Over fall break we went to Utah and it was really fun to see family. The only thing I hated was the drive. I am not the road trip type. lol
We went to the childrens museum with "K1 and K2."
Trenden and Dallin inside the thing that simulates hurricane winds. LOL even though it's made for the kids they make sure they get their turn before the actual kids do.
He has a remote that opens the door and he told Kaden that he uses the force to open it. Kaden asked if he could do it so he was teaching him how to use "the force." lol so funny.
This was us with my Dad at Zupas!
How on earth does Calvin's neck not hurt all the time after sleeping like this? haha
Calvin LOVES Dallin.
and chocolate covered strawberries. (We're very much alike him and I)
We went and got a spa day with a couples massage and sauna. Our room was so nice because we had a water fall and fire place! I think this pic is so funny because you can see the ring on my face.
The colors were so beautiful in Utah!
We missed Costa Vida, so of course we had to go while we were there!
This was us at Topher's rehearsal dinner. It was so good and decorated so pretty!
The newly-weds to be
This was during the toasts. Shelly cried during hers- surprising, I know!
This was us laughing at Josie. She is so weird. Just snoring all the time.
School Carnival
Our school had a carnival and each team or club was able to have a booth to raise money for their sport. We did a booth where you pay 1$ to wax a strip of your friend's leg, and wacky hair paint. It was fun!
One of our moms did a trunk or treat car and it turned out so cute.
There was a haunted house, bounce houses, and this little ride.

A teacher in the dunk tank

My least favorite booth was one where you pay to get some pie and then you go put it in someone's face. So I was pied thrice. lol
End of Cross Country Season
We had a trainer come in (parent of a runner) and do a workout. It was really difficult!
This is how you know you run cross country. Lol my shoes are always muddy. Cross country is so much cooler than track in my opinion. We go on the most picturesque runs in the morning and over hills and corn fields and stuff. It's so much better than around a circle over and over again.
They found a walnut tree while we were on a run and they picked some lol
The high school team had 2 meets on Thursdays after school and those were definitely long days. 12 ish hours to be exact. Gotta earn that stipend! ;) lol
The HS boys team does their own "pump up" before every meet. This time they all put their foot in for some reason.
They won first place! It was so amazing and fun! We now have 4 trophies in the trophy case and they are so proud. It's so fun to see them work hard and succeed. It's seriously like I don't have a life outside cross country. But since I don't, I get so into it. I was so happy when they won I was jumping up and down screaming lol
I know we can improve, but with this being our first year it's very promising.
Happy Halloween!
The day of Halloween I didn't dress up. So unlike me- but I was stressed and tired and dressing up was the last thing on my mind. Dallin dressed up like a shark again and then we went over to Elizabeth & Joel's to hand out candy in the driveway. It was fun!We refuse to age! lol
Soooooo we were feelin' a little wrinkley. Decided to get botox and it's so cool/funny! I literally cannot make the angry face anymore and it makes your head/face feel so relaxed. It's awesome!
This was my before pic. I was not even making the angry face when I took this pic.
This was me right before/during. The whole thing took like 30 seconds to do. Pretty quick and painless.
This is my after picture. Besides that one acne scar, there is nothing there! I love it!
This was Dallin's before and after. His "worry" lines were bad up there. He was the perfect candidate for this because his results look so good!
Doggie Babysitting
So we took Lily home to AZ with us to watch her for a while. The drive home wasn't as bad as we thought. The 3 of them hated it of course, but it wasn't bad.
I think she likes it here. She was anxious at first, and she barks a lot, but she plays with Jake and seems good.
The kid's closet was more than big enough for all of their beds and food and toys.
Jojo learned how to Skype her grandma on the phone lol
oh the joys of dogs- replacing blinds!
Its been very active around here lately!
Here is the live action version of that photo. It is pretty non-stop and pretty funny.
Josie couldn't seem to convince Lily how awesome sitting in the pool is.
Because she was getting in the pool 4 times a day and once during the night, she never really fully dried and the smell was ungodly. I felt so bad doing it but I finally broke down and gated off the pool. Now that she's gotten a really good scrubbing and she's not swimming all the time, her smell is back to normal. lol
Family Pictures
We got pictures in Utah and they turned out really good. We're missing Jim in some of them.
Girl Time
Lexi and I have had a few girls nights and as usual we have a blast. We had fondu and watched a chick flick.
I needed to chill after the stress of cross country and I found these paper masks. They're awesome because they feel tingly and relaxing but they're only like 2 bucks!

