the OG
We went to the olive garden and reminisced about when that used to be our favorite and how it used to make me throw up.... good times.
So Sad!
We were both so sad when we had to take down the christmas decorations so we both took one last picture before we did it.
Double Date!
We went on a double with Jackie and Alex and it was super fun. We bowled and then went to a speakeasy.
They're all super tall so this was me saying "wait I'm not even in the selfie" and them laughing at me.... short shamers!

So this place is hidden on some random street in gilbert and it's called the white rabbit. You can't go in unless you know the secret password. Then you go down these stairs to a basement and this hallway is what you see. Then you have to find the secret entrance from there.
They have all sorts of amazing things there. This was a drink that actual smoke comes out of it! You can't really see it in the picture but it tastes really smokey!
Me and Jackie at our table. All the waitresses dress up like the 20s and its decorated so authentic!
This was us at main event bowling. We had dinner there too!
At the entrance of the white rabbit
Biking with Dad
We had so much fun! They were going so fast I couldn't keep up!
Sammy's in Trouble
Her last days here when we were babysitting her she opened up the trash and spread it all over the house. I'm sure she was so sick because I put rotten eggs in that trash! There were yolks stuck in the carpet!

Staples is the Worst!
It took me bugging them for like 2 weeks to get these printed but I finally got them (and for free)
I sent some to family and kept some
I hung some in the kids little roomThe kids cuddle each other
This was late at night they were sleeping completely intertwined lol
Weekly Bachelor Nights
Dallin watches it Tuesday during his lunch by himself (lots of men do that right...? lol) and then us girls take turns hosting that night to watch it together
This year has been "the most dramatic season yet!" hahaha
I love these friends of mine tho!
Josie's got sick wheels
"They see me rollin'.... they hatin'...."
They love their new stroller sooo much they get so excited to go out in it. This one is better because they can see out the front. They bark if I'm not going fast enough too. It's like they think it's a roller coaster or something.
It has shocks, padding inside, and they both have so much room. I definitely get strange looks from people when I'm running, but oh well. haha
I think I'm getting old.
I have so many gray hairs now and they resist the dye I put on them. Even after doing my makeup I still look tired. And the bags and wrinkles around my eyes seem to be permanent now.... I was taking this pic to try and show my sweater but when I looked at it I was like omg my eyes are so old now. So there's that.
Isn't that cute!
From a student. It's dead now, but that doesn't surprise any of us, does it?
Nick and Dallin's man date
They went golfing "like men," only to find out that it's really FREAKIN' EXPENSIVE here in the "on season." So I guess Jake's not going to college. But hey, they had fun.
As it turns out, having a passcode on your phone does not prevent someone from picking it up and taking 2,000 selfies. Thanks samsung.
What is happening to me?
I was sitting there and a kid said "omg what happened to your eye?"
I looked in the mirror and this was there. So of course I started getting freaked out and saying it hurt, when someone googled it and it said it's painless and usually dissolves on its own. hahaha
It says you could burst a blood vessel in your eye coughing, sneezing, or pooping. lol so I really am getting old. Now my eye balls can't even be normal.
This was Day 1
This was Day 2
This was day 3
And it was gone by day 4.
"your body is a wonderland" lol
Chilling' like a villain
Aren't they cute?
Friday night chilling with the girlsThe run that ended all runs....
On this run dallin "tore his ACL." (don't worry he's also said he has the plague, hand foot mouth disease, hepatitis, and mad cow)
Anyway we weren't able to run after that and now we're not doing the half marathon anymore.
Look how cute our neighborhood is! A little book exchange! And the sunset over the golf course is beautiful.

The cutest girl in the world
I don't even think my opinion is biased. I think it's fact.Bedtime
I keep telling myself that I will stop taking pictures of them when they're sleeping because there's 100,000 of those on this blog and they all look the same but I cannot do it!

Groupon massage in a questionable part of town. Dallin's girl murdered him and mine was like having tiny little fairy wings on your back. But that's okay it was cheap.
The Flanigans are here
Can someone tell me what the heck this is?
We grilled
We also did the crown molding in the kitchen.
This is the BEFORE
This is DURING

And this is AFTER!!! Isn't it beautiful!?!?
Shelly and I went on a bike ride and her brakes didn't really work. hahahaha with her track record I probably shouldn't have trusted her on it.
We went on a walk too. The weather is gorgeous here! They do not miss the crazy NE winters.
The dresser project
I decided to paint the dresser in our room too. This is the BEFORE
(yes, dallin's system of organization is quite creative)

Glorious Arizona Winter!
My mom has sent me a few of these and I've seen so many on Facebook and I'm sooo happy I don't have to deal with that.
When she sent me that picture it was 70 and sunny here so I sent her these pictures.

