Maybe it's all the cocomelon I've watched lately but this was the first title that came to mind to sum up what we're dealing with now. Still a freaking waiting game like it was last time.
I have no idea how the bed ends up like this but because I wake up before dallin does every morning I kissed any dreams of having a pretty bed goodbye a long time ago. lol both the sheet and blanket all wadded up into one single ball at the foot of the bed. How on earth1?!

But if that's his downfall I'll take it. One of the many perks of being his wife is that he does the grocery shopping and brings me flowers randomly and these were sooo cool! He is so sweet.

Cooper is a cutie too.
They're both sweet and caring. Love em.
Coop is so good at being helpful lately. He will water the trees, throw away trash, put shoes away, put his toys away, carry in bags from the car, etc. 

Dallin says this was the happiest day of coop's life because he was at the gaming chair/computer but I'm still in denial that the kid will play video games at all... (even tho he already knows how to navigate my phone to find the toddler game I downloaded for him and play it repeatedly...)
Cinco De Mayo
We went to nando's to celebrate. And no, I'm not sure why I'm making the face of a gnome in this picture. Dallin was the only one who got a margarita unfortunately.
Maternity photos for the 2nd (and probably last) time!
Lexi took them on my phone and we just went in the neighborhood right by our house. It was super low-key but I'm still glad we did it. We got some super cute ones and that's not something I'm willing to pay 500$ for.
This was us walking out to the spot.
We live in a really beautiful area if we can just walk right out our door at "golden hour" and get these kind of backdrops for photos. We are certainly going to miss it here and we've been lucky.
I think this one is my favorite. It sums up Dallin perfectly-always making me laugh.
These are some unedited pics that I didn't have the heart to delete.
I like how this one turned out too. So pretty.

It's crazy to think this little family is about to grow by one more. I don't think it's really hit us and I don't think we have any idea what we're in for... lol
Poppin' a lil leg lol 😂
This was our amazing support staff lol Addi helped cooper to smile and then played with him in the car while we took couple photos and then dallin took them both home while lexi and I finished solo pics. It worked out pretty well.
the bump
Everything is technically healthy and going well, I'm just miserable. The worst part is when I can't sleep. Or when my back decides to flare up again (luckily that has mostly gone away because I started getting massages and this guy named Pedro at the elements massage is a miracle worker lol) and I have to look around at all the things I need to do but can't. Anyways one time at the doctor I was sweating so hard (like I always am now) and her heart rate was too high so they had me go in this room to monitor her heart rate. That room was cooler and her heart rate went down right away. They assured me that her heart rate has nothing to do with being hot, but I have my doubts. lol
Here are some pics
When you put them all together, this is how much it's grown. I am convinced I must be growing a behemoth of a child.
It's amazing that your ribs and tailbone could kill at the same time. Like there is literally not enough real estate in there and it's bursting at the seams. I don't even want to know what I will look like in the next 5 weeks. I have pretty much given up on trying to look good.
The difference is staggering, and Cooper was a big baby!
When I was comparing the photos, I was thinking my 35 this time around looks a lot like my 37 last time. I think I'm going to stop having kids before they have to make me my own zip code next time.
I'm finally done working!
The last month of work was torturous. I am so happy to be done. Everything about teaching seemed to be getting worse and I think I need to be done and make a career change.
This was my look most days- pure survival mode. I wore this neck fan and tried not to die. It's so miserable dealing with 13 year olds and feeling like hot, tired, achy, nauseous, crap.
Anyways, the last day was a lot like any other day to be honest.

Natalie is so sweet and gave me melalueca lotion as a gift. She is such a good person.
Lunch crew everyday this year Elizabeth is another one who is the salt of the earth and I won't forget her.
Part of the reason that I say the last day was just like any other day was because some idiot pulled the fire alarm again. Just in the last month of school that fire alarm was pulled by stupid kids trying to be funny at least 7 times. There were 3 in the last week of school alone and it happened twice in one day one time. Every time they make us all go out the football field and wait in the heat until we get an "all clear." It's incredibly efficient.-sarcasm (Why don't they have those glass covers on them like they did when I was in school?!) And when I was ready for my final check out there was some kind of "crisis" and my admin was nowhere to be found. lol of course.
Needless to say I'm hopefully onto bigger and better things.
This was the obligatory "last day of school" picture of Cooper at Marni's. I did it because of tradition, not because it was his last day. He will be going back once or twice a week all summer for the social interaction.
When I showed him these pictures he said "Ni Ni!" haha and then on the next one his buddy Jack is sitting there too and so he said "ni ni and Jack!"