I went out to Postino's with Melissa as well, and it was so fun because she is hilarious. We are so excited to film their wedding next week!
Clear link did an incentive thing where they get chips or gamble or something for a type of sale. (I just realized that I never fully understood what they were doing. LOL) Anyway this was them all dressed up with the table and stuff.
My good luck has rubbed off on Dallin lately! He has been winning a lot! Last friday he went to a casino with some friends and won a bunch and then he also won in Vegas! He couldn't believe it but he had so much fun.
Just another day in paradise
Chelsea got a new puppy and brought him in to meet us all and he is so cute!
His name is Jaxon. They have mirrors up in the dance room now- this pic is old.
This is literally all of our PE equipment so far. Lol I was so happy to get anything at all. The students in my classes are gems though because they bring in what they have.
A mom wanted to sell me lip sense so this was me trying it on. I ended up not buying any but I like the theory. If I wore anything but sweats every day I might entertain the idea.
I have seriously felt like I need recuperation because of all the working. Between Dallin's job and mine there have been several times where we go days at a time without seeing each other at all. We're working on having a better balance.Anyway, I watched Eat Pray Love and drank tea one night and it was surprisingly therapeutic. (Cliche I know lol)
Dal's Birthday!
Dallin turned 29 while we were in Utah! He went out to a gaming cafe and gamed all day with his friends and brothers, and then we all went out to dinner and a show that night. I made these for his family and mine to thank them for coming to our little party. Dallin loved muddy buddies and I knew he wouldn't like cake.
He opened presents before the show started.The show we saw was a funny version of the play Wicked. It was good!
During intermission we saw a guy propose!
We were making fun of him for having to glue his glasses to his face so Matthew got him stick on pieces so he doesn't have to do that anymore. lol
Vegas, baby!
The annual clear link trip to vegas. I don't know much about it- just that Dallin won a lot of money and while he was gone the whole bathroom and master closet flooded. lol
Hippie-ville. I love it!
This is all out of order but who cares. So we went to Sedona on our way up to Utah as a mini vacay and it was so fun! I swear sedona is my favorite place in the world because it is so hippie-ish, dogs are welcome everywhere, and it's so beautiful. On this hike, this guy was handing out these rocks that he had chiseled into hearts and told us he wanted to give us a piece of his heart. He said, "Take this with you and all the positive energy you're feeling today will go with you into the world. I hope it brings you back to the peace and love you're feeling right now when you need it in the future." So cute right? I just love Sedona.
Josie walked for the first little bit.So freaking gorgeous!
After she started limping I put her in the carrier and she loved it!
The dirt turned their paws so red!
Jakey was soooooo happy.
And so were we. It's impossible to be stressed in a place like that.
Jojo was so pretty relaxed too. People laughed at us, and one random person asked if he could take a picture.... lol those dang paparazzi follow me everywhere. (He was taking the picture because I'm famous, not because I'm crazy and Jojo's lazy- right?) lol
We laughed pretty hard when that happened.
Even after trying to wash their paws, they still stayed red. I love our hotel. We are going to keep going back every time. We had a gorgeous view of the river this time.
The hotel is so cute and they put out dog treats by the valet and this little sign that says all the pets names who are staying there.
It looked glorious and it sounded so relaxing.Amazing dinner :)
Tea by the fire and getting to actually bundle up for the first time in a year was so nice.
We went on a trolley ride where they give you a tour. This was us waiting for the trolley. The J's were so well-behaved. I swear they only act out when they are stifled. When you just take them with and just let them be they're good. Idk it's so hard to explain.
The boys on the trolley
Our destination was this cathedral that was built into the mountain. It was gorgeous.
We went shopping and just took them into all the stores and Jake was perfectly fine. I think when they're cooped up they get crazy but if you just take them out and about they're not going to freak out. (Or at least that's true for most dogs.) I just think everywhere should be like that because it works out fine for all the places in sedona so they should just do it here.
Elizabeth and Joel got hitched!
Their wedding was right after regionals for xc so it was a busy day to say the least. We got there in the knick of time and then we filmed it to make a wedding video.
There was a lot of singing in this wedding!
Surprise date!
Dallin is such a sweetheart. He just took me on a spur of the moment, weeknight, random date! It was very needed for everything that's been going on. We had fun and it was just chill. Our food was great! Dallin convinced me to try sushi again and once again I hated it. lol
Pre-State Dinner XC Party!
The night before the state meet we had a party and it was so fun.
The mom table lol
My Besties!
After that I went over and chilled with Lexi and brought over the dogs to visit.
State Meet
State championships was a long day (from 9-4 plus an hour drive away). And a long process to get everyone registered. But once we were there and everything was going on it was nice. The weather was perfect and it was on a pretty golf course. Everything went without a hitch for the most part. 

Our first boy got 10th individual, first girl got 3rd individual, and our HS boys team got 5th overall. The JH teams didn't have enough to be scored.
Poor Jakey
All of this playing with Lily caused Jake to throw out his back. lol Dallin took him to the vet and he just got pain pills and said it will get better on it's own. After they went to the vet they went through the car wash together .Recovery Time
After state I felt like I needed to recover so we blew up the air mattress in front of the tv and watched Harry Potter and football all day on Sunday. lol The best day ever.
The weather here is so beautiful now. We can just leave the doors open and just have the screens.
Lily went to go visit the Maynes and she is getting so much attention and loves. It's so cute how happy dogs make those girls.
This is how scatterbrained I've been. We cleaned the whole house and the next day we couldn't find the remote for the life of us. After we got out the chips we found it. lol How does that even happen?
Topher's Big Day!
Topher is now a married man. It was a beautiful day!

We took selfies before the ceremony started. lol
This is what happens when you try to take a picture when trenden's around. lol
They didn't want a wedding video, so this was what I made kindof in secret. haha I spent like 10 minutes on this so it's not exactly a work of art, but I wanted to at least preserve the memory.
We did name-that-tune again and this time it was really competitive! Trenden made certain questions that could be asked if you're losing to make up points and everything. It was really fun and we were tied until the last game and then I came out victorious! (run on sentence, I know.)
haha so now Dallin has to do the punishment for losing. Make a music video. lol Stay tuned for that!