Soooooo I skipped about a month and half. But I also didn't feel like there was a ton to report, so it's okay.
Ground Breaking Ceremony at My New Future School!
I went and was surprised by how many people were there! The ALA community and the city of Gilbert in general seems to have a lot of interest in it happening. I was thinking it was going to be a lot smaller than it is (probably because of my experience with Summit last year), but they're going to have sand volleyball courts, tennis courts, lots of different feilds for all the different sports, an equestrian program, etc. They had an icecream truck at the ground breaking and it was a bigger deal than I thought it'd be.
That will be my pricipal next year. They let the kids dig up some dirt too. I think it'll be cool teaching the same students I have now when they're older.
Dog Park
We've started going to the dog park a lot more because it's beautiful out this time of year and because it helps Josie a lot get over her shyness. She is actually able to be by other humans and dogs now! Usually she just paws at my legs desperately like "pick me up and get me out of here!" lol so we're proud of her progress.

I was so proud of her when she ventured out with Jake instead of staying right by us. See those little tiny white specks super far away? That's Jake and Jojo!
We went and got a couples massage and it was awesome. I always get told my neck is messed up. lol
Dallin's new computer
I've always dreamed of the entire office of my house being lit up with bright green (not). Classy. But dallin loves it. I don't fully understand why it's that much better but basically he got it from work and it's super expensive so he was really happy about it.
Clearlink Winter Party
We still haven't gotten the official pictures back so I only have a few. It was really different than the ones we've gone to in utah. Here the people are more into dancing and less into gambling (which made it a lot more fun for me). I had a lot of fun meeting new people and putting faces to names Dallin talks about. Here is me and Michelle- we crushed it on the dance floor. (That's sarcasm. We felt like dorks.) But I think most of the fun of dancing is just throwing caution to the wind and not caring what people think so....... mission accomplished.
Afterward we went to a bar/restaurant right by the venue with tina, anthony, molly, and jacob. It was a lot of fun and the food was so good!I loved watching Dallin speak to the crowd. Reminds me how far he's come and how he's a big deal at work. It was a "I'm proud of that cutie so I'm gonna take a picture" kindof moment.
Candy did a great job planning the event because they had henna tattoos, food, dancing, and gambling tables. The venue was beautiful and it all went without a hitch! (Except that we didn't win anything at the raffle.)
I was all worried about the dress coming from China and being terrible, but when it came it was good. I found a great girl who does alterations out of her house in Gilbert who made it even better! It ended up fitting and looking perfect!
This was before the alterations so that's why it's a little bunched and loose in places.
I wish I had more pictures but I don't know where the photographer from the event put them all. This is all we got.

Thanks for the gift card mom
We finally used the gift card my mom gave Dallin for his birthday to texas road house.
"Kiminy" is getting Married!
Who knew the catching of the bouquet would actually end up being true! She caught the bouquet and she is the next one out of all the single ladies at my wedding to get married!
It's June 3rd, I get to be a bridesmaid for her just like she was for me, and I'm so excited and happy for her. Bachelorette party is right after school ends! This is my pretty dress! It fits perfect and I love it!

Athletic Department Meeting
We had our 1st official meeting with all the coaches for the new high school. Long story short- some parts were exciting, some parts stressful, some things I feel prepared for, and others I don't. But we talked about uniforms among other things, I met a lot of people, and this is the only picture I got.

It left me feeling overwhelmed and you know how I overthink things. So when I saw this the next morning it calmed me down. It's a big change and I know I'll be scared at times, but I know I'll do great. "You can't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game," right? So high school, here I come!
Beauty and the Beast Rocked our worlds!
OMG that's the best movie either of us have ever seen. Even Harry Potter. Yeah, I said it. We even went back with Michelle and Jordan to see it again.
It was so good. And so fun because we went to dinner before and got icecream after.Just my Job
Whoever wrote this never had me as a PE teacher. P.E. is fun you jerks! lol And whoever wrote that is probly going to have health problems if moving around is that terrible for them. Anyways....

We do fun stuff like play video games! This is the students playing Just Dance in the gym!
Clearly not everyone hates it! right?
(Those were more papers on presidents because I told them they could redo them if they wanted. That grading took forever.)

