Lately we have felt like we're still trying to figure out how to do this whole "life-with-a-kid-thing." Instead of the DINK life, now it's a DIOK life haha and its' friggin' hard to balance everything! So I feel like I'm winging it. I still feel like I'm kindof faking it like I know what I'm doing but I really don't know what I'm doing at all. Like should he be talking by this point or what?! haha It's not hard all the time, I have just noticed that I forget a lot of things now and I don't always get everything done that I want to. Sometimes I worry that I have a lot to do but I don't remember everything I have to do.
Gianna's virtual baby shower
It was different because of the situation but I think they still did an awesome job with it. (And she got SO MANY GIFTS so who can complain lol ) This is tina during it haha I finally get to see her again on Sunday and other than that it's just been facetime since February which is sad.
Coop Nasty
He loves that floatey and the pool.
This is my solution to mornings before work. I get ready, then put my robe on over my clothes backwards and then change and feed him because if I don't I get something on me
The folks visit
They had the same facial expression while sleeping lol mouth open.

It's an uphill battle
But I am still able to workout at least 5 days a week because of my amazing fit on app and my amazing prep hour at school. I love it.
The kid tries out a shirt and pants like a grown up
This is 9 month size (he was 5 and half months) and it's still a belly shirt. hahaha but he seemed excited by having a crop top cuz it's all the rage right now anyway.
We are officially swaddle and snoo free over here, can i get a hallelujah!!?
This was his old getup-

And then the girls from my class highly recommended the magic merlins sleep suit, and of course the only color they had left was pink....
hahahaha you can see his expression on the left. But on the right you can see it definitely works so I don't care what color it is!

He likes to turn completely sideways in bed lol
5 month pictures
I'd say we're getting pretty good at this whole photographer thing.

My moment of solace...
Sara called it "sleep hygiene" that I have a routine. But it's the only way I can sleep. It' so relaxing to go with my tea and candle and read before bed. I'm just starting the 3rd twilight book now.
I have been having so much fun dancing again. It's so fun seeing the students love it and having fun with it. I love my job it's so fun. September bulletin board.
I'm not sure if someone was playing a joke on me or what but Harry potter was listed for real as a student in my 1st hour class. It was so incredibly funny. I wish that was real so much. I would love to teach Harry Potter ballroom dance.

We did PTC this year via phone so that people didn't have to come in. Usually i don't see many people, but now that it was more convenient for people every one of my spots filled and I had to call 24 people. I loved not having to dress up and having it go by fast like that though. I hope they do it like that every year it was awesome.
Massage date
Justin and lexi watched coop for us while we went to a couples massage one day and it was funny that they put him in a bouncer thing and he seemed surprised by all the pink again.

Gianna just gave me new stuff polygol I think it's called and i love ti so much because it makes my nails harder so that they don't break off. And then I just paint over it. Anyway I liked these nails a lot
Things I never thought I'd see in my life
We've gotten into a little bit of a tradition of making muffins on the weekends for breakfast and I just think it's funny because I never thought I would be that person to MAKE muffins. I know it's not hard but for me that's a huge metamorphosis from who I used to be.
Speaking of those muffins. When I was telling you at the beginning of this post that I feel like I'm losing my mind, part of it was that I forgot how long ago I made them and I ate a whole muffin and then noticed afterward there was furry, green mold on it. Cool. So I'm literally poisoning myself on accident now. I clearly have it under control. lol
I love love love driving the jeep now btw. It used to be hard for me but now I'm so adjusted that it feels weird to drive the sonata.
I also never thought I'd see those baby spoons in my silverware drawer. It was such a weird moment for me putting those in for some reason.

Cooper's first cold
This was him all sad and cuddle because he was so congested.
The dogs were extra sweet to him when he was sick. It was for a long time too- maybe like 2 weeks of it. Idk maybe it was allergies or teething or something too. Speaking of the dogs- the girls in my 5th hour class from last year got me this shirt for him and I thought it was so sweet of them so I wanted to take a pic of him with the dogs while wearing it.

Then once I took the pic you can't even read what it says haha
IN THIS PICTURE THEY ALL WEIGH THE EXACT SAME! haha 5.5 months for him and 9 and 7 for them.

"I'm just gonna grab this tail and see how it tastes real quick...."

He was a little fussy when he was sick but not that bad all things considered. The only way he could sleep was elevated so he took his naps like this one day. Then we put a pillow under his mattress.
We took turns taking him in the bathroom and steaming it up with the shower and then sucking out all the boogs. So good for the pores too!
Ugh gross....

