I'm out of creative titles obviously lol
This post is a summary of oct 23-nov 11. Here is the collection of videos from this time chunk.
Keeping the journaling portion of this post quick this week. (This might actually be the record for me with the shortest time it's taken me to do the blog. Usually it's days and this time it was like an hour!)
This was our first real halloween because all the other years Cooper was too young to really appreciate or celebrate it. He had school on that day so that was fun to wear the costume and this is a pic of the two classes combined.
Here is him doing the scratch off mask shaped like a pumpkin. They also got candy of course
During that time Kinley and I went to the gym and we went dressed up to be in a costume contest. We didn't win but we still got some free guest passes
This was us trick or treating. I love this neighborhood for that. so many kids and such a good time.
I put a heated blanket under them inside the wagon so they were warm
Tom came with us and it was nice dallin got to have dinner and then go out with us before he had to go back to work because of AEP. The one of her smiling in the wagon below is because one neighbor gave her a stuffed animal and she was very happy about it
All the houses on our street put the candy all together on one table so that the kids don't have to hit 6 houses and then they do a pot luck and fire pits and that was so nice to be a part of and be social with them. I went and sat out there and talked with them after I put the kids down and they're all so nice.
Went to a soup night and trunk or treat at my mom's church and we got to be matchy-matchy and she was fiona
It was very fun
Photo challenge
I'm doing this photo challenge with my mom, Kaylynn and now my aunt Kim as well and it's been so fun for me and such a creative thing to get into.

this was rain through the sun roof and windshield one day

left was lighting and right was broken
brunch for food day
"brings back memories"
Lighting (on the right. on left was how we did it. 3 generations of graff guys)
window and sun flare
this was for rule of thirds.
This is the before of the pic
and this is after editing
This was for lighting
these are for symmetry
This was my moms she asked me to edit for the rule of thirds day and I enjoyed editing it a lot because it turned out good
this was the "after"
monochromatic this is my eye ball
Cooper ran over and looked and said "look goats! I love it! Aww so cute!!!" and it reminded me of my grandma because she always said that about goats. Goats were her favorite animal and we got Larry and jerry because of that. It made me think maybe he's like her in that way because of how I had a theory that before he was born and she passed away they talked and she told him she always wanted a kid or grandkid with brown eyes like her so that she wasn't the only one in the family with brown eyes and then he has brown eyes. So Maybe she also told him about how cool and cute goats are too and that he should like them. (Because it was a hard day I think I was a little extra emotional.) But it really caused me to stop and reflect and remember her and be grateful. For both her and him and all the memories I have with both of them and the opportunity I have to go to a place like TP at a moments notice with the kids and have a blast.
new bath toy and they were so into it they'll be in the bath for over an hour. it sings songs too so they dance and play in the bubbles and they like to turn it off and on lol it's so adorable
He still loves school and he got to bring his t ball set for show and tell one day. (So cute because he said he wanted to show miss shawnee how far he could hit the ball.) it's early for him tho so in the morning waking in time is hard lol so it was nice to have day light savings to help us out a little
got her a new hat and mittens and she loves them lol

