Happy holidays everyone! I am so excited to spend my first Christmas with Cooper! Here's what's been going on with us lately. I didn't organize the pics very well this time cuz I'm lazy and in a hurry.
9 month appointment
Isn't this pretty? I love living in arizona and waking up early and seeing the mornings and I also love our pediatrician. anyways... This was our view on the way there.
Pictures don't do it justice of courseThey said healthy as a horse, doing well developmentally, and he's 96% weight and 91% height.
All the videos in one place
It's just easier doing it this way than moving them to where they go chronologically
This was him trying a pickle for the first time
Javelina's eating our christmas treats
Our fun Thanksgiving adventure in Utah !!
Cooper loves the bath
He has learned how to shake his head no so that's funny
Cooper's first picture with santa
I'm so glad we did this. had to be a little different because of covid and they put plexiglass in front of santa but still way better than nothing. They caught me mid-blink of course haha And we saw my coworker and his family while we were there. And NO LINE THIS YEAR! WOOHOOO! HAHA

We went to see the lights at the church by our house with our neighbors and their kids. It was so fun!
Got some new leggings and love them! one costco and one 13$ on amazon! score!
We've gotten into "rippin N' shippin" ! haha we buy pokemon cards, then we facebook live stream and ppl buy packs and we open it fro them and they hope they get a valuable pack. Dallin opened one for himself and got a very very good pack! They were all holographic and he was sooooo happy. This was our set up for rippin and shippin one night.

Making friends with our neighbors and their kids has made such a big difference in our happiness. We feel a sense of community now and it's so nice after feeling isolated because of covid.
We tried refinishing teh table again and this time I officially give up. We are now saving up for a new table and chairs set. We sanded it down, stained it and that didnt' work then I treid to paint it and that didnt' work either! Got some new leggings and love them! one costco and one 13$ on amazon! score!
Pics with the folks when they were up last weekend
Look how cute he is in this hat. Omg.

We went over and ate dinner with gianna luca nick and his parents. It was so nice to meet them they are awesome!
Cooper has become a psycho when you change his diaper or his clothes. He just wants to crawl away. December bulletin board at school. So much fun making all those snowflakes. The background is a disposable plastic tablecloth and it worked so much better than the butcher paper.
This is dallin hanging lights while my dad "supervises" lol but later my dad was up on the roof hanging off the edge of course
Josie got all tangled up and stuck in the curtains hahaha
New hair doo!!! some glamour shots of coop lol
We got the same dog door that nick and gianna have because it shuts so tight and our old one blew open with the wind. The dogs took some getting used to it because they have to push it open so hard at first they thought they can't get in anymore
We found a cool new way of buying windex from amazon. They give you an empty bottle and these little pods and when you dissolve them it turns into windex! it was so cool watching it happenWe started a new book series on the way up to Utah in the car. It's called city of bones. Showing my clear nails with sparkles over it

Going golfing again with jessi, wade, olivia, coop me and dal. It is always so much fun

Thanksgiving in Utah
Cooper finally got to meet more family members, still hasn't met everyone but got closer. We had a good time. The ride up was really easy he didn't make a peep and slept and ate normally when we were there and teh vegas hotel. The way back sucked tho. Several hours screaming, blowouts with poop all over the car, choking twice, threw up once, etc. We were so happy when we finally made it home lol
He turned 8 months when we were there so this is his 8 month pic.

The first night at brian and michelles cooper rolled off the bed and hit his head really hard (you can kind of see the red line on his head) but he's okay.