He was still such a nice guy even though he didn't feel good and Marni said he was really good all day with her.
Goodbye to that nasty, "resembles something inappropriate", cactus in our front yard!!!
I was so happy when that arm fell and we found out there is a disease going around the neighborhood affecting all the saguaros. This is them taking it down.

This is the after picture. I'm going to put a pretty flower bush there for some color.
Just some more cute photos.
Game night out back with nick and G
Still waiting for the babe any moment now!
furry kids
We're taking jojo in on saturday so we'll find out how she's doing but we're not optimistic because she's been acting worse lately. I don't let myself think about it or I'll get depressed. A lizard was under that metal piece and we watched him pick at it for an entire day trying to get it to come out haha
Cool google duo pictures
Talking to the folks we got these cool pics.
Outside is cooling down
It's so nice being able to go on walks again and sit out there and enjoy without having to be swimming cuz it's so hot.
I love starting my day out there
Coop's eating now!
His new chair at the counter (moments before he smacked his face on the counter... poor thing.) And him eating his own massive feet.
This is him trying food for the first time. He loves it so much. Everything we've tried so far. (He is a big boy after all, takes a lot of food to keep up that bod. He even likes straight water!)
He is teething so he is occasionally more fussy now. He tried the carrot idea from kaylynn

sleepy and cuddly cuz his mouth hurt
She is a fan of cooper :)
She watched him so we could go on a date and we went to culinary drop out and then to candle chemistry after. It was so fun! And such a cool idea. You get to smell every smell and then based on your favorites create a candle, hand soap, lotion, hand sanitizer, oil diffuser, etc. I made a candle and dallin made a christmas smelling lotion.
Dallin and his mom went out for dinner one night and she loved it cuz she doesn't get to go to restaurants very often. We went on a lot of walks and cooper loved it!
I thought it was so funny how she did that he loved it. It looks so uncomfortable but it put him to sleep! haha

His Half Birthday!!!!
I cannot believe it. It's absurd to me that I am a mother to a 6 month old human.
The truth is that I mixed up the amount of water and oil that was supposed to go in the cake so it was oily as freak and we didn't even eat it. hahaha but it's festive.
That pic on the left is so cute.
She showed us how to play farkle which is fun and then we also played hand and foot a lot of course.
She took me to hobby lobby and got me that adorable red truck for my birthday.
6 month "baby vet" appointment
It's so funny we keep calling it the vet because we're just so used to saying that for the other kids so then we just started calling it the baby vet haha
But he's still huge! 90% for weight and 93% for height. He cried a little for the shots but stopped immediately when dallin picked him up so he is getting used to getting poked haha no biggie now days cuz he's tough.
After that he slept a lot.
Doing our own 6 month old pictures
Since we live in such a pretty place and have a good camera and I'm an editing genie, I think they turned out pretty good!
If this pic looks weird at all to you- hats off to you for being observant!
This is the original. His eyes were closed but it was such a cute picture so I improvised and added his eyes from another pic haha Dallin was so impressed.
This one is a little more candid because it was a hot mess trying to start the timer, get everyone to look at the camera since there was no one over there and stay still. But I still love it so much because everyone looks so cute in it. Ah my melting heart. Hard to describe. Like I know I wouldn't ever blow this one up and hang it in the house, but it's just so sweet. This was the best we got I think. Can you believe this is only 2 minutes from our house?! It looks fake, like we're in front of a green screen, but I assure you this is 100% real.
OMG! haha
We had to squeeze the big guy into this outfit (as you can tell by the belly hanging over pants situation) but I think it was well worth it.
He's working on the smolder for Avery (his daycare girlfriend. He likes the older women. She's a year and half.)haha
Check out his creepy grin as he goes to 2nd base with her..... hahaha I did not teach him that.
He's working on the smolder for Avery (his daycare girlfriend. He likes the older women. She's a year and half.)haha
"Reunited and it feels so good!"
Tina took me to breakfast for my birthday and it was sooooo nice to see her again, go to breakfast my fav, and have her meet cooper finally!
It goes without saying she was a hit with him!
Check out his creepy grin as he goes to 2nd base with her..... hahaha I did not teach him that.
First Alabama game
We celebrated in all our attire. So festive, he already loves 🏈
Look how cute
Look how fast he's grown up. He gets cuter with every pic I think. so that's a good sign.
That's all folks!