It's summer! woohoo!!
I've had some technical difficulties with getting everything from our phones to the computer the last few weeks. Plus we've been busy. So buckle up, it's a long one.
I called this the summer of firsts because it was my first year in elementary, first time being a bridesmaid, first time going out in vegas, first time buying a house, first time owning a pool, first year of the clear link scottsdale office, first summer training with cross country, etc.
Schools Out!
Holy cow am I glad to say that the school year is over. Those last few weeks are hard. The kids are done, your patience is thin, and there are so many event packed into a short time. I felt like I was always improvising in those last few weeks because so much was different from the norm. Anyway, here's a big tower that 2nd graders made with jumbo cups.
We had a talent show and that was sooo cute to see.
We had extra time after all the kindergarteners performed so I pulled out my mad rapping skills to kill time. They thoroughly enjoyed it. Never knew that stupid thing I learned as a 4 year old would pay off! haha
The littlest cello player I've ever seen.
One 2nd grade class surprised me with little notes all over my desk! They are such sweethearts. I saw them sneaking in there and I think it was probably their teacher's idea. So cute.So much was going on and I think Dallin could tell that I was stressed. He sent flowers to my work and I almost cried because it was so unexpected and I was so grateful. What a cutie. We did a deck of cards workout with all the older grades.
Water day!
I'm not going to lie, it was hot. But it was not as hard to coordinate as I thought. Thanks to all the help we had it went over really well. I certainly could not have done that on my own, so I was so thankful for all the adults who helped.
The kids loved it!
A lot of 6th graders helped run stations.
On this station they had to use the water guns to make the towers fall.
The dream team
This was the only downside.... terrible sun burn from being out all day long. That lead to a very weird tan line on my back. Just add that on to all the weird ones I have. Anyway I'm glad becky was okay, we thought she had heat stroke near the end of the day.

The last few days went better than expected because of all the help I had. I combined classes with Elizabeth, had students clean and organize the equipment closet, and a class counted and sorted all the cups.
I got several gifts for the end of the school year, and I didn't take pictures of them all. But I really got sentimental at the end and I know I will miss those kids and teachers.
Pat McCarrell took me and Elizabeth out to dinner as a thank you for the year. He is such a nice guy.
This was the very last time for me at the elementary! Doing the final checkout with the AD and OM!
Sweet Moments
The following pics might mean nothing to everyone reading this. But to me, they bring back memories of the little tiny moments in life that have brought me joy. And since this is my journal, I'm putting them in here so I can look back and smile.
Golden state warriors are the champs! You can call us bandwagoners, but it doesn't matter. You'd be crazy not to enjoy watching an excellent team play. Regardless of how long you've been a fan, or where you're from, good basketball is good basketball.
Everybody looking out the window at the cat because the kids were going crazy. haha the cat was loving torturing jake.

Nothing but the best for my kids. lol very expensive toys. That's her favorite stick.
Summer is Trying to Kill Us
It's been hot.

And yet, he still sunbathes.
Vegas Baby
The last day of school was the day I left for Kim's bachelorette party in vegas!

These clubs are so crowed, I literally lost my pinkie toenail from some guy stepping on it.
Besties. Sistafromanothamista.

I had a blast! While I was gone, Dallin laid out with Jake. lol they were so sad without me.
Summer Break
It has been so busy!
Editing the wedding video with Jojo
Jake is obviously a very hard worker.

Writing out my plan for next year. I'm teaching 7th and 8th grade and it's a full year class, so I have to make everything last longer than a semester. I also worked with the other P.E. teachers to order all the equipment we'll need.
The cross country team has grown to 19 signed up! They use Strava to track their miles and they're competing for who can run the most this summer.

I've had 2 coaching certifications online, cpr, aed, first aid, driving record stuff, Hr, finding an assistant coach, etc. So this summer hasn't been work-free, but still it's been a nice break. And I might've complained a little, but the truth is I actually liked that course. I learned a lot and getting things done makes me feel accomplished. lol
The Big Wedding
Kim and Rodney are married now! Carline came and stayed with us with her son Isaac for the week of the wedding and it was so fun.
She's hilarious- "This one time I couldn't stop laughing but I was by myself so it was even weirder and that made it even harder to stop."
They loved him. And we think he loved them... he's only 2 months old so who knows? hahaShe's hilarious- "This one time I couldn't stop laughing but I was by myself so it was even weirder and that made it even harder to stop."
At kim's parents house the day before
My partner was Emi :)
"On a scale of 1 to 2 how hot is it right now?" lol in a romanian accent of course
Before it started
I cried during the ceremony. it was cute and I was so happy for them.
We had so much fun dancing! A lot of these pics are blurry because they're screenshots of video, because dallin and I were working on another wedding video for them.
Aww look at us. He's a looker.
And the venue was breathtaking. I loved the wedding, the dinner, my dress, the party, everything. It was awesome.
He gave me a slow dance even though he hates it :) that's how you know it's true love folks.
So pretty.
We Bought A Freaking Grown-up House!
The townhouse didn't really count because we were never planning on that being a "forever home." So now we're in shock because it's so crazy to realize that it's OURS! I love, love, love it. Neither of us really had to compromise and we both got what we were looking for. I can't wait to get rid of that awful cactus. But other than that it's great! haha
This was us at the closing! So crazy. I don't feel old enough for this! haha
And I felt so poor all of a sudden! haha
We can't wait to start putting our stamp on it and making it everything we've dreamed about. But we're going to have to slow our roll here because we obviously can't do everything all at once. I've been getting estimates from contractors and I called a landscaping company and they called me back. When I answered they asked if my mom was available. I know I have a high voice, but really? haha
Every time we'd go to the house at first Dallin would always say, "Syd we have a house! Syd we have a pool! Our own pool!" haha