This was at the beginning of the school year. Him and his friend Phil. (People actually think they look alike. ) And then here's one of just him so that you can see him better for size comparison. He looks more like a little boy now and less like a baby. It's kindof sad, but also this is by far my favorite age because it's so cool seeing him start to understand things and do things on his own.
This was me on the first day of school. Oh boy- little did I know what I was about to encounter. 😂 That was a tornado of a year and I'm so glad it's over. I am surprised I survived it at all. This was the last pic I got of the school before I drove off. Despite all the annoying parts, I did have some pretty great memories there. It's crazy how fast 5 years flew by.
I had an interview with marketing at dallin's company and felt like a complete idiot and did not get the job. lol I guess it's good practice for the future and I need to decide my direction and put some preparation into it so that I'm a little more qualified. I am excited to move on and I do think that I am smart enough and capable enough to do other things (I think I could have done that job and I just didn't interview well so they could see that)- HOWEVER, it's always hard on the self-esteem to be rejected. It was a hard day for me definitely. After the time thinking about marketing and looking into it for that job I do think it could be something I end up doing one day though. I find it interesting.
Trying to keep cooper entertained
YAY YAY 😀 😁 YAY it's summer break!😍
But also.... OH NO..... i'm huge, uncomfortable, and I have to take care of a toddler all by myself now....😳
I remember last summer he was cranky and difficult when I didn't keep him engaged and social and get him out of the house. So I knew this time I was going to have a challenge ahead of me. Especially with how hot it is outside and how little I can actually move. 😩 Since I don't have a job now.... and no prospects.... and no direction for a certain type of job whatsoever.... (ahem, this is fine) ....I wanted to start out my newfound life as a "stay at home mom" well so that I don't go crazy. I figure it's gotta be possible for me to like SAHM life since so many other people do. And I have a pretty cool kid so there's gotta be a way to not feel like Tom Hanks in the movie Castaway going crazy and talking to a volleyball.
The very first Saturday Coop and I woke up and went out to celebrate surviving the school year.

Music Class at Mesa City!
Music class was a hit! It was adorable seeing him get so into it! When we were walking out to the car he said "I did it!" haha
She said she was going to give out stickers at the end and he ran right up to her to get his instead of waiting for her to come around hahaha
How do people go on walks when it is the temperature of the firey gates of hell outside?
They go to the scottsdale mall apparently. It felt like the entire county was in the mall that day. It wasn't that fun to be honest and we probly won't do it again.
We're trying sensory bins
he does a pretty good job of keeping it in the bin. And by that I mean he only throws it like 20% of the time.
Look how funny he fell asleep with his legs through the bars of the crib. He still gives the best cuddles. I did this little quiz on what your toddler's love language is and I think his is physical touch and words of affirmation. Because he loves cuddling and if we get after him for anything even if it's small he breaks down like he's the worst human to ever exist. They say negative words affect words of affirmation people more than others. Anyways it's so cute that he's developing his own likes and dislikes and personality. And I love how sweet he is and how much he wants to please and make others happy.

Toddler Time at the Library
He likes going out to see other kids. He's sooooo much easier to manage than at home because he is really docile and just watches the other kids. At home he's like the Tasmanian devil lol
He did so good getting his own mat and sitting on it and then putting it away at the end.

All this partying makes for a tired kid and a lot of "sleeping in the carseat" photos.
Dallin told me he thinks that I put too many pictures in here. (And I also was outraged to find out he doesn't even read this sometimes!) Anyways in my attempt to prune out the unessential, I am only including one of the 4 sleeping-in-the-car-pictures. This one was too cute to ignore because he fell asleep mid-sandwich lol 😂
Shoes are still a struggle.
This was his 4th pair of shoes. It's like he thinks "these are uncomfortable so I'll try a different pair" over and over again with every shoe we have for him. So he started out in matching black shoes so that his outfit didn't look like a weirdo. But he wanted to try the white loafers of course. By the time we got to where we were going he didn't have anything on his feet at all. He is so used to being barefoot that even socks are constricting for him. lol
We do a lot of swimming (pic on left) and I am desperately trying to keep the screen time to under an hour a day. lol the battle of all moms now days. He loves to watch the "Shart" (baby shark video) on his "phone" (the super-old, barely working tablet we have).Happy memorial day!
We went to Lexi and Justins and ate and swam and had fun! He had to give Lexi her cuddles of course.
"Pom Paw" and "Ma ma" last visit
They came and loaded up everything we could live without until fall when we move. Our house feels weirdly empty.

Dallin's stomach bug
He got so sick it was coming out both ends for an entire day and so he got one of those companies to come out who do the iv. It's kindof cool because they're RN's and you can have medicine and vitamins added to it so that you can get over your sickness faster.
He said Sadie stayed right by him the whole time to make sure that he was okay. She's sweet. (Even though she is sometimes incredibly annoying.)
This article/list of memes made me laugh so hard and is spot-on.
You have to go read it. It's hilarious.
The last get-together before the snow birds left
We swam with the Smiths and had a really good time of course! And we got to meet the new baby Ryker!
It made me jealous that I'm not done and at that point right now too. So I'm just waiting and getting ready. (With what little I have to do to get ready.) We're not doing a room or anything so it's really not much. I did get this cute little outfit for the newborn pictures and I'm so excited for that because baby tutu's are adorable.
Well, let's end this post with something funny!
This is my wish for myself and for you. (Coffee makes me nauseous about 50% of the time, so when I go for it, it's like I'm playing roulette and it's a gamble. It could either pay off big, or I could be a puddle of regret and misery afterward. But isn't that always how gambling is? Dallin is so into gambling lately and I'm so glad that he has self control and is actually really good at it because we've made a lot of money that way.)
This is probably the reason why I'm so huge right now..... but let's just blame it on the baby okay? 😉
I guess that's it. Nothing else to report this time around. We didn't really take that many pictures or videos this time so it didn't take as long as it usually does for me to do this. Dallin is in Vegas right now for a medicare conference. And I'm hoping there's a baby girl here in 2 or 3 weeks! Hopefully the next post on here won't be more about waiting.
Have a good week!