WARNING!!! This post contains an obnoxious amount of photos and videos of the same kid. Yes, I have officially become all the things I used to hate.
My first Mother's Day was awesome. We had breakfast outside and Dallin got me new barstools but they were too tall so we had to return them.
It’s crazy how much he is changing. He absolutely loves baths now!
This was his 2 month appointment at the doctor. He is all happy in these pictures because it was before the shots..... those really pissed him off.Just chillin’- happy as a clam. She told me he’s huge for his age. He is in the 3-6 month size clothes now and he’s only 2 and a half

This is his face after the shots- pain with a hint of betrayal. He screamed his lungs out for a few hours. And I’m not talking crying- literal car alarm type freak out. I called the doctor like the noob I am and then justin and Brian were both here and they said oh this is nothing. And I realized the error of my ways. He’s usually such a chill dude so we had never experienced that. So when the doctor called back I just said never mind! Haha we gave him Tylenol and all was right in the world again.
We had a crib before and we set it up to find out that it was a mini crib. Apparently that’s a thing… Didn’t know that before. It’s the same size as a pack and play. So we went through the ordeal of taking that apart boxing it back up in finding the right place to return it, and then we got this new one and it’s a normal size. Hallelujah! We did things a little bit backwards because usually people have everything all set up before the baby comes, and here we are 2 1/2 months later and just getting a group set up LOL Coop doesn’t seem to mind though
This is a picture of the old mini crib. When we first put it up we thought it was small but didn’t know any better cuz he’s a small person, but Lexi said when she came over that it didn’t look normal so we looked it up on amazon. Finally makes sense why the sheet didn’t fit! Haha
Jake thinks it’s his job to bring in as much leaves as possible. He hunts for lizards all day and only comes in when we think he might die of heat exhaustion lol
I have enjoyed getting to relax and cuddle with all these lovelies. That being said I have also had waaaay more blowouts than I thought. Feels like this kid poops up not down, like he’s immune to gravity or something. Today the kid was in 5 different onesies before we finally just gave up and he is currently asleep in his diaper. Lol
This is the part where I put a ton of pictures that probably all look the same to you, so you can scroll through them really fast LOL
Cooper has an obsession with staring at the fan LOL dallin joined him the other night
Because of social distancing people at Clearlink had to celebrate a birthday differently and Dallin has me photoshop him into the picture lol this was taken in utah
This is us doing FaceTime, we do that and Google duo to keep in touch with friends and the grandparents
Me reading to him in his swing
Coopers weird hair lol he is balding in places and growing in places, and he leaves a big spot and hair on his sheet
His hair has changed so much just in one month. I am so glad it's coming in on top and that awful bald phase can end.This was dallin cutting his nails when he was passed out. It was hilarious that it didn’t wake him up. And he’s so fat he looks like a mini sumo wrestler
Josie was babysitting
I think he’s supposed to be into mobiles by now but he says they’re not as amazing as the ceiling fan lol
He’s an escape artist like Jake. No matter how tight we swaddle that thing in the snoo he gets his arms out. This time he also pulled his shirt up haha
This is what happens when you try to put him in clothes that are supposed to fit him still ha ha Ha he is massive
We went to my school and got the teacher appreciation gift! We love Crumbl cookies And it was also nice to get out of the house LOL
Dallin is clearly very concerned with his health.....
I liked the mantle for May because it was a lot more minimalistic, the April one was a little too spastic and colorful for my liking LOL
It’s kind of pointless to get ready in the morning because I’ve been trying to work out every day and I’m obviously not going anywhere LOL so me and Cooper like to hang out in her underwear or in my robe. My robe is really convenient because I can wipe up spills easily too LOL
(Another reason to think “what has my life become?”)But anyway the pic on the right is me with Sherri Shepherd boobs.... which is not something I love.
More pictures of the kid. (It’d be a lot easier to stop taking pictures if he weren’t so dang cute all the time.)

This was when Shelly visited, and we played some more games
A little photo shoot for the cover of his rap album in the future
These look like he’s a “Bad A” but in reality he was pooping while I was taking these lol
This was me celebrating that I could finally get my wedding ring back on my finger again. I definitely couldn’t leave it on for more than 20 minutes without my finger turning purple, but it’s progress!
I want him to look like us but I can’t really ever see a resemblance to be honest

The dogs got their summer haircuts because the groomer finally opened back up!

I freaking love my new bathroom, closet and tub so much!
We had a duck in our pool! It was weird, Jake chased him away tho thankfully
This is cooper meeting aunt g and uncle nick
WHen they came over we decided to try and do a abstract modern art. Lol not all were as pretty as we wanted but it was fun! We used the blow dryer to blow paint around the canvas and it turned out kinda cool

While he was here he bought a new truck!
It was eye opening to hear Justin and Brian’s experience with babies because apparently cooper is the easiest baby in the world. It helps us to be grateful and put it in perspective if he is ever fussy because other people have it way worse. Coop even likes tummy time which I guess is unheard of
I started putting bandaids on my zits so I would stop picking at them. (We got one of those pore vacuums and I was unimpressed.) Dallin said “you look beautiful” and I started laughing and he said what, and I told him I had bandaids on my face. He said “oh I cant see I don’t have my glasses on.” Haha so He just says it because of habit not because he can actually see me. I decided it was the secret to a good marriage and I’m just going to hide his glasses so that in his mind I never age 😂

This is Josie. She gets so sick of following me everywhere and she’s so tired but she is so loyal she can’t stop.
I had to document this kids eyelashes. It’s what lash stylists’ dreams are made of.

More of our cooking experiments. Nobody has died yet so we’re calling it a success
More of coops

We got warnings on our phones, and next thing we knew everything was blowing around like crazy! Jake freaked out, and the pictures I have here don’t do it justice. It was also lightning at the time. It was funny because Cooper didn’t react at all and Josie didn’t either. She went outside and went to the bathroom like normal and was looking at Jake like what’s the big deal?I took a picture of Jake because he was trying to push Cooper off my lap so that he could be held because he was so scared LOL poor guy
This is us playing more cards with Nick and Gianna
Kid Coop
Jakey loves his boy
This was another game day with Shelly and Lexi
The boys hanging out in the car while I was in the doctors office

We were watching a show together
This video I took because it was so funny he kept sneezing and it would knock him over on the bed but he didn’t seem to mind at all he would just lay there. It happened like three times and then when I get my camera out he doesn’t need to sneeze anymore of course
It was such a cool process because we didn’t even have to go to the dealership. Because of social distancing the sales person will come to your house so that you can test drive it and then they do all of the paperwork there and you can just relax at home.We had a great experience at Earnhardt auto and our sales person was awesome. This is me saying goodbye to the Maxima with Cooper.
This is the family photo with the new Jeep! Dyllis was so so so excited. Sorry about my weird pajama looking-clothing in all these pictures by the way, nothing fits me anymore. I’m kind of in between sizes now because my fat clothes are too big and my normal clothes are still too small lol
I made a joke on Facebook that this is my version of a mom car LOL because I refuse to ever be caught dead in a minivan. And in true Mom fashion, Cooper is pulling down my shirt in the picture! Thanks man…
This was our first ride all together in the new wheels 😀
The world is crazy right now with rioting and the virus. So many changes and opinions and uncertainties. I just wish people could be cool and get along. Anyway- here's hoping everything gets back to normal by the fall! Hope you're all safe and healthy!