Like Father Like Son
tongues out, painting together, etc. They're so alike because they're both goofy and easy going. I love being around such happy people all the time. I'm lucky 🍀

both into the computer!
Cooper calls any liquid juice. So it's funny that he sees the ocean on the screen and says juice.
This song reminds me to count my blessings because I love my family, house, and life in general and unfortunately sometimes I still get caught up in the negative.
Dallin's trip to Utah
He had a great time! for work they did a party at top golf, he went to dinner with his bros and did the VR and Pokemon with Brian and the nephews
How Times have changed
I love this picture. reminds me of simpler times. But it's always easy to think that when you're reminiscing. Because I'm sure at the time there was a lot we still had to stress about, but looking back you only remember the good things.
Most amazing breakfast place in the whole world
I freaking love "Eggstasy." That restaurant's menu is a world of deliciousness and you can't go wrong no matter what you order. We got a babysitter, drove a half hour, waited a half hour, and all of it was well worth it. I'd drive 4 hours for that place if I had to.
It was kind funny because those ladies sitting next to us were just getting drunk lol

We went to a movie on a date and just went to our local fat cats and every time we love it because their food is so good and the chairs are so comfy
He's so handsome
And he acts so grown up now days.
He doesn't say "yes," just "okay" in a creepy whispered tone.

Dallin's Game
Minor Bug problem
We got it sprayed and it was better because we had wasps and these weird spider looking things. It's hard to see in this picture but they were all on the ceiling because dallin left the door open all day
The struggle of desperately clinging to your youth while aging and gaining exorbitant amounts of weight....
My zits and scars from former zits can barely be covered with makeup. It's like my face is against me it doesn't matter what I do.
I am also annoyed with the length my hair is at right now because its that awkward in between phase.The Super Bowl
We had amazing food and watched it with Josh. Here's all the boys watching the big game
I was rooting for the other team but Cooper knew all along who was going to win. we let him pick his balloon at the store and he went for the rams

Valentines day
We got a babysitter and went out to Brio in Gilbert. I also got 2 valentines grams from students at school
good times
Cooper likes to pretend he's going potty, he has his favorite books memorized, he likes coloring, he likes wearing glasses, and dancing to music. This is such a fun age.
The weather is beautiful so we are outside constantly
Sadie's annoying womanhood
Of course Sadie had to do shark week the week before we got her fixed. I wish I would have just got her fixed months and months ago because changing diapers for both her and Cooper sucked. She could take off the disposable dog diapers so I put coopers swim diaper on and then clothes over it and then that way she couldn't get it off thankfully. But then it was a lot of work to be on top of taking her out frequently and stripping her down to do it..... I'm glad that's over. That was an annoying week. A couple times I didn't take it off in time and she peed in the swim diaper and it was just everywhere....
Anyway Cooper thought it was funny that she was in diapers and clothes.
The picture on the left was funny because I put coopers shorts on her but it didn't work and she just immediately pulled them off.
Both of them in their diapers :)
Sadie likes her crate so much she goes in there to sleep even with the door open
Bath time
He thinks the purpose is to play and we annoy him when we try to wash him.

I did the technology olympics...(which ended up being a ton of work on my end and I don't feel like the students appreciated it. shocker I know)
The picture on the right was at a pep rally and they had to use plungers to pull them selves across the floor on their bellies
we have gotten treats a few days lately for V day and PTC and stuff. I had an embarrassing situation with scratching a zit that then proceeded to bleed down my face. Another teacher said well maybe no one will notice and then someone said from across the room "what happened to your head?" so we figured if it was going to draw attention, might as well make it fabulous. So she loaned me her crown and we dressed it up with bandages lol
I got some students autographs in case they become famous some day
I am still not necessarily loving my job, but I didn't want to do anything rash so I signed again for next year. I still don't know what is going to happen but I wanted to keep what I have in the mean time because it's okay. The director told me that I'm the most resilient teacher and I show the most grit which was nice to hear. I agree that I don't give up when it's tough because if that were the case I would have quit on day 2 of this 7 years ago. It has been a rough year but who knows, maybe next year I will love it and be glad that I stuck it out. I don't always feel like I know what to do with big decisions like moving and job stuff.
We will miss them
Nick gianna and Luca move in a matter of weeks. It's sad so we've been trying to get together more. We will miss them but I'm happy for her getting her phd and the job of her dreams.

Cooper says, "I'm fummy" when we're laughing. It's so cute. Anyways I was spying on them one morning because dallin wakes up with coop while I'm still getting ready for work and I thought it was hilarious that he just passed out on the floor and coop's doin his thing.
Cooper is always so fun to be around.
Jake being a baby because of a storm. Cooper was saying "Jakey's sad"and he kept losing his balloon. we'd get it from up there and he's lose it again. After getting it 4 times we got rid of the stupid thing

Dallin and I went out on a date last night to this place Called Paul martin's and it was to die for.
He is obsessed with berries, which he calls "beans" and also with calling my dad and dallins dad.
he can't wait for swim season!
Getting Fat
Don't you just love feeling like crap and having every tiny thing become harder and then on top of that having your doctor guilt trip you about how much weight you're gaining? Seriously would she rather I do drugs? I am not a fan of that woman. I have already been feeling hideous so she is not helping. What is helping however is the cute maternity clothes I got from Katie and Ross. I was so happy to find good deals and it does make me feel less gross. I think I have been more emotional this time around so that's probably also impacting it.
They tell me at every appointment "you just make big babies" because every time they've measured very large. I have been feeling better all things considered but I wish I could fast forward this part and wake up in August lol
Arcading it up
we had a blast doing a little family day and found out coop is lucky! We got so many tickets!

we went to rumba
Sleepy and Sickey
He had a cold and what we thought was pink eye for a second there but it turns out it was just the cold
He had an obsession with that cup where he wouldn't put it down for a few days and he even slept with it
this is a video of him laughing in his sleep
He acted so grown up when I took him to the doctors
Spring Break
The week before was a bit wild because Marni was off so coop bounced around between Lexi, dallin, and shelly and my dad and shelly came in for one night while dallin was meeting up with Ryan who was in town for work and I had Gianna and Tina over. Then the next day shelly left and my mom came in, and then the next morning Sadie got fixed. It sounds like a lot but it all went pretty smooth. The week of spring break has been pretty low key just hanging out with my mom and mozzie who are visiting. Taking care of Sadie after the surgery really hasn't been much. I could have been working and it wouldn't have mattered so I guess I didn't really need to plan it for spring break. But we decided Cooper isn't ready for potty training yet and that's okay we've just been working on things that have been on my to do list for a while so it's been nice to relax but still get stuff done cuz I have the time.Coop has loved all the attention and his vocabulary has skyrocketed
Cooper and the other dogs were worried about Sadie at firstHe sometimes calls her Ci ci and I think it's the cutest thing.
my mom and I got a massage and then also the 3 of us all went out to see uncharted. (it was so good! and I laughed so hard that between the 3 of us we dropped literally every food item we bought)
We spent a lot of time outside relaxing in the perfect weather and reading magazines
We ate green food and the kids did st. Patricks day coloring pages. My mom got Cooper this super cute shirt that said "Pinch proof"
Sadie was on sedatives and just wanted to sleep in Josh's lap lol
Sadie was on sedatives and just wanted to sleep in Josh's lap lol
That's it I guess! Happy spring!