Hey there. Here we are again.
2 weeks ago we went to Tanner park again. My happy place. And the dogs too. They had so much fun playing with other dogs, hiking, and swimming.
Graff Fam Squared
We hosted dinner last week, and Rudy was being cute with the puppies so I filmed it. They're besties now. All a boy needs is a dog :) pure happiness.You only turn 27.5 once!
It was Dallin's half birthday on the 14th, so now he's officially 27 and a half! I got him this handle for his games, and it better be made of panda because it was 100$. I still got a good deal because Trenden sold it to me, but I still got some major brownie points for that purchase because Dallin knows how hard it was for me to justify. lol He loves it so much he cried.It's finally spring!
Look how many steps I had the other day! Having this fancy watch is actually really motivating. It tells me when I've been sedentary for too long, and this day it told me that my active minutes was higher than ever before! Cool right?
We went on a walk yesterday and today! It was so nice to have it be warm finally!
Granny's Turnin' 80!
My Granny Flanigan is turning 80, and I wish I could go out to Illinois to celebrate with them, but it falls on the last day of school. I am going to make a surprise for her instead and help get/make some decorations for the party and send them. I really wish I had a card that got me sky miles or something so I don't have to pay a ton to get back there!
My Spring Break
I was sick literally the whole 6 days we had off. :(
Not ideal, but at least it wasn't strep. (Taken at the doctor's office.)
So instead of going on wild adventures like everyone else, my break was really relaxing. I even put my tv in the bathroom so I could watch netflix while in the bubble bath.I read a lot of harry potter and took a lot of naps.
I went to lunch with Tom on Saturday.
I got a new pair of shoes, pants, and a jacket.
I went and stayed with my mom and tom for the last couple of nights and we went to see allegiant!
Even though it was really different from the book, I still liked it a lot.

The last Saturday of the break I was the "building supervisor" while there were club teams using the basketball courts. It was nice because I got paid for 7 hours to just be there and work on lessons and stuff. I got a lot done.
This was Dallin's little work get-away to St. George. I wasn't that happy about it because I was sick and by myself with nothing to do because of spring break. But he had fun, and truthfully it wasn't that bad.

They went golfing a lot and swam and stuff.

They stayed in a really cool house with this courtyard thing.
LOL. No words.
We've been knee deep in this house business for at least a month now. We've almost gone ahead with a few different options, but we've been very thorough with thinking it through. I've been really thankful for my dad recently because he's give me advice and drawn our attention to things we wouldn't have thought of. Anyway, it's the same price basically to build as it is to buy, so we decided to do that. Then we researched every builder in Utah to see who would give us the best deal.
We ended up going with this one! Here's a video. We negotiated and ended up getting a really good deal on it. (Disclaimer: it won't look exactly like this because we won't have that many upgrades.)
We went to the design center once already, but we will be going back two more times. They just have every possible option set up and it's like stimuli overload in there. "The adult candy store" as they say.
They gave us some fancy cookies and a binder to keep all the paperwork in.
We are really excited about it, and it's hard to stop obsessing. We have to try though because it's kindof far out when we'll actually see it and move in.
But seriously.... WOOHOO!!! :) okay I'm done now.
Time is passing, and we are moving so close to summer!
On Monday we got a free Cupbop dinner! This is because one of the students parents owns that company so they give it to the teachers as a gift. So good.
Yes, I actually did my hair. Everyone was asking me if I got a haircut because they haven't seen it down in so long they forgot what it looks like. lol
Anyway, this is what it looks like straight now that it's at the "LOB" stage. I thought I would document it just in case it never happens again.
Here's a pinterest inspired doo. I was still trying lots of cool hairdoos before I just wasn't ever straightening it because it takes so long. It was always up. For winter hibernation if you will.Here comes the doggie part
LOOOOOOONG doggie section this time. I can't help myself.
Josie has taken up smoking lol (and no that is not a tampon. it is the inside of a toy)
They've gotten a bunch of new toys lately because I'm a weakling in the pet isle. Josie's not good at sharing. Jo has to have a pony tail to be able to see because they're getting a haircut next week. Jake's such a picky eater he won't even eat the new dog treats.
Their fave
He likes to look out between the fence :)
This is Jakey leaned up against Dallin's knee. He was tired lol
This article is basically the story of my life.
http://www.top13.net/differences-dog-lovers-dog-parents/I need to be re-invigorated!
I haven't been to the gym in like 3 weeks, and a lot of it is because i was so sick for 2 of them. The other week was just laziness. It's hard to start the habit up again.
Real Movies
We got both of these movies from redbox and it blew our minds. People are more controlled than they know by huge companies.
This one was so good by the way.Date-ster
We got to meet Jame's girlfriend Charity, and hung out with them a couple weeks ago. We went to dinner and then played the board. It was really fun!
James got down on the floor with the dogs and Dallin was throwing them all cheese for treats :) lolWhitey & Shady
We saw the real slim shady on Saturday and tried a new bbq place! We went to 5 star and there was a live band! It was great food, a great time, and I learned to spin the ball when we went bowling!
Kobe's last game
Dallin was a mess. He did great though and it was a perfect end to his epic career. He'll be missed. (By Dallin.)
You learn something new every day.
Dallin was riding in my car somewhere the other day (to one of our endless house-related outings) and he found the barf bag in the center console. He laughed so hard and said he wanted to put it on the blog, so I am now. Basically, the story is, I projectile vomited so violently and so regularly as a kid that Shelly and my dad had their cars stocked with barf bags. You see, regular grocery bags didn't work because I'd literally blow right through them. Since this happened pretty much any time we drove anywhere, Shelly stocked my car up as soon as I could drive. :) Thoughtful and practical. Now that's a story to woo a lover with. Dallin thought it was so romantic.
So that's it I think.
Short & sweet.
See ya next time!