My job during testing week was to guard the bathroom so that only one student was in there at a time. You'd think it'd be a nice break, but I actually missed normal teaching. Sitting there was pure torture.
This was a while back, but they got to their goal as a school and raised 300$ for the American Heart Association, so they got to play kickball (or another game of their choice) again.
I saw this idea on pinterest for the little kids that you glue sticks to plates and have them hit balloons over a net to play "tennis." I was super excited about it but they all ended up breaking really easily and last night I had to glue them all again. I'm hoping that I fixed the problem and it'll work better this time. But the kids LOVED it so it was worth it.

They were making towers of cups taller than they were one week! First graders on the right and 6th graders on the left. It's actually really hard for them to cooperate enough to do that together and avoid knocking it down!
I'm desperate for help at the track meet coming up. So I figured if I have to hold a stop sign at car line every day after school, I might as well get in some shameless advertising. lol
It gets tiring doing my hair the same every day so I copied the little girls and did the "bow" hair doo.
I found a new thing called S & S powder for nails. If you haven't heard of it, find a girl or salon who does it because it's 10 times better than gel and it's not damaging at all. It stayed on for a solid 3 weeks and would've lasted 4 but I took it off. It's amazing! You just paint stuff on, then dip it in powder and repeat, so it's super fast.

Spring Break!
I didn't do much. Hanging out at home wearing pajamas.
But the good news is I finished the entire show of Glee (every season)...... so it was pretty productive. LOL I was in a weird daze, so the song "Glitter in the Air" blew my mind and I had to take a picture so that I could listen to it again.
I got a new tooth!
So the tooth next to my 2 big front teeth had sunken back (you can see it in the pic on the left) so they said I could either get braces for 12 months or just put another fake tooth on top of it so make it look like they're all in line. So I did it! And I'm so glad. Braces would have sucked and it looks great.
Elizabeth & Joel got engaged!
Tehy had an engagement party that we couldn't go to but sent flowers. I'm happy for them. It's a year away and almost all the way planned already! lol
Grand Pup Package
Sara sent the kids presents and they're all so cute! Leashes, collars, doggie notebook, doggie frames, "my children bark" sign. It's adoreable and such a nice surprise.
Look how funny Josie is.
When her hair grows out she looks hilarious. She looks so disheveled and wild lol
Her new collar with a flower on it!

This is what she does when I tell her to go outside and go potty before we go to bed. She just sits there staring at me with her hair blowing in the wind like, "this is ridiculous. Can I come in yet?" lol
So they got groomed and now they look like normal dogs again instead of ewoks lol
Idk why I'm into decorating still when we don't do anything on the actual holiday to celebrate. We're too busy and stressed now days.....

Joel's Birthday party
We went to Elizabeth's to celebrate for him and we had an awesome dinner. It was fun to meet her family and band-mates! It was a gorgeous day out!
This is her uncle and mom.The Graffs are Back in Town (sung to the tune of "The Boys are Back in Town")
I bought this just cuz I thought it was funny and the timing that they came to Arizona.

They brought Charlotte their cute new puppy.
I didn't take as many pictures as I'd hoped, and I didn't actually end up spending the whole time with them here because I had a meeting and work and stuff. But we did a lot of house hunting for both of us, because they're thinking about moving to Arizona. And we also went to this cool historic mining town out in Apache Junction and it was so picturesque.
It was a beautiful day with beautiful scenery!
At least they gave her DP in jail! lol
He lost.... but that cowboy is a pretty legit checkers player. lol
They had so many cute shops where you could buy stuff or do activities. They had a train ride, a mine tour, bakery, icecream, restaurant, etc.
Hat shop! lol
Here's the church
And the cute cowboy commandments on the church lol

Inside we did an arcade shooting game
Dallin did awesome and I don't think I got anything lol
It was really fun!
Dave and Selena on the zipline. He put his hands up and it stopped all of a sudden and he almost fell out! haha
Dallin bought lavender oil at the Apothocary where it's all homemade
We got a picture on the zipline! So cute.
Sara and Selena!
Us with the cowboys!
We took the dogs to the dog park and poor Charlotte was petrified. (She's the size of a soup can so I don't blame her!)
Back on the Diet Train
Livin' that Isagenix life again for 30 days.
Yeah, sometimes it sucks.
We got a new chair because we both wanted to sit in the one I got for christmas!
We also got a mister so we can sit outside when it's hot!I need to go out there and lay out to even out these insane tan lines. I get laughed at a lot.
One line for capris, one line for where my pants end and one where my socks are. The good news is I have very tan ankles. lol
We've had tough times over the last month and a half, and we've also had really good times. I think we're getting better every day at having a positive outlook.