There isn't another person on the entire planet I'd rather do this with. It's so cool that we did this together! Major accomplishment and I love the crap outta him.
Matthew came to town and of course I forgot to take a single picture :(
TopGolf with Clearlink!
Injecting donuts!
They're trying to make an "AZ"
Life as homeowners
MVPita is delicious. And we were looking at countertops.
This was the first time the kids saw the house!

Can't figure out what to do about these chandeliers. I'm not sure if the space needs 2, if I should replace them or just try and paint out the brass.
We've been so busy we didn't get to really celebrate until 2 weeks after we got the keys. So we finally went to Cheesecake Factory and of course this guy had me laughing the entire night. "Are the winter olympics always during the winter?" "I was 12 so it must've been 1978...." "That's enough to feed a small army so it's got to be 380 calories."

Diamondbacks Game with AMAZING seats
Our realtor Gus is the best. He gave us this and a really nice knife set! We were sitting on the 4th row!
It was so cool!
I got a big hit on video! Dallin called it he told me to start recording! I love baseball. I wish we had season tickets.
She said yes to the dress(es) LOL
I got to go wedding dress shopping with Elizabeth and I feel fine posting pictures because neither of these are the dress that she actually ended up choosing. But she did say "yes" to both and then went back again after and got a 3rd one! haha I don't get it.
She looked great in everything so it was a hard choice!She gets married in October and I'm sure it'll be here before we know it.
New Tires :(
And alignment. So there's 3 hours of my life I'll never get back.
Summer Cross Country Training
They've been working so hard
5am is difficult, but it's so rewarding after you've been up and running. It's beautiful & it gives you a great boost for the rest of the day.

You can see my new assistant coach "Coco" in this one. He's great! The sprinklers are a blessing and a curse during practices lol
Track camp with coach Soon was HARD! I did it with the students and I could not walk for 2 days after.
The beautiful park we practice at for XCMother Came to Town
Look how happy Jake and Jo were :) they hadn't seen her for a year!
Dallin lost a contact so he took them out and he couldn't see the TV unless he sat this close lol
We were binge-watching the Office while she was here because she had never seen it and that's just not okay.
This is our realtor Gus
double ovens! (She said "Ooh convection too!" and I had no idea what that meant but I nodded like I picked the house for that reason only.)
Took her to experience the PB&J burger!
red lobster
tour of clear link
This was our spa day. We got massages, painted toenails, deep conditioned hair, face masks, and went to lunch. My favorite day. She got the kids new toys and taught us how to cook stuff! We were so sad when she had to go back home.
The Optometrist
I got tinted contacts to make my eyes blue and they bugged me too much so I gave up. Dallin got glasses though!Dallin's work retreat
He stayed the weekend at a really pretty place up north.

Moving still sucks.
Jake's going through that weird thing he does when he can tell we're moving. He gets all depressed and stressed because he doesn't like change. He lays down on stuff right when I try to take it because he doesn't want to go. lol
I've been loading up car load after car load to make it less time for movers on wednesday (less money) and that is the WORST. But hey you do what you gotta do.
He was staring at us from inside while he was trying to figure out the doggie door at the new house. lol poor kid.
Dog parenting
Josie woke me up the last 2 nights because of an ear infection. She just cries and cries.
We took Jake when I had to drive Dallin to work
The pic on the right is my motivation to start dieting and run with the team. We'll leave it at that. lol
Josie's stick was holding up her ear
Taking a nap and cuddling Jake
She put her elephant in the water. When I walked over to it, she just looked at me like "what? he wanted to swim!"
Then she grabbed it and walked around the house holding this sopping wet toy.
We own a pool!
Owning a pool is awesome! The most relaxing thing in the entire world! We aren't even moved over there yet and we will go swim like 2 times a day and in the evenings and stay for so long just laying around and swimming. It's soooooo fun. Josie especially loves it!
This may be my favorite picture of all time. haha such good memories.
Both dogs on one float! It's so nice to cuddle them in the pool.
The dogs will get in on their own now and we made sure they know where the exit is and the dog door and stuff. They love it.
Clearlink 1 year anniversary party
It's already been 1 year since the scottsdale office opened up! They did a thing at the bowling alley to celebrate. It was really fun!
I made a video of our first experiences at the new house. The first time we jumped in the pool I was scared because I had no idea how deep it was but it was good thing it's really deep in the middle so we didn't hit. haha I cannot wait to move in!