If this ain't "hygge" then I don't know what is
That term is all the rage on pinterest now days so lets be trendy and use it. I'm just glad I'm starting to love my house. All the hard work is paying off!
"If you leave me now, you take away the biggest part of me... ooo ooo no baby please don't go!"
Dallin always says "key change" when I sing that song. Does that mean I'm bad? hahaha anyway this was him leaving for a week for working in utah.
When he was up there he went to a gaming cafe. Shocker I know.
I was texting him one night about how I wished I had dessert and he door dashed a shake to me! I was so surprised and excited. That is true love folks- throw out what all the movies and songs say, I have never been so happy in my life. And it was like 4 dollars. lolHave stroller will travel
Look how happy they are in this thing! haha I run with Jake until he slows down and then put him in. They like having the front and top windows open.
It's a little bit of a hot mess when he's running and pulling and I can't turn so well but we make it work because they are so happy. lol And they're getting better at it.

Brain fart
This is the 2nd year in a row that students want to do the pretzel so I'm trying to actually learn it this time. I have a video of me doing it but idk if i should put that on the internet.
We're fans of zupas
I feel like I never see savannah anymore. She's been MIA ever since starting grad school so it's nice to hang out with her a little lately.Social "doggerflies"
Every time we go to the park by our house it makes me wish I went every day. They all know each other and they're all so nice and welcoming. And all the dogs are so cute and the J's have so much fun. Even Josie is not scared of socializing anymore.

Look how happy Jakey is
Trying to be classy
Lisa and Jodi invited me and savannah and some of their other friends to go on an art walk in phoenix. I was preparing for a classy event going into art galleries, and it wasn't like that, but not in a bad way. It was so fun but much more casual. There are tons of booths, DJ's, and food trucks and they line the streets. So you can take the trolley to the art galleries, but we got distracted by all the booths and only went to one gallery. Savannah and I got matching bracelets and I got some candles. It was so fun but you definitely need to wear comfortable clothes and walking shoes.
Look how funny those are! haha there were much more offensive ones than that too!

This was the trolley that would take people around for free from gallery to gallery. We went to one and this was some of the art that we saw.

It was a really fun night! It did make me wish that I had more supportive shoes though.
Doggie Babysitting
Josie #2 got a new brother named Cesar and Dallin calls him Preston for some reason. Its kind of funny how the girls hang out and the boys hang out together. We like them both sometimes they're just loud.

This was when I discovered that the camera on my phone has different filter things in the video part.
Piggy heaven
OMG i freaking love Postinos. They have the most gourmet bruschetta in so many different types and literally everything is good there. We've been to the one in gilbert and this time we went in tempe and both locations are so cute. It was such a good time.

More House Before and Afters
Honey oak ruins lives.
I can't even believe how ugly this house was when we first moved in, and I'm so proud of what it's become. It's been a long road and we're not even done yet but I love our house and I don't plan on leaving any time soon.

So many dogs, people, and food :) It was a good time.
We put jake in the alabama jersey and jojo in the packers jersey to be festive. And we didn't even plan it but gianna wore packers jersey too!

I know her!!!
I was watching house hunters on HGTV and saw a girl I danced with at UVU. That was crazy!

Enough is enough.
I've decided I don't feel like myself with such dark hair and I've had long boring hair for a few years and I'm sick of it. I want to do shorter and highlights like this!

Long day again
PTC again. It wasn't bad though, I got a lot done while I was sitting there for 5 hours.
Our traditional picture.
Friday night fun
I went over to gianna's with the kids and we watched fab 5. It was so funny how the J's couldn't figure out the doggie door. lol

Saying Goodbye to the family heirloom
This couch has been in the family over 12 years so it was sad to see it go. I was so grateful that my grandparents let me have it. We have been wanting a new couch for a few years but we had to save, do other house projects, and also decide what we wanted. Now that it's here it's amazing.
AFTER!We spent way more than we wanted to on it, but it's like being on a cloud. I'm hoping it's worth it because it will last a long time.

The cup holders glow!
Track begins again!
Of course on day 1 I fell hard on my face, I had meeting after meeting causing me to miss practice, and now I'm sprints coach instead of distance. haha Anywho...
Personalized Decor
I also programmed them all into my phone so that I can start remembering them all.
For the love of valentines day
It was low key but exactly what I wanted. We ate tacos and watched a movie and then had a date the following Saturday.The dogs were dressed up all festive of course :)
Then on Saturday we went to a movie and sushi restaurant right by the theater. It was so fun in such a cute area of town.
"I light fires to feel joy"
Afterward we made a HUGE fire and it was so fun!

Apparently I have a dimple in my right cheek when I make this super weird underbite face.
The kids love dilly working from home
He cuddles with them while he works, they go to lunch together, and he sends me pics of them taking naps during the day.