My crazy kiddos
this was her jumping instead of sleeping lol
I got this rice water spray to help her hair grow and I spray it in there every day (no idea if it's working but I'm desperate to be able to finally do pony tails)
One day there was a ton of crying and so I stuck them in the car and went to the farm and then it was all smiles and the problems were all solved. I love thanksgiving point lol Cooper ran over and looked and said "look goats! I love it! Aww so cute!!!" and it reminded me of my grandma because she always said that about goats. Goats were her favorite animal and we got Larry and jerry because of that. It made me think maybe he's like her in that way because of how I had a theory that before he was born and she passed away they talked and she told him she always wanted a kid or grandkid with brown eyes like her so that she wasn't the only one in the family with brown eyes and then he has brown eyes. So Maybe she also told him about how cool and cute goats are too and that he should like them. (Because it was a hard day I think I was a little extra emotional.) But it really caused me to stop and reflect and remember her and be grateful. For both her and him and all the memories I have with both of them and the opportunity I have to go to a place like TP at a moments notice with the kids and have a blast.
In the height of AEP when he has 14 hour days all the time, and he finally has a spare 20 minutes, this is what he does with it. She came over to him carrying the book and saying book book book and he said do you want me to read it and she said peeeeze! hahaha
He's such a good dad and still keeps a positive attitude even when the season of his job is hard.
we were excited when one night she finally just watched a phone so that we could watch a show
One time I hadn't heard or seen her in a longtime and I look around the corner and she's pulled the changing pad down and is laying on it. and I said what are you doing and she said "ni-night!" lol she was pretending to sleep and she would say bottle night night because she brought my water bottle over there too lol so imaginative and creative already and she's so young still.
at the arcade
We went to fat cats on one of the rare days when dallin had time off and it was very cheap but the best entertainment! best of both worlds
new bath toy and they were so into it they'll be in the bath for over an hour. it sings songs too so they dance and play in the bubbles and they like to turn it off and on lol it's so adorable
the library
they both love the library they get so excited when I say we're going. This time I let him sit on the chicken sculpture he was so excited lol
pre school
He still loves school and he got to bring his t ball set for show and tell one day. (So cute because he said he wanted to show miss shawnee how far he could hit the ball.) it's early for him tho so in the morning waking in time is hard lol so it was nice to have day light savings to help us out a little
This was wear pumpkin pajamas day
at the park
he can climb to the very top!
Its hard for her to walk in that thing so she crawls lol got her a new hat and mittens and she loves them lol
even mid November he is still taking off his shoes and socks at the park
they love it!He asked if he could paint his orange dinosaur and I said ok what color and he said orange. lol so it wasn't orange enough I guess. This was him giving her "big hugs" in the tent
Cooper always asks for daddy cuddles every night and some nights he has to wait a couple hours before Dallin's done working but dallin always goes in
He was fascinated by the flash light and wanted to take it with him on his nap. His huge smile is so cute while he plays with it and shines it around the room lol
I couldn't get over how cute she looked in little baby nike shoes
went to tom's for dinner and had cake. The next day coop says "more happy birthday cake please?" lol
he can drive the truck! need to get the battery fixed though because it barely moves
the destruction of the playroom lol they are creative in how they play with things. who knew the kitchen would actually become a climbing apparatusshe is completely wadded up in her blanket
One day I finally broke down and let her play with the sand and she was over joyed. the sand was literally all over the house and took a very long time to clean up
Nona and Pa visit!
It was so good to see them and it was so cute to see the kids reactions to them. They love them soooo much and the next day kept asking wheres nona wheres pa?
it was so cute seeing her give them both cuddles. She doesn't even cuddle us! lol DA gym.
took a selfie with the cycle instructor because she's Zach Wilsons mom and Dallins coworker is a huge jets fan. I think spin class is my favorite class and then maybe it's tied with barre burn or maybe barre is a slight 2nd place.
One day they had 3 people in the childcare call in sick so they didn't have enough workers to keep the right ratio and we had to leave and couldn't go and Cooper was so sad lol it just makes me see that its a good place if they get excited for it. makes me not feel bad to drop them off because I know they're happy too. it was a good lesson for him to learn to be flexible. lol it was funny it happened to be that we were out of bread that day too and he is soooo used to having a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch every day now that he was like "whyyyyyy?!" hahahaha he felt like the universe was against him so he took off all his clothes and that was his way of saying "I'll show you!" lol if you won't let me go to the gym or eat a cheese then I refuse to wear clothes. and that was fair lol
Weather's changing
and I'm actually excited and I don't mind it. I used to not like the cold and that's why I loved Arizona but now I am loving having seasons to celebrate and look forward to. This was the first snow in the mountains
for this one I tried the photo editing trick that everyone is doing on tik Tok. (not that I have one of those lol I just saw it on Pinterest and followed the directions) and Idk. I'm not a huge fan of it. I think it makes the blue too blue so it's distracting
I thought this was funny because its my Oktoberfest mug so you'd think it was beer but I'm an 80 year old lady at heart so it's tea lol
Went to the ridge up at sun crest one week and the next to plated dreams in woods cross and both were amazing. I think I liked plated dreams a little more tho
This drink was AMAZING!!!!!! IT'S A BISCOFF LATTE!!!!!!!!
Have a great day!!!
-Sydney :)