"...it feels so right to be here with you! OOH! And now looking in your eyes..." bla bla bla. If you can't name that song it means you never saw High school musical. Apparently I've watched that too many times. Anyway....
Cross Country
LOOK HOW COOL/GROSS THIS IS!!! hahaha Dallin is going to be embarrassed I put this on here I think. But I think it's awesome. lol In the picture on the left I'm trying not to laugh while I take the picture. I thought it was hilarious that I was changing in the bathroom of the school moments before Professional Development meetings were to start. And you're supposed to look professional for those. hahaha Just living up to that cliche that gym teachers are always smelly.
It shows that I worked hard! And that the school chose the wrong color for their new T shirts. haha I thought it was so cool that you could see the perfect outline. I have never sweated as hard as I do now daily with trying to run cross country in 112 degree weather.
new jerseys
Holy cow painful blisters lately!
Last summer workouts before school starts.

Getting up at the butt crack of dawn is better when it means it's not as hot for running.
The ducks at the park were our honorary team members.
The Kids And The Sun
They love Arizona. And our new house!

THANK YOU to Dave and Sara! They gave us their old boat when they bought a new one! LOVE IT!
We took it to Canyon Lake and it is gorgeous up there. We went to this cute restaurant for lunch that's right by the lake.
EVERY wall in the place is covered in dollar bills. Crazy!
We took the kids and at first they were scared, but after they got used to it, they loved it! Josie even jumped in on her own to swim and she never does that. Lol we were swimming and then we lifted them back in and we got in and she said "nope" & jumped right back in. lol
I love Sara's jeep. So nice!
The New House
It's coming along!
The view when you're driving into our neighborhood is so pretty.
It's so cute right?
We got this little solar powered light that floats from the pool store and we loved it so much that we wanted more light for when we swim at night.
So we had a color changing LED light put into the middle of the pool. It works much better.
We swim like everyday. I have never been happier. I think I was a mermaid in another life.
One of my projects was putting in these solar lights for the walkway up to the door.
Let's see.... how can I make this sound the most dramatic?
"There were some fierce injuries along the way."
"Blood, sweat, and tears went into these house projects."
Grass= yard work.
Turf= no yard work
(Plus Dallin thinks if we get grass there will be snakes hiding in it.)
Soooooo we got turf!
Found our countertops!
Had to send this selfie to my mom to freak her out and make her think we got turquoise counters. lolFinished product!
My Addictions
I tried to give up my eyelash extensions over the summer and I got these magnetic ones and tried glue ons and everything I could.
My eyes looked bald!

one has a glue on strip lash and the other is natural. lol I clearly needed my extensions back. So I only lasted about 2 months without them and went right back to it.
I FINISHED HARRY POTTER! :( So sad my journey has ended. I was reading slow at the end because I didn't want to finish it. It's so much better than the movies.
BACHELORETTE. Rachel made a big mistake. I hated it the whole time I watched but I couldn't stop watching. Michelle was with me on that bachelorette ride so I got to see little miss Mayzie.
It was really heart breaking to find out that Ben and Jamie lost their twins at 21 weeks. We went up to Utah for the funeral to support them. It was really sad, but they are being strong through it.
Dallin and Aubrey sang at the funeral.

Although it was not for a good reason, it was good to be able to see everyone again. We got to meet Desmond for the first time. I think he looks more like Brian and Rudy looks more like Michelle.
Cute Charlotte made me want a Cavalier.
We never appreciated how pretty Utah is while we lived there and when we go back now we really appreciate the mountains.
Traditional trip to "Snappy Service" with Mommas and Thomas
Swimming and boating with the Graffs
Evidently "Monsoon Season" is a real thing.
When people in AZ said anything about monsoons I thought it was stupid because last summer it rained just a couple times and it was a normal amount. But this year it's been real! We love it! It's amazing because it literally just DUMPS! And it's warm and thunder and lightning. I'm not explaining it well but it's really cool to watch.
Professional Development
ALA does 3 weeks of training before school starts. Some I appreciated, but other parts I felt were wasted time. For the most part it was fun to see coworkers again and they fed us a lot.
They used a clip of Miracle! And the people sitting around me thought I was weird because I knew every line. lolBut how could you not? It's clearly the greatest movie ever made. "AGAIN!"
Directors "fishing" for their employees.
Some parts were interactive and some parts made your butt feel like it does after a road trip.
Dallin is going to be mad about this part too. That square is where is desk was. lol And that was under the couch! hahahah I laughed so hard but I bet Dallin's going to be embarrassed

