😳 I walked away and a few minutes later she came back with poop stench and then was LIVID 😡😤 that we had to leave the park to change her diaper. No amount of explaining helped the situation for her lol she is thinking why can’t I have my cake and eat it too…. Wait maybe that’s a bad expression to use when the story is about poop 😂 
lol gripping the bars during 😂
She has asked about potty training a lot and I honestly think we could do it now but we worry about moving and aep. So we are going to wait and do it in December. 

So to make it up to her I took her right back out to the park after we changed it and this nice kid wanted to push her on the zipper and talk to her and stuff and she seemed to love the attention 

The oddities of toddler life....

They find every nook and cranny to shove things into I swear, lol I noticed McKinley putting dog food down the HVAC system as well…
This is the way pizza is consumed. It was stuffed crust pizza so they pulled the cheese out of the crust and the pepperonis off the top, but they did not eat the crust itself… My theory is that maybe they’re trying keto. But that doesn’t check out based on the amount of French toast that was eaten that same day for lunch so who knows lol
I heard the screeching noise of the barstool being pulled across the living room and asked Cooper what he was doing. He said “I want to look out the hole it’s like a pirate ship lol
One day I told Cooper that after he went down for his nap, I was going to take the dogs to go get their haircut. He said that he wanted to come with me so I said OK because I thought it might be a good time to test out if he can drop his nap yet. As soon as he starts preschool in the fall, it’ll be really hard to fit nap in because it starts at 11:30. So I keep thinking that I could try to transition him towards the known situation. He also has kind of a history with haircuts as you know lol so when we were driving, he was talking to the dogs and I thought it was so cute. He was saying  “remember to hold still don’t worry you safe. They’ll be soft” lol and then we walked them inside and he said “don’t be scared. Be strong and brave Jakey Sadie I love you.” lol most adorable 🥰 moment ever. Even the groomer was like awwww!! So then we went and browsed the dollar store and he kept saying “telescope!Where are you telescope?!” lol and then we left instead with a pinwheel because he couldn’t find a telescope. and driving home we are just jamming to music. I was just minding my own business and I peaked back there and he is fast asleep. And that has been the result pretty much every day that we try to drop the nap lol so I’m thinking in the fall his bedtime might have to move up or something🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Anyway, so this was the picture of me and Cooper taking the dogs to their haircut
And here he is with his pinwheel that he picked out fast asleep, lol but he assured me that he could handle it and he didn’t need a nap😂
Another weird/funny story… He said I need to poop so where’s my book lol I don’t know how or where or why he got this idea but it’s pretty advanced if you think about it😂 he’s thinking ahead going I’m gonna be sitting there a while so I should bring some reading material. So he said “where is bake cake book?” 
The book is called “Jake baked a cake” and that was my book from my childhood and there were a few years there that I was obsessed with that book and read it almost exclusively at my dad‘s house. so my dad saved it and now it’s passed on to Cooper so I have kind of a soft spot in my heart for the book. it’s funny that he ended up liking it because I really promise I did not push it at all. So I guess it’s just a good book. Every little kid loves a good rhyme I guess. I showed Cooper our wedding video and he was really into it. He wanted to watch it multiple times actually. And I think after that was when he got into this book more because it’s about a wedding and now he’s interested in the concept of weddings and what exactly is happening there and what all goes on. it’s very cute. I wonder if subconsciously that was why we ended up choosing Jake’s name when we first got him as a puppy… 🐶 🤷🏻‍♀️🤔
So another funny story….. it’s kind of not even really a story but just like a general situation that we’re in lately. Neither of them wants to be confined to a stroller ever. So I end up pushing an empty stroller while they walk and I am trying to make sure that they stay safe. Most of the time they are trying really hard to follow directions and stay safe and I think that they do a really good job for how young they are. And I think that they do that because they know if they don’t, I’ll just put them in the stroller against their will and they’ll be strapped in and crying lol McKinley wants to do whatever cooper does. And also she influences him too when she really wants something he teams up with her. So the anti-stroller thing is a unanimous decision. It makes discipline really difficult right now because Cooper gets really protective of McKinley if we try to teach her after she has made a poor decision lol he says “daddy we are talkin’ nice!”
So here I am pushing an empty double stroller and trying not to worry too much about them running into the road 😬 they did good tho. It’s funny that kinder had to bring the bag of goldfish with her 😂 
This is an example of some things never change… Cooper still prefers to be barefoot. He’s never been a fan of shoes and I think he’s really similar to me in that way I didn’t wear shoes a lot as a kid

Saratoga Springs library community play day

Because we are soon to be “Saratogians” we figured it would be good to go try out the library! So we went with the mons to check it out on community play day! It was so cute to watch Cooper play with Tyler and Millie play with McKinley. They are so nice and the library is small, but it really doesn’t take much for kids to be super stoked because they loved the experience. 