Poor kid always falls asleep on our weekly walk with the girls because it's right at his nap time
Every morning he ALWAYS has boogers, but not the rest of the day. Its disgusting. Doc says it's teething. It doesn't seem to bother cooper tho! haha
The sleeping shot that ends up in every post....
This bib is a life saver. I'm starting to get more brave and give him more regular foods. Hes had a bunch and I know i gotta keep trying cuz the doc said he needs to be eating more regular food. But he has actually choked twcie and both times i panicked so it scared me away from food. He still doesn't have a single tooth! I would feel better about it if he had teeth adn could chew!
Cooper and dallin have such a cute bond. He loves the remote so much!
Tina babysat for us again and it was much more successful this time. He still gave her a run for her money but at least went down hahaha poor tina. She's a saint I'm tellin ya

Coop played with cousins and we went skiing and played taskmaster. It was really fun. Basically it's this game where you have all of these tasks and the task master (trenden in thsi case) decides who wins. My favorite task was re-create an iconic movie scene. I did tom cruise in risky business sliding in socks and dancing to old time rock and roll. It was spot on! All the different tasks were so funny. Tom ended up winning the whole thing, but I won one round. My prize for winning was everyone's cringe-worthy item. (Tom brought an actual kidney stone he passed like 7 years ago so it was quite the prize) Anyway you can see the trophy proudly displayed on their tv thing. It's a life-like bobble head of trenden lol

This was Jake cuddling with Ellie at Lexi's house while we were gone. We missed them!
Coop on the Go!
He follows us and teh dogs in his rolley thing and he's so fast!
He is a really fast army crawler too! He was interested in Josie's food lol

Poor kid always falls asleep on our weekly walk with the girls because it's right at his nap time
Every morning he ALWAYS has boogers, but not the rest of the day. Its disgusting. Doc says it's teething. It doesn't seem to bother cooper tho! haha
The sleeping shot that ends up in every post....
This bib is a life saver. I'm starting to get more brave and give him more regular foods. Hes had a bunch and I know i gotta keep trying cuz the doc said he needs to be eating more regular food. But he has actually choked twcie and both times i panicked so it scared me away from food. He still doesn't have a single tooth! I would feel better about it if he had teeth adn could chew!
a night on the driving range with friends
cooper wants the presents and ornaments. Gotta keep him entertained with other things so he doesn't get into it all!Cooper and dallin have such a cute bond. He loves the remote so much!
Tina babysat for us again and it was much more successful this time. He still gave her a run for her money but at least went down hahaha poor tina. She's a saint I'm tellin ya
We went with friends/neighbors to perch which is a brewery and restaurant that has birds and it's outdoor, live music, etc. It was so fun! (And yes, I did sort of make progress with conquering my bird fear haha)
Photoshopped little maddie's head from another pic because she was turned around

Cooper loves wade :)
Dinner Party
We had Jessi and wade and olivia over for dinner and had a blast!
The wild west
We get pigs, rabbits, foxes, coyotes, snakes, etc. in this neighborhood. This pig took our christmas goodies and ate them and then the fox came along behind him and chowed down on the rest.
Look how cute this kid is!
Our little christmas extravaganza at the church
They give free hot chocolates and hay rides and tell a story while you go around and then give you this free picture. So much fun going with our friends and enjoying the lights and socializing and then having the guide kindof remind us about the real meaning of christmas. It was a magical night for sure.

the guy that makes the light pictures for them made this woman by a grave for all teh people that lost lives this year due to covid
Dallin's pokemon obsession
He buys them anywhere he can find them in bulk because he sells them for more to other people when we rip and ship. They are so limited and everyone wants them so tehy usually limit the number per person and they're sold out within a few minutes. So this time he was all excited he could pre order this many cards from a store. AFter we took this pic they called him adn said they messed up and they are only allowed to sell each person a maximum of 6. So they said he had to go back to the store and get a refund on all of them but 6. But he was excited for a second there lol
Our last walk as a group before 2021!!Coop loves playing iwth pots and pans
I love the rain so much. This was me chilling in the driveway of marni's house just listening to music and watching the rain. Its so relaxing cooper fell asleep.
This was his new outfit and he looked so big in it we couldn't believe it. Shelly got it for him of course lol
Concert season is upon us so it's a tad stressful. We went to watch advanced and it was a nice date for us
Jake so cuddley :)
Hope you have magical holiday season!