I finally finished the Wedding Video from December!
Haha good thing Abby is so patient. This one I had to do without dallin so the shots are definitely not as good lol he's the camera man and I'm the editor.
Dallin got promoted!
I am soooooo proud of him. He seriously works his butt off and he's so friggin' smart. And now he is officially a director! I don't think it's really hit him that it was something he's wanted for a long time because it just got really busy for him with trying to make this transition. I think he's the perfect example of a self-made man and how being persistent and working hard can make you go places. He's been at the company for 7 years now, can you believe it?!
I put this here because Dallin's a slytherin lol :)
Me Visiting Utah
Can someone please explain to me why anyone would leave this.....
to go be in this..... on spring break in utah it was snowing! I am so glad we don't have to live here again I freaking hate utah.
We doubled with Jon and his date, and went bowling.
Look I won!!! I never beat Dallin!
Dallin likes to go get breakfast and then get a car wash. It's a nice relaxing morning with the kids.
I got him this as a present :) and sent it to him when he least expected it. It actually smells so good!
On my visit Dallin surprised me and took me up to Sundance! It is beautiful up there!
It was so picturesque we had a little cabin and it was beautiful, crisp weather.
It was nice to take a weekend to reconnect since we've been working in different states.
Then we went to this fancy restaurant up there and had so much fun.
They hollowed out an actual egg shell for that one on the right! How?!
Dallin comes to visit Arizona
Arizona is so much better. We both realize that more and more every time we go back from Utah. We're so relieved we can stay. (And also that Clearlink has been paying for us to visit each other during this time, and on Delta! I love Delta!)
He always misses the dogs so much when he comes back he just wants to play with them the whole time. I took Jake with me to the airport to pick him up one time.
The dogs
I babysat Josie #2 again.

Dallin got a new phone and it takes really clear pictures. I hate his new phone though, just for the record. lol
My life
My eye made me look like I was on drugs for a while there, but it went away.
subbing PE
Just when I thought my womanhood couldn't be any more pathetic, I learn that I can't even do dishes.
Taysom and his son giving me choreography ideas lolChilling' with Erin from Airbnb :)
I have loved Airbnb. Erin was with me a whole month and we became friends, the family who came recently fixed my cabinet door and asked if I needed anything else fixed, and they're just such cool people to meet from all over.
We had a concert for an assembly and they were really good!
My class splatter painting their black clothes with glow and the dark paint for the dance concert. They wanted it to look cook because it was to a dub step song and with black lights and stuff. It did turn out really cool, but the painting process turned out to be the bane of my existence. lol They're the best though, they did so well.
I got a new scenty that's bronze and industrial looking to match the rest of the house. And there was a crazy wind storm that picked up the massive umbrella out of its hole and threw it in the pool. So that was fun.Track Fun
I love track so much!
At the meet we hosted the students and I helped out in concessions and we made good money! We also cranked the music and danced lol it was fun. Dallin was there for that too, he's in the pic below. He was visiting AZ and he was at that meet. He loved it!
Good times 😃
Wing eating contest at buffalo wild wings
She ate so much so fast. It was pretty wild.
Chelsea ate none. But she was technically a contestant lol
Sleepover with the posse was so fun!
Me and Erin and Josie swimming together haha Josie on the floatey
Dance Concert
It was a little stressful at times, but all in all, it was so fun, and such a success! It was so cool to be up in the booth!
Apparently now people can take anxiety dogs to school with them. That was a perfect situation for a dance class practicing before the big performance. (sarcasm)
Chelsea changes the angles of the lights so easily and when she took me up there I was peeing my pants because I was so scared. Since it's a grate thing below you, it doesn't look like there's any ground holding you up, and it's high!
All the classes did so good. I'm so glad we had a student help with the lights- she's a genius. We had a packed crowd both nights so we were able to make a lot of money! Only one lighting glitch, and I did good with sound, it all went flawless!
After concert was auditions for next year.
Cuddling with Jake, Soon literally riding on a student's back..... ?!?!?

Me and Riah on Chelsea's birthday, doggie party by the pool

The Posse and our new matching shirts :)
90s gangsta rap pose
Track Banquet & State
The banquet went well, we had good food and good times :) I'm so proud of my guys, and I felt really appreciated by them as well.

State at ASU track stadium. It was really cool

Canon got first of course :)
Our 4x800 team
Sam got 3rd in the 800, Cameron got 2nd in the 2 mile and under 11 minutes! They all PR'd by a lot.
They gave me starbucks gift cards and free movie passes as a thank you coach gift so Dallin and I went to see Blockers when he visited.
At our end of year track meeting the head track coach gave me really good feedback and it meant the world to me because I was really questioning if I was doing the right things every step of the way.
we love Arizona
If you experience eating outside on a beautiful night and everybody brings their nice cars so it's basically a car show, and there's a live musician singing and he's really good, and they allow dogs and there's one just sleeping by you, and it's amazing food for a great price and in beautiful weather, then you'd love arizona as much as we do.