church ⛪️ 

Both of the kids really like church. And we do too because usually the message is something that is good for us to think about. Cooper likes the music a lot. It was funny that this time he noticed there was no violin and he asked where where did the violin go lol McKinley likes to play with her friends in the little class. I think it’s funny that the music and being with his parents relaxes Cooper so much that he gets tired every time or at church and most times he falls asleep. I thought it was cute that on the way home we were giving them little shout outs and so i said “McKinley I’m proud of you for going in the class and playing with your friends and Cooper. I’m proud of you for staying still and quiet during church!” And cooper repeated what I said like he was so proud of himself “I hold still be quiet church!” And then he added that next time he wants to try going in to play with friends in the class like kinder does. So I’m proud of him for taking that step on his own
When I went to pick her up, she just kept sitting at that table coloring the paper and eating her snacks lol I thought it was so funny because she looked at me like “one second Mom I’m kind of in the middle of something here”


One day I was washing coopers blankets that he sleeps with. Always the same two and never any others, no matter how cold it is. They are not even allowed to sit on the bed and they must be in the closet. lol he's strict. He was upset over how he was going to nap without his blankets because he said he was tired but how do I sleep without my blankets!? So I just laid down in his bed with him and had another blanket and he got mad at first but I said you don't have to use it this blanket is for me. And that he was okay with. So then he fell asleep and I just pulled the blanket up over him and snuck out. Then he woke up early really mad of course that I had tricked him but I got this picture first all proud of myself that he was sleeping with another blanket lol 
My relaxation has become reading with my tea and my red light therapy mask on. I deleted Pinterest off my phone because I realized it doesn't make sense for me to not have other social media because it's all trash and then still have Pinterest because that is all trash too. I realized after I was sucked into article after article that are probably lies and fake and before I know it I'm feeling worse about myself and thinking maybe if I buy this product it will all be better, etc. etc. So I feel a lot better without it. If I want ideas for meals or whatever I just google that question and it does the same thing without the other crap too. 
McKinley got some fancy new shoes that are see through with glitter and it reminds me of what was popular in the90's because I had those! Back then we called them "gellies" or maybe that was just me but I was in love with mine so it's so cute to see her in them. 

our dream house!! 🏡 

It is a dream we weren't sure we'd get to do and that kind of hit us as we were pulling up into the parking lot for the big design appointment. I had trouble sleeping and was just thinking for weeks and obsessing and had anxiety over it (My right eye was inexplicably swollen that morning lol I think I was just a ball of nerves.) So I said "I hope everything goes well" and then dallin reminds me that this our dream and we should be excited and once I again I thought "marrying him was the best decision I ever made." time and time again he brings me back to earth and reminds me of what's important and to be grateful and just overall he has made me better. I would not be enjoying life as much as I do without him helping to teach me perspective. Anyways so here was our appointment! It was a really long appointment where you go through the house and literally pick every aspect. It ended up a tad more expensive than we thought it would be and there are things we are going to need to do later but we're still so excited that we got to build in the first place. 
So this is what we picked! 

The vent hood his metal so in the future I want to get this wood cover for it to match better. Dallin wants this color palette for his office.
I am going to do what this person did on the left for a vanity in my bathroom because there is a huge closet and then another closet so I'm going to make that into my makeup vanity area and take the doors off and put a light  up desk in there
Dallin's parents were here for a few days and we took them to see the model home and then show them our lot and we went to ice cream after it was so fun!
Kinder loving her Nona cuddles. Both of them love Nona and Pa
It was so cool to walk through after we had made all of our design choices and look at what we will have vs. what we won't and try to imagine. I cannot wait! I thought time would go by slow in my anticipation but I still feel like it is going by fast.

does it get any cuter than this>?!

We say that to each other every day I swear. lol 
Kinley's crazy hair, her reading books,
Dallin reading her fav book to her before bed, Cooper at the end of the line in his gymnastics class moving to the next station
coop pushing her on the trike while we went on a walk. The both wanted the shades 😎 
mohawk moment :)
They were holding hands in the stroller together on our way to the day ranch park :) 🥰 
watching a show together. ( pic below on right) they say they're each other's best friend. I think that is true. I blacked out the windows downstairs because we got a new bed (it's absolutely heavenly by the way) and we moved our old bed into the play room for my parents to sleep on when they come here and I figured not as much light in there would make it easier to sleep. So when coop discovered that room can get dark now he wanted to try his dinosaur light down there and he likes to use his light up sword int he dark and they jump on the bed together singing monkeys jumping on the bed. It is literally the cutest thing. I am obsessed with them and I'm so lucky. 
little miss courageous here decided to climb up to the very top of the big kids area at the day ranch park by herself. I was following but kept getting caught behind other kids or whatever so there were multiple steep drop offs and she did totally fine. I was trying to play it cool but in my head VERY freaked out lol but she is brave and coordinated and capable so I had nothing to worry about. This was her looking back at me after the scary part like " mom did you see that?! I'm a big deal!' lol 

