Hola mis amigos! Spanish theme this time.
Our "vida" has been "loca" lately because we've been pretty busy. But at the same time, I don't really have a lot of pictures or news or anything. So it's kind of weird.
"Linda" (which is supposed to mean cute.)
Josie has ear infections again. Allergy season, so my throat and eyes are in uproar right now.
Jake's been going nuts lately because he hasn't been out a lot lately and Josie's knee has been hurting so she's not playing with him. There are also a ton of birds around here lately so that drives him crazy too. I've thought about taking him to doggie day care just so that he can get some of his psycho out.

Family photo! We all piled up on one chair! And of course Jake isn't paying attention because there's probably a bird outside the window that he's staring at. And of course Josie won't put the yogurt container down.

I don't think normal dogs just chill sitting up and cuddle like ours do.....

DIY de nuevo...
I couldn't believe that it was impossible to find a crate like this that was already stained. So I had to stain it myself. While I was doing it, the wind blew really hard and knocked over the whole can of stain. Now there is a brown spot on the concrete and one side of the crate is basically black because the whole can went on it. It reminded me once again how much I hate making stuff.
But at least it turned out okay. I like the way it looks now!
This was my other project. I use it as a vanity stool for my bathroom, but that bathroom is white, black and grey and the stool was brown. So I covered it with fabric and painted the legs black. This project was significantly easier and turned out pretty good. It took me like 30 mins to do. (Or less)
Valentine's Day with Mi Amor
Valentine's day this year was low-key but good. I got this from a student which was sweet. I also took a picture to document that we are doing a fundraiser for the American Heart Association, and the students who donate get a "zoo crew" animal. I couldn't believe how expensive they make the requirements. One kid spent 275$ just to get a tiny key chain of a zebra. But oh well, it goes to charity!
One girl felt bad and gave me her pre-licked and opened sucker for Valentine's day. So thoughtful.
This is closer to my name than others at least!

This little cutie was so thoughtful to get me a window cling to hang on my office/closet door with the other window clings. The only funny thing is that she thinks my name is Ms. Beth. I don't know why, because she knows Miss Elizabeth.... maybe she thinks there are two. lol Anyway everytime she writes me a note and my christmas present and my valentine said "to ms. beth." Oh well, I like it. (It's the butterfly one)

On Valentine's day I surprised Dallin and had a bouquet of balloons sent to his work. It was overpriced, but accomplished the goal of embarrassing him. :) We both feel like we've been spending a lot of money lately so we wanted to keep the V-day cost to a minimum. So I told him not to get me flowers but after the balloons thing he felt bamboozled and got flowers on the way home. So our "let's not spend money" idea turned into about 90 dollars. hehehe
We made a nice dinner and had a "book club" night. (Which I am now aware that some people think is weird. Haters gonna hate. I'm lovin' it.)
I also made cheesecake with fresh berries on top. It was so good!

My beautiful flowers!
Muy Cansado
We have both been feeling worn out lately. Brianna invited us to go out and I sent her this picture and said, "We are all dead over here." lol we didn't do anything 2 weekends ago but sleep. Sometimes a week of working requires serious recuperation.
Dallin's Relajacion
Dallin used his Christmas present that weekend. He was nervous so I went with him. I would make fun of him, but I was too nervous to make an appointment for myself, so I'm worse. Lol It was at a float spa. So you go in that capsule thing and float in water and the whole room and pod is temperature controlled so you can't feel the difference between the water and the air. It's supposed to be super relaxing. I just freak out in enclosed spaces. I still don't know if I will ever be able to do it. Dallin said it was mind blowing though. I think he especially needs it because he is constantly over-stimulated. He will watch tv and look at his phone at the same time, and when he's not doing that he's at work doing 400 things at once or playing a video game while answering emails. I think it was good for him to take away his phone and have him deal with the complete opposite for 60 minutes. Because he gets so stressed out and then plays his game. And in my opinion that just makes it worse because he is freaking out and yelling at the screen and hitting the keyboard. Anyway, this was the guy explaining what to do.
There's dallin and the other guy who was going in other room.cray cray, right?
He said it was glorious. We found it on groupon!
We don't know what we're doing
when it comes to the house thing. Our rental lease is up in July, so we've been thinking about whether or not we should buy or move. We went to talk to a custom home builder just out of curiosity. It would be a super cool thing and they were really nice. It would be a great option for us, but the lot situation was what complicated it. We want something centrally located so that Dallin doesn't have a crazy commute, so I don't think we will end up going this route. But it was super fun to draw out the design for my dream home! :)
Buena Carne
We went to Ruth's Chris with the premier club at clearlink! It was sooooo fun! I was so happy I got to go this time. Meeting everyone was a blast, and of course the food is to die for. I love that place. I think it's my favorite restaurant. The service at the scottsdale location was amazing. Thank you Clearlink! :)

Jake and Josie were also pleased with the leftovers :)
They are so spoiled.
Musica Bonita
Upon Spencer's request, Michelle, Jordan, Dallin, and I went to the Symphony in Phoenix! They were doing a Disney themed show, so they had the screen play the movies, and singers while they played the music of all the classic movies.
I was thinking it might be weird, and I didn't love the price, but in the end I was SO GLAD we went. It was so cool it blew our minds!The singers were so good! I laughed, felt romantic, adventurous, etc. Everything about it was spot-on. We found out they're doing a Harry Potter show in October so of course we're going!
The drive in and out of there was not as awesome as the show was. Since we had to go to down town phoenix, we passed Trenden's old med school. I got so car sick, traffic was terrible, and we ended up being a little late because it was hard to find parking. I don't blame Trenden for not liking AZ that much if that is what he dealt with. Mesa and Gilbert are totally different and less stress. It was all worth it for that show though. So good.
Mejores Amigos
Kim and Rodney came to visit! Her parents moved to Marana, which is 2 hours south of here, and they were down there to visit. I was soooooo excited to see them again. They brought Shadow, and we played games and talked and ate all night.
(Side note: as you can see behind Dallin, the St. Patty's day stuff has already gone up!)
I just want to say for the record that I actually beat Dallin at a card game. It's called "butt head." lol
They are getting married in June and I couldn't be happier for them! I am so excited!!! :) Here are the cute pups posing for a picture.
Teeth stuff
Dallin thinks he may need another root canal, and I went in and had my teeth squared up a bit more. They had rounded edges and one of my front teeth was longer than the other so she just shaved the bottoms of the teeth. I'm getting a fake tooth for one of the side ones so this is the in between picture and we will see if it looks better once I get my new tooth! I am excited but scared at the same time. She said if we get it and it doesn't look good we can just return it and it's no harm done.
Clearlink folks in town!
We went out to dinner with Josh, his wife and son, Kyle, Michelle, Jordan and their daughter. It was really fun and this little restaurant Rosa's is pretty good. I forgot to take pictures, but that's how you know it was a good time.
The Diet is not going well....
Becky gave me a twix bar yesterday, the cafeteria lady handed out donuts this morning, and then this is what happened when I asked Dallin if I could have just one of his fries. lol That whole thing was connected!
This is the reason for the dieting. I ordered this dress online so when it gets here this week we will see if it fits or not. The clearlink party is saturday so if this dress doesn't work out I'm going to be soooo annoyed.
Well, I guess that's all.