Fixing up the house!
I would spend every penny we have on this house if it weren't for dallin holding me back haha I love it! We save up little by little and do a little more and a little more, and I'm so glad we're doing it that way and not going into debt for it and just taking our time. It makes it so rewarding to know that it's our hard work that's making this happen. We did another little step- lights. Then we were experimenting with flooring so we bought a box just to see what it looked and felt like and we returned it because we're not at that step yet. It's awesome doing this with Dallin because him and I are always on the same page about everything too, it's been such a smooth process because we usually agree on how and when to do things.

We got 6 can lights in the kitchen (and they dim!), 3 pendant lights over the island and 2 new chandeliers. I love them so much.
Soaking up the sun!
Having a pool is the best thing in the entire world. No troubles matter when you're soaking' up the raise with your hubby and doggies.
The picture on the right was what I came home to one day, the Airbnb family was using the pool and Josie was just floating on the tube thing by herself. hahahahaha she cracks me up.
Pool day = happiness.
We Started Our Own Bunco Group!
OMG I FREAKIN' LOVE BUNCO. it was so much fun!
In the picture: Lexi, Riah, Chelsea, Tina, Raeanna, Megan, me, Savanna, Jodi, Caitlin, Lisa
I did a green and blue theme, and I got this hat you wear when you get a bunco, and I made these card holding center pieces out of styrofoam and paper to make them look like dice.
And I made a sign and banner and got prizes and everything. It was a success!
Next month's bunco we will "gather for a night of well mannered frivolity." NAME THAT MOVIE! Yes, it's harry potter. It's harry potter themed and I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself. My favorite movies, playing my favorite game, with my favorite girls. So much fun.
Also, this picture made me think I need to stop showing dance things with the students because this would happen.... I don't even think about it I just do it.
Skyler's Wedding
The kids and I made the trek up to cedar city for Skyler's wedding.
The addresses in cedar are weird. 2 places correspond to one address, so we missed the ceremony. But everything else was fun.

Did a little east coast swing with tom

She let me do her hair :)

It was beautiful! Huge, green trees, and we were covered but we could see and hear it raining, it was cool.
That's me flossin'
Meanwhile in the hotel room.... lol they had to wear doggie diapers just in case. There wasn't a problem of course, but we wanted to be safe. Jake hated it so much.
As if driving for 7 hours by yourself isn't bad enough, I had to sit still in traffic for an entire hour on the way home. That was fun.
End of the School Year
Athletic combine was so fun to see. They did awesome, courtney and I were in charge of pro shuttle.
Chelsea had to get brain surgery to remove a benign tumor the size of a golf ball by her occipital and parietal lobes on May 22. It was a scary/stressful thing but nobody could really do anything for her so we just put together a book of pictures and notes and then I brought it to her a few days later.
I just sat there worrying all the time while Riah was there with her and had her phone. Then she sent me that snap chat and I thought ok all is well. haha Modern medicine is cray cray. It's so amazing that they can do that and then she's just on tylenol and doing just fine.
I had a cold so I couldn't go see her and I was so bummed about it. So this was as close as I got while delivering the bookThis is my attempt to get ready for hawaii. The diet plan didn't work out, so this wrap thing better work wonders. lol
The last day of school was a half day assembly followed by some kid pulling the fire alarm and making us all evacuate. But I got funny commentary the whole time from this one so it was all good haha

Then we ate, cleaned, submitted final grades, and celebrated our school's first year!
Tonya's Wedding
I took off the very next day for tonya's wedding, and I wasn't able to take pics at this one because we were making her a wedding video. It was so fun seeing old friends and seeing her get hitched to the love of her life.
They had a photo booth set up!

Here's her wedding video!
(It's amazing how much faster editing gets done when I'm on summer break!)
Back in Utah
Editing wedding videos while it rains outside and I watch the show Blackish.
Josie is just as relaxed as I am this summer break. Ahhhhhh.
We went to see matthew, shanna, austin, kensley, gavin, and mason in their new house and had dinner. it was fun!
I went to the park with Shayle and played with Oakley and Ollie.

I cannot believe Josie turned 5! She got this toy and loves it :)

They're both little champs. They don't care if they fall, they just hop right back up again haha
Tom has been making us dinner every night it's been so good!
This photo is self-explanatory. IT NEVER ENDS.

The kids got groomed
We went with clear link to a Real game in a box!!!! I felt so freakin' fancy! It was amazing. They won, we got dinner, and scrumptious desserts, and it was such a good time!
Went to the splash pad with the J's, Dallin, Ryan, Shale, and the O's. It was a laid back good time just sitting and chatting and playing with the kids.