The kids last time at the old house and I was about to take them to the new house the day we moved. Jake hates moving. You can tell from his face. I don't blame him. I hate it too.

Love my new closet.
The last moment after cleaning the old house.Jake's 6. I will cry.
For his birthday I took him to Petsmart and he loved seeing the animals and meeting people and dogs.
Face to face with a bird. His biggest dream come true!He got this toy and a bone. (The toy lasted about 2 days.)
Tom also visited for his birthday!
Poker Night
Guys being guys and playing poker.Cute snacks Lexi made
Bridal Shower
I'm so excited to host Elizabeth's shower!
What a cutie
We had our 3rd anniversary and I can't believe how time has flown by!
The new love of my life
Dallin's got some competition! I think I'm in love with our new Robot Vacuum. You get what you pay for, so even though this one was so expensive I wept when I bought it, it was sooooooo worth it.
perfect rows.
I am also loving our new umbrella for when we're in the pool because you can tilt it too.
School already
We spent some time screwing desks together and moving furniture.
School has started and they're still working!Main Event with the Mayne's
It was a surprise for Justin and it was really fun!Summer Break Rocks
Matthew wake surfing
I figured out how to use GIF's so that was entertaining.
I will miss taking naps whenever I want and swimming all the time.
Jon wake surfingThe reservoir in Utah (forget which one)
Me wake boarding
Don't know why but Dallin got yet another key board.
The kids are always swimming. Especially Jojo. She gets in about 4 times a day and just comes in sopping wet.
Jake tried to give us a heart attack twice.
He ran away twice and luckily a different neighbor kept him both times.
The kids like their new turf.
Sedona Anniversary Trip
It was so relaxing and needed because we have been "go go go" lately. We went to the spa twice, nice restaurants, hot tub, shopping, and then we went home because it was only 1 night. But it inspired us to put more of a focus on relaxation in our day to day lives so that we don't have mental breakdowns. And of course we want to go back and try the hiking trails because it is beautiful!
We went the weekend before school started and that was good because the days before school started were stressful.
Sedona Pictures
When you're in a hippie town you gotta buy hippie stuff. So we got a himalayan salt lamp and an essential oil diffuser. lol
Poker night part two
Josie wanted to play.
Backsplash and construction starting.
First Days of School!
I wasn't as nervous this year as I have been in the past. That was good. I really love being back with this age group. So much better than elementary.

This was the classroom all set up for P.E. day one. We are in classrooms for PE classes until the gym is done. I have loved teaching Health again in the mean time.

Cross country team is blowing up! We are going to have 30 teammates before we know it! Here is Coco (assistant coach) with is new car! And a team photo. It doesn't have everyone in it though.
Our Actual Love's Day
We went to Red Lobster. Shocker I know.
Cross country made me so busy that one day last week this was literally all I saw of Dallin. We passed each other in our cars when he was on his way home and I was leaving again.I took this picture after Jake pushed Josie in the pool.
Literally. She was sitting next to it and he came up behind her and nudged her back with his head and she fell all the way in! Head under water and everything. She was so scared. Typical brother.
Dallin likes Red.
We were so busy we ran out of everything and had to run to the store at 8pm and I noticed he was covered head to toe in the color red.
I have lots of things to do to get ready for the 2nd week of school and the house is a wreck so I better go! There's another huge blog for ya!