Left: I like listening to dr. becky workshops while we walk after dropping off Cooper at preschool. She likes bringing snacks to eat lol 
Right: riding on the swing together
They have Both become obsessed with mints and we have to limit them to one a day and he knows where they are and can get them by pushing a stool over even if I try to put them up high. But he also knows the rule and will say "I want mint but I all done." 
Dallin pulled his old toys from when he was a kid out of storage and Cooper has loved playing with them. Dallin also liked playing with them too and reminisce. 
He asked me to build a tower with him and we would both go to put the next block on and he pulled his hand away and said "sorry you go" lol I just love how he has already learned to be courteous. Then after he asked to take a picture with our towers and I thought it was cute that he made this funny face ⬇️ 

she asked for help getting into the basket lol 

coop's 1st injury

Cooper fell off the low beam at gymnastics and rolled his ankle. He has never been one to play up an injury so when he kept crying and couldn't put weight on it, it started to scare us. We went home and he couldn't even watch a show he was just crying and saying owie and I had to carry him and stuff. It was really starting to scare me because it had been a few hours and seemed to be getting worse and so I went into Dallins' office and told him about it and I was so grateful that he was willing to just drop everything and take Cooper in. I was worried about how was going to be able to do it on my own with mckinley too so I was so thankful and relieved. (Dallin said the process of getting an X-ray might have traumatized him because he was screaming and needed to be physically restrained to get a pic... 😬) Even just for the knowledge/peace of mind if nothing was wrong. And yup-it was just a sprain and nothing was broken. 😮‍💨 So the next day he was already back to his usual of having a positive attitude. (Even when he's coughing up a lung if we ask him if he's sick he will respond in a hoarse voice,"no I'm happy!" lol so I really admire him for that. He's the king of manifesting what you want to happen.) Anyways he was literally crawling around on the floor to play with his toys to keep the weight off his ankle and dallin said are you still hurt and he said no I'm all better! lol so that day he was still not on it much but it got to be more and more and by the 2nd or 3rd day he was back to normal with that foot. I was so relieved and happy about that.  
His half smile at the instacare is so sad and cute. lol in this other pic you can barely tell the one on the left is swollen

swimming weather ☀️ 😃 

We have loved having this warmer weather! It so nice. This was the day I was picking up mozzie from his grooming appointment for my mom because she went back to work.
These are pics from our sunny outdoor parties :) 🎉 We love it!

Complete with reggae music 🎵 😎 
water painting, cup pouring, side walk chalk, bubbles, 🫧 does it get any better ?!
The cuteness factor of toddler girl swimsuits is just out of this world. ⬇️ 🤯 🥰 

so we learned that neither enjoys being sprayed with the hose lol 😂 (dallin trying to mess around and be funny ended up with meltdowns....but I don't blame them that water was cold.) 🥶 
After all that time in the sun we ate sandwiches on the couch watching shows 😊 
coop took the pic on the left of the bubble lol I thought it was cute after I took a pic he said my turn take pictures lol and this is dallin mowing with him on his shoulders
Cooper said "kinder wear dress! so pretty! she princess!"

Dallin took Cooper to fly a kite for the first time in the park right next to our house and Cooper loved it! I told him throughout the day it was going to happen and he was asking questions about it and looking forward to it so it was cute that he finally got his wish to fly a kite. What a cutie.


I know in one post I was semi-frustrated with the school but now I love it and I'm so grateful for it. The first year of school for him was a positive experience and I'm so glad. They made it fun for him and he enjoys learning and has a good self-esteem and social skills so I feel it was a successful year. They invited him to the bigger parties going on and I loved that he was included. (He goes to the Tues thurs class and it only has 4 kids and the MWF class is much bigger so they combined the classes for parties and Cooper had so much fun.) At the end of the year they did a combined birthday party for everyone in the class! So here are the pics from that day.


He was jamming to the song "shiny" from Moana. 

His cute school work :)


It's so weird to me that the school year is already over and we have lived in Utah for over a year now. Their little show was so cute. They sang and danced and then there was a slideshow and they each got their little certificate. The theme was our future's so bright we're gonna need shades so that's why coop is wearing sunglasses in this pic with his teacher. During the slideshow he went over to sit next to her. I think it's so cute how much he likes his class and his teacher. It was a weird concept for him that school is over and he keeps asking where his classmates and teachers are. 
At first he didn't see that we were there so his face when he noticed where we were sitting was so excited and he jumped up and dallin had to mouth to him to sit back down and he regained his composure hahaha
There were times I felt emotional but I didn't wanna be the blubbering fool so I held it together lol this for some reason made me feel emotional ⬇️ 
Watch the video at the end of this post to see the performance!

Here's some weird photos for ya 😜 

I have started noticing that my "11" lines are deeper in the morning when I wake up than any other time and I've noticed that because I sleep on my side gravity is pulling my face down into itself lol .... so I looked into it and apparently nightly face taping is a thing! the first night or two I just tested it with painters tape lol pic below. but then I decided that it does actually work and it doesn't bother me and I sleep the same so why not and I bought facial tape that's clear so I look less weird and its been really good so far. I've see a lot of people who don't have wrinkles and claim face taping at night is the new botox alternative. Anyway with my red light therapy mask on dallin said I look like a red pig lol so romantic

 The video compilation!! 😃 

even if no one else in the world watches these I love them lol so that's fine with me if you don't want to sit through 20 mins of home videos 😂 the cuteness must be preserved somewhere.
yay it's officially summer! 
Let's get this party started!!! 😃 

-Sydney G