We played this game with Kyle and Rachael and it was a riot! haha
This was when we ate pizza and watched the bachelorette! The most important day of the week. I hope these 2 move to AZ ;)
Look at his teeth! He fell asleep like that !
sleepy dogs. Ya-my mom's creepy bed has a mirror above it. lol
My Kind of Mother's Day
My favorite gift that I got for mother's day means nothing now because it was an ending date for Dallin's project so he can come back home. And that's already been moved back. So who knows if he's ever coming come.
Anyway, my second favorite gifts were breakfast in bed, pool day, and a new dvd player so that I can watch Harry potter again.
The dink life
We went to a park to play with the dogs and some kid named Gage took this picture. He was cool.
He was this 6 year old kid, and when we realized he was the same age as Jake, they decided to race, and Jake lost. I was so ashamed of my son. haha JK we were just sad cuz it made us realize that the dogs are getting older.

This is my personal record so far with number of calories burned in one hour of orange theory. I haven't really been consistent unfortunately. I've been operating under the flawed philosophy that if I kick butt in there and crazy once a week then that will do the trick. lol Then I'm eating pizza the next day so here we are...
This is my 2nd best.
The trainer came over to me and asked if I was okay hahahahaha I couldn't believe it. apparently my heart was goin' ham.
The doggie play group in AZ by our house
I went to breakfast with Kiminee and we chatted for hours it was so nice catching up with her. It was such a beautiful morning and such a good place. I wish we lived closer :(
Looks like I'll be doing more of this in my future! I am so glad I got the job that I wanted for next year and I'm already planning things. It's gonna be a blast!
☆⭑⭒🌟✯✬✰Last Day of School Journaling:
This year, just like every other year in the past, was a learning experience. As I look back on this year and think about what next year holds for me, I can't help but feel so lucky that's it's almost like an unworthy feeling. I didn't know last year when I applied that so many people apply for my same job and I was picked out of a bunch of people, the first one hired, and without a masters degree. Because of the back-and-forth on Utah, I almost didn't have the job here next year, and I had people fighting for me to make sure I got it. I saw this really sad video about how Kyle Korver's younger brother died in a sudden tragic accident, and it was just another example to me of how lucky I am. I weirds me out sometimes that bad things happen all over the world, and yet here I am, getting everything I want in life. I hope I didn't just jinx it. And my life's not perfect by any means.... explaining to people why my husband and I aren't divorced but live in different states is pretty odd. But when that's your biggest problem you've got a pretty good life. The older I get, the more I realize that everything- good and bad- is because of people. A crappy situation could be good with the right people. A good situation could be made bad with the the right people. I'm also realizing more and more how important they are to have in your life. I used to cut people out like peices of cake and only think about milestones, goals, things I wanted to get or accomplish. Now I see that people are the reason for everything, and this year was no exception to that. Here is what I learned from all my people....
Coworkers- Don't sweat the small stuff. Always be kind. Stress is not an excuse to be rude to people.You only live once so have fun! Get everyone to work together when you're overwhelmed, teamwork makes the dream work. Always be willing to "help a brotha out," because what you give always comes back to you. When you don't know what to do, be calm and give it time.
Students- Always give people the benefit of the doubt and believe there is good in everyone. "Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about." Students have an excellent BS meter, so always keep it real with them. They can tell when you care and when you don't, so find a way to care about every single one of them because "the students who need the most love ask for it in the most un-loving ways." Be consistent with every student no matter who they are.
Parents- Never assume anything about a person or situation, always clarify. Don't bend the rules for one or you'll have to for everyone. Don't ever be 'that guy' who cottles and helicopters the crap outta their kid...everyone hates those. Think of the starfish analogy when it comes to the kids, and it will mean a lot to those parents. They want the teachers to love their kid as much as they do.
Admin- Admin taught me that patience goes a long way, and that people can do hard things if you just take it one step at a time. Make your shout outs very intentional. Always follow through with what you say you're going to do. At the end of the day, people just want to be listened to. It will help you solve the problem if you take yourself out of it and observe it as a bystander. Don't be afraid to take action and hand out the bad news.
Athletes- You're not always going to be liked, but that's okay. Talk to everyone, even if it's someone you don't know. Don't take yourself or each day too seriously- the friendships and memories you're making during each practice are priceless. Good things come to those who work hard and do what it takes even on the days when it's hot and you're tired. Dream big, believe in yourself, always express your gratitude and feelings. You're not alone, we're all in this together. Even when you feel like no one is paying attention, people are. So always do your best.
Fellow Coaches- You're going to make mistakes, that is unavoidable. You'll also have successes when you work hard, but always recognize how much the kids put into it and don't take full credit for what they do. In essence, "don't let failure go to your heart and don't let success go to your head." Worry more about athletes getting good information than about who it's coming from. Lead by example. Always be confident.
Family & Friends- Be there for each other. When they need help, when they're trying something new, and when it's not fun. Don't be a friend only when it's convenient. Never be a "one-upper," listen and laugh even if you've heard the story 10 times, and don't judge. Be truly happy for other people's success even when it's not your own. Be open and real, that gives them permission to truly be